STATE OF IOWA, TO HON. WILLIAM LARRABEE, Governor of Iowa: } As required by law, we have the honor to submit herewith the tenth annual report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, showing the capital stock, debt, general traffic, earnings, operating expenses, and condition of the roads doing business in Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1887; a statement of the complaints brought before us for adjudication, with decisions of the Board in full; complete report of serious accidents investigated, together with the returns of the several companies to this office and the tabular statements made therefrom; a synopsis of the cases decided by the InterState Commerce Commission; also a table of cases decided by the Supreme Court of Iowa affecting railroads from the organization to this date; and a topical index of cases decided by this Board. We also present an abstract of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State rendered since the date of our last report upon questions affecting railroads and their relations to citizens of the State, and general remarks of the Commissioners upon the subjects that have come before them for consideration. On April 1st, 1887, Spencer Smith of Pottawattamie county, was appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the expiration of the term of service of James W. McDill of Union county, and on Sept. 15th, 1887, W. W. Ainsworth was appointed Secretary of the Board in place of E. G. Morgan, whose failing health compelled him to resign. Mr. Morgan was the second Secretary of the Board. He was elected January 12, 1880, and held the position seven and one half years. The fidelity and ability with which he filled the office during this period made his resignation a source of regret to his associates. |