PAGE .Harry G. Brown 505 ....W. O. Weyforth 531 Rate Regulation, Railroad Valuation and. D. Philip Locklin 432 Significance of Industrial Integration, The.......Lawrence K. Frank 179 Statistical Law of Demand as Illustrated by the Demand for Sugar, Statistics of Pauperism, English War. .Henry Schultz, I, 481; II 577 ...Edith Abbott I Sugar, The Statistical Law of Demand as Illustrated by the Demand Trade Union Educational League and the American Labor Movement, 107 ...Earl R. Beckner 410 The...... Utility Concept in Value Theory and Its Critics, The 129 Jacob Viner, I, 369; II 638 Value Theory and Its Critics, The Utility Concept in Jacob Viner, I, 369; II 638 War Statistics of Pauperism, English... I ..William G. Haber 388 AUTHORS' INDEX ABBOTT, EDITH. English War Statistics of Pauperism. BARTH, HARRY A. Co-operation in the Blue-Grass.. BECKNER, EARL R. The Trade Union Educational League and the I 455 410 BENNER, CLAUDE L. Credit Aspects of the Agricultural Depression, 1920-21... .I, 94; II 217 BROWN, HARRY G. Railroad Valuation and Rate Regulation...... 505 DOUGLAS, PAUL H. Amount and Nature of Family Allowances... 550 45 FRIEDRICH, CARL J. (translated from the German and with an Intro- PAGE 232 726 GARVER, F. B., AND HANSEN, A. H. Principles of Economics. 357 490 HANSEN, A. H., AND GARVER, F. B. Principles of Economics. 726 244 HARMS, BERNHARD (edited by). Strukturwandlungen der Deutschen einigung für Staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung. HARRIS, S. E. The Assignats.... 491 708 HEER, CLARENCE. Income and Wages in the South.. 717 241 HOHMAN, ELMO P. The American Whaleman.. 497 HOLTROP, M. W. De omloopssnelheid van het geld. 234 HOYT, ELIZABETH ELLIS. The Consumption of Wealth. II2 INNIS, H. A. Select Documents in Canadian Economic History, 1497- 724 INNIS, H. A. The Fur Trade of Canada... 366 JAFFÉ, WILLIAM, AND OGBURN, WILLIAM F. The Economic Develop- 712 JENKS, EDWARD. The Book of English Law........ 237 KEEZER, DEXTER M., AND MAY, STACY. The Public Control of Busi- ness... 616 KING, WILLFORD ISBELL. The Small Loan Situation in New Jersey 622 KIRSH, BENJAMIN S. Trade Associations: The Legal Aspects.. 238 486 LAZARD, JEAN-PIERRE. Politique et Théories Monétaires Anglaises 122 LEE, ADAH L.; MOULTON, H. G.; AND MORGAN, C. S. The St. Lawrence 86 MACDONALD, AUSTIN F. Federal Aid: A Study of the American Sub- LYON, LEVERETT S. Hand-to-Mouth Buying.. sidy System... MADDEN, JOHN T., AND NADLER, MARCUS. Foreign Securities.. 621 I 20 720 BLANKENHORN, HEBER. The Strike for Union.... CLARK, FRED E. Readings in Marketing.. CLEMEN, RUDOLF ALEXANDER. American Livestock and Meat In- PAGE 127 477 ELY, RICHARD T. and MOREHOUSE, EDWARD W. Elements of Land Economics ..... 246 EVERITT, F. C. and HEYWOOD, JOHNSON. Cost Control for Foundries 126 361 472 479 124 FOSTER, WILLIAM TRUFANT, and CATCHINGS, WADDILL. Money..... .... ....... HIGGS, HENRY. Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy... JENSEN, JENS P. Problems of Public Finance... KOHLER, E. L. Accounting Principles Underlying Federal Income 567 LANFEAR, V. W. Business Fluctuations and the American Labor MILLER, EARL J. Workmen's Representation in Industrial Govern- 248 MILLER, E. M. and others. Some Great Commodities... 368 MILLS, R. C. and BENHAM, F. C. Lectures on the Principles of Money, Banking, and Foreign Exchange and Their Application to Australia... 695 MONROE, A. E. Early Economic Thought. 256 MOREHOUSE, FRANCES, and GRAHAM, SYBIL FLEMING. American Problems ... 128 MORMAN, JAMES B. Farm Credits in the United States and Canada 125 364 NOURSE, E. G. American Agriculture and the European Market.... 684 478 PATON, WILLIAM A. Accounting Theory.... 366 POLITICAL Volume XXXVIII FEBRUARY 1930 Number 1 A Measurement of British Industrial Production N. A. Tolles and Paul H. Douglas 1 86 The St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project BOOK REVIEWS Seligman's The Economics of Farm Relief (Nourse), 108.-Hoyt's The Consumption of Wealth (Kyrk), Books Received THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. 124 |