Lapas attēli


February, April, June, August, October, December, 1930

Composed and Printed By
The University of Chicago Press
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

[blocks in formation]

Agriculture, The Relationship of Business Activity to... Erwin Graue
Aspects of Mexican Immigration, Some.
Bank Deposits in England, Velocity of


Paul S. Taylor



458 .

Lionel D. Edie and Donald Weaver

Bank Notes, The Elasticity of..
.L. W. Mints
Banks and of the Amount of Money in General Circulation in the
United States, An Estimate of the Amount of Money Held by the

Y. S. Leong
Black's Production Economics, Some Notes on.....Theodore O. Yntema
British Industrial Production, A Measurement of

164 698




N. A. Tolles and Paul H. Douglas I Business Activity to Agriculture, The Relationship of... Erwin Graue Business Cycle Theory in Germany, Monetary. .Simon Kuznets Changes in the United States, Recent Economic. ...Charles O. Hardy Chicago, Price Competition in the Commercial Printing Industry of Emily Clark Brown Circulation in the United States, An Estimate of the Amount of Money Held by the Banks and of the Amount of Money in General


Y. S. Leong 164


Competition in the Commercial Printing Industry of Chicago, Price
Emily Clark Brown
Co-ordination Transport: Meaning and Purpose...G. Shorey Peterson 660
Corporation Laws of New Jersey, Economic Influences upon the

Harold W. Stoke 551

Cottonseed Oil Industry, The Rise of the American .....H. C. Nixon
Crises, A Mathematical Theory of Price and Production Fluctuations

and Economic.....



..C. F.Roos
.E. T. Hiller 523

Culture Theory of Population Trends, A..
Debts, Reparations, and National Policy, Inter-Allied............H. L. Lutz
Economic Influences upon the Corporation Laws of New Jersey

Elasticity of Bank Notes, The.....
England, Velocity of Bank Deposits in


Harold W. Stoke 551 .L. W. Mints 458

Lionel D. Edie and Donald Weaver


[blocks in formation]

English Theories of Foreign Trade before Adam Smith


Equilibrium, Period of Production, Durability, and the Rate of Inter-
est in the Economic.......
....Gerhard Mackenroth 629
Estimate of the Amount of Money Held by the Banks and of the
Amount of Money in General Circulation in the United States, An

Y. S. Leong
.Mabel Newcomer

Farmer, The General Property Tax and the.
Fascist Policy on Population, The Italian Demographic Problem and



.Corrado Gini 682

[blocks in formation]

.Mabel Newcomer


Fluctuations and Economic Crises, A Mathematical Theory of Price

and Production......

French Syndicalism of the Present.

General Property Tax and the Farmer, The.
Germany, Monetary Business Cycle Theory in.......Simon Kuznets 125
Gold Camps on the Economic Development of Western Montana,
Influence of the....

Immigration, Some Aspects of Mexican..........

.S. J. Coon 580
Paul S. Taylor 609

Influence of the Gold Camps on the Economic Development of Western

.S. J. Coon 580

Inter-Allied Debts, Reparations, and National Policy....H. L. Lutz 29
Interest in the Economic Equilibrium, Period of Production, Durabil-
ity, and the Rate of.....
.Gerhard Mackenroth 629

Italian Demographic Problem and the Fascist Policy on Population,

Manufacturing, 1890-1928, Production in Massachusetts

.Corrado Gini 682

[blocks in formation]

Paul H. Douglas
Paul S. Taylor 609
Simon Kuznets 125


Mexican Immigration, Some Aspects of...
Monetary Business Cycle Theory in Germany...
Money Held by the Banks and of the Amount of Money in General
Circulation in the United States, An Estimate of the Amount of

Y. S. Leong 164

Montana, Influence of the Gold Camps on the Economic Development
of Western....

.S. J. Coon 580
Philip G. Wright 328

Moore's Synthetic Economics.
Navigation and Power Project, The St. Lawrence. Lesslie R. Thomson
Navigation and Power Project, The St. Lawrence: A Reply

H. G. Moulton, C. S. Morgan, and A. L. Lee 345
Navigation and Power Project, The St. Lawrence: A Rejoinder
Lesslie R. Thomson 479


New Conception of the "Standard of Value," The....W. C. Schluter 600
New Jersey, Economic Influences upon the Corporation Laws of

Harold W. Stoke 551

Period of Production, Durability, and the Rate of Interest in the
Economic Equilibrium. . . . . .
....Gerhard Mackenroth 629
Population, The Italian Demographic Problem and the Fascist
Policy on.

.Corrado Gini
E. T. Hiller


Population Trends, A Culture Theory of..
Power Project, The St. Lawrence Navigation and. Lesslie R. Thomson
Power Project, The St. Lawrence Navigation and: A Reply


H. G. Moulton, C. S. Morgan, and A. L. Lee 345
Power Project, The St. Lawrence Navigation and: A Rejoinder

Lesslie R. Thomson 479

Price Competition in the Commercial Printing Industry of Chicago

Emily Clark Brown 194

Printing Industry of Chicago, Price Competition in the Commercial

Production, A Measurement of British Industrial

Emily Clark Brown 194

Gerhard Mackenroth 629

N. A. Tolles and Paul H. Douglas I
Production, Durability, and the Rate of Interest in the Economic
Equilibrium, Period of.......
Production Economics, Some Notes on Black's.... Theodore O. Yntema 698
Production in Massachusetts Manufacturing, 1890-1928

Charles W. Cobb



Recent Economic Changes in the United States....Charles O. Hardy
Relationship of Business Activity to Agriculture, The... Erwin Graue 472
Reparations, and National Policy, Inter-Allied Debts.... H. L. Lutz
Rise of the American Cottonseed Oil Industry, The.. .H. C. Nixon
St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project, The.. Lesslie R. Thomson
St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project, The: A Reply



H. G. Moulton, C. S. Morgan, and A. L. Lee 345
St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project: A Rejoinder

Lesslie R. Thomson 479

Social Sciences? What's Wrong with College Teaching in the

Harvey A. Wooster 302
Some Notes on Black's Production Economics....Theodore O. Yntema 698
"Standard of Value," The New Conception of the.....W. C. Schluter 600

Syndicalism of the Present, French..

Synthetic Economics, Moore's..

Tax and the Farmer, The General Property.

[blocks in formation]

Teaching in the Social Sciences? What's Wrong with College

Harvey A. Wooster 302

Trade before Adam Smith, English Theories of Foreign

Jacob Viner I, 249; II,



Currencies, Tariff Devices to Meet a Problem of Depreciating

Walter Muhlbach 293
Currency Reform in Russia, Banking and......Alexis Goldenweiser 234
Demand as Illustrated by the Demand for Sugar, The Statistical
Law of......
.Henry Schultz, I, 481; II 577
Depreciating Currencies, Tariff Devices to Meet a Problem of

Walter Muhlbach 293

Claude L. Brenner, I, 94; II 217

Depression, Credit Aspects of the Agricultural

.Edith Abbott I

Dividends in Income Taxation, The Treatment of........H. L. Lutz 129
Effect of Price Fluctuations on Agriculture, The....Alvin H. Hansen 196
Eight-hour Day, Typothetae and the..
.Leona M. Powell 660
English War Statistics of Pauperism..
Family Allowances, Amount and Nature of........Paul H. Douglas 45
Federal Taxation, The Concept of Income in....William W. Hewett 155
Freight Charges on Agricultural Products, The Incidence of

Henry R. Trumbower 340
German Socialism, Present-Day Tendencies in........Emil Frankel 60
Incidence of Freight Charges on Agricultural Products, The

Henry R. Trumbower 340
Income in Federal Taxation, The Concept of....William W. Hewett 155
Income Taxation, The Treatment of Dividends in........H. L. Lutz 129
Industrial Integration, The Significance of......Lawrence K. Frank 179
Integration, The Significance of Industrial......Lawrence K. Frank 179
Interstate Commerce Act, The Attack upon Section 15A of the

D. Philip Locklin 432

Introduction of Machinery in the Men's Clothing Industry, Workers'
...William G. Haber 388

Rights and the.....

Labor Movement, The Trade Union Educational League and the

Labor's Attempt to Govern Britain..

Earl R. Beckner
William T. Morgan



Machinery in the Men's Clothing Industry, Workers' Rights and the
Introduction of......

...William G. Haber 388
Marginal Productivity, A Note on Professor Clark's Illustration of
F. H. Knight and J. M. Clark 550
National Bank Notes, The Retirement of..........W. O. Weyforth
Note on Professor Clark's Illustration of Marginal Productivity, A
F. H. Knight and J. M. Clark
..Emil Frankel
.J. A. Estey

Present-Day Tendencies in German Socialism.
Prices, Stabilizing Agricultural..





Price Fluctuations on Agriculture, The Effect of....Alvin H. Hansen 196
Profit, Analysis of......

Railroad Valuation and Rate Regulation.

.R. A. Lehfeldt 278
.Harry G. Brown 505

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