Annual Register of World Events, 37. sējums1807 |
No grāmatas satura
146. lappuse
... Parliament . -Speech from the Throne , recommending a vigorous Prosecution of the War . - Addresses , in Answer ; from both Houses.- Debates thereon . - Motion , by Mr. Sheridan tending to the Repeal of the Suspension of the Habeas ...
... Parliament . -Speech from the Throne , recommending a vigorous Prosecution of the War . - Addresses , in Answer ; from both Houses.- Debates thereon . - Motion , by Mr. Sheridan tending to the Repeal of the Suspension of the Habeas ...
148. lappuse
... parliament of Great Bri . tain , resumed its annual sessions : they were opened by the king on the thirteenth day of December ; the royal speech insisted on the necessity of a vigerous continuation of the war , and on the rapid decline ...
... parliament of Great Bri . tain , resumed its annual sessions : they were opened by the king on the thirteenth day of December ; the royal speech insisted on the necessity of a vigerous continuation of the war , and on the rapid decline ...
152. lappuse
... parliament to make such provision . In reply to Mr. Pitt , it was as- serted , by Mr. Sheridan , that the bill had been hurried through the house in two days , without the usual notice , a circumstance far from im- plying requisite ...
... parliament to make such provision . In reply to Mr. Pitt , it was as- serted , by Mr. Sheridan , that the bill had been hurried through the house in two days , without the usual notice , a circumstance far from im- plying requisite ...
157. lappuse
... Parliament was clearly entitled to investigate the conduct of jaries ; otherwise there would be no redress against the corruption of juries or of judges , nor against ministerial oppression . On this maxim he justified the dis ...
... Parliament was clearly entitled to investigate the conduct of jaries ; otherwise there would be no redress against the corruption of juries or of judges , nor against ministerial oppression . On this maxim he justified the dis ...
158. lappuse
... parliament , could not , consistently with reason and equity , be question . ed without the most evident neces- sity . In the present cases , no ac- quittal had taken place , but after the strictest and severest trial : In that of Hardy ...
... parliament , could not , consistently with reason and equity , be question . ed without the most evident neces- sity . In the present cases , no ac- quittal had taken place , but after the strictest and severest trial : In that of Hardy ...
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alarm appeared arms army assembly Austria bart Britain Britannic majesty British captain cause Chouans citizens command conduct consequence constitution convention Corsica coun council council of ancients court danger daugh daughter declared decree ditto duchy of Cornwall duke earl effect empire enemy execution exertions expence favour force France French republic German empire guilty honour hundred Imperial majesty inhabitants insurgents Ireland jacobins John justice king king of Prussia kingdom Lady late liberty lord lord Fitzwilliam majesty's manner means measures ment military ministers moderate party motion nation neral occasion officers opinion opposed parliament party peace persons Poland port present prince principles provinces Prussia render resolution respect Roberspierre royal seamen sent ships sion spirit tained taken ther thousand pounds tion treaty trial troops United Provinces vernment vessels Warren Hastings whole wounded
Populāri fragmenti
293. lappuse - In order to terminate all differences on account of the losses sustained by the citizens of the United States, in consequence of their vessels and cargoes having been taken by the subjects of his Catholic Majesty, during the late war between Spain and France, it is agreed, that all such cases shall be referred to the final decision of commissioners, to be appointed in the following manner...
291. lappuse - These merchandizes which follow shall not be reckoned among contraband or prohibited goods; that is to say, all sorts of cloths, and all other manufactures woven of any wool, flax, silk, cotton or any other materials whatever; all kinds of wearing apparel, together with the...
289. lappuse - And in all cases of seizure, detention, or arrest, for debts contracted or offences committed by any citizen or subject of the one party, within the jurisdiction of the other, the same shall be made and prosecuted by order and authority of law only, and according to the regular course of proceedings usual in such cases.
295. lappuse - Three of the said Commissioners shall constitute a board, and shall have power to do any act appertaining to the said Commission, provided that one of the Commissioners named on each side, and the fifth Commissioner shall be present, and all decisions shall be made by the majority of the voices of the Commissioners then present.
124. lappuse - I received your letter with indignation, and with scorn return you this answer; that I cannot but wonder whence you should gather any hopes...
173. lappuse - ... consisting of the most considerable persons, to which the parties who think themselves aggrieved may appeal ; and this superior court judges by the same rule which governs the court of Admiralty viz. the law of nations, and the treaties subsisting with that neutral power, whose subject is a party before them. ' " If no appeal is offered, it is an acknowledgment of the justice of the sentence by the parties themselves, and conclusive.
171. lappuse - When two powers are at war, they have a right to make prizes of the ships, goods, and effects of each other, upon the high seas. Whatever is the property of the enemy...
37. lappuse - Nations, was the son of Adam Smith, comptroller of the customs at Kirkaldy, 1 and of Margaret Douglas, daughter of Mr. Douglas of Strathenry. He was the only child of the marriage, and was born at Kirkaldy on the 5th of June 1723, a few months after the death of his father. His constitution during infancy was infirm and sickly, and required all the tender solicitude of his surviving parent. She was blamed for treating him with an unlimited indulgence; but it produced no unfavourable effects on his...
272. lappuse - Treaty signed this day. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto their seals.
53. lappuse - Theory of Moral Sentiments, most of which were composed under severe disease, had fortunately been sent to the press in the beginning of the preceding winter?" and the author lived to see the publication of the work. The moral and serious strain that prevails through these additions, when connected with the circumstance of his declining health, adds a peculiar charm to his pathetic eloquence, and communicates a new interest, if possible, to those sublime truths, which, in the academical retirement...