Lapas attēli


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Affairs of Ireland. - Population. -Ecclesiastical Divisions of the People.-
Discontents at Tythes. - Resistance made to their Collection.-Petition
of the principal Roman Catholics, for the Redress of sundry Grievances,
to the King. An Answer returned, containing a Number of Concessions.
-Secret Connections between many of the Irish and the French Revolu-
tionists, a Subject of Alarm in England. The Earl Fitzwilliam appoint-
ed to the Government of Ireland.-Meeting of the Irish Parliament.-
Ample Supplies granted. --The Catholic Party prepare to press and en-
force their Demands. - Lord Fitzwilliam endeavours to conciliate their
Favour.-Motion by Mr. Grattan, for Leave to bring in a Bill for the
Relief of the Roman Catholics. Carried.-Joy and Exultation of the Ca-
tholics. Damped, by Intelligence that the British Ministry are averse
to the Measure. Lord Fitzwilliam dismissed. Succceeded by Lord
Camden. An Address voted to Lord Fitzwilliam, by Parliament, highly
approving his Conduct. - Various Addresses to his Lordship from different
Parties of the disaffected.-Extreme versatility of the Irish Parliament.
-The Motions carried but a fero Days before, almost unanimously ne-
gatived now by great Majorities. The unsteadiness and tergiversation
of the Irish Parliament-men.-Sow the Seeds of Mistrust and Jealously
in their Constitutents. Altercations in the British House of Peers, res-
pecting the Instructions given so Lord Fitzwilliam, previously to his as-
suming the Government of Ireland.-Motion by the Duke of Norfolk,

for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Conduct of Ministry in this Matter

and the Grounds for their Dismissal of the Earl Fitzwilliam from the

Office of Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.-Rejected.-Debates in the House

of Commons on a similar Motion. And which met with a similar Fate.-

Speech from the Throne. And Prorogation of Parliament.

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Account of the Troops employed by the King of Prussia, in pursuance of

the Treaty signed at the Hague, April, 1794
Account of the Number of Foreign Troops actually in British Pay, laid

before the House of Commons


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Account of the Total Net Produce of Duties arising from the Stamp-Reve-
nue, that have amounted to 1000l. or more in the Four Quarters, ending

Oct. 10, 1795


Average Prices of Wheat and Barley, during the Year 1795


State of the Barometer, Thermometer, and Hygrometer for the Year 1795,


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Lord Fitzwilliam's Recall


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Proclamation by his Excellency James Seaton, Captain-General and Gover-

nor-in-Chief of the Island of St. Vincent


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Treaty of Peace between the Chiefs of the Chouans and the French Conven-


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Questions put by the Stadtholder to the Master of the Pink Johanna Hoo-



Proclamation of the Provisionary Representatives of the People of Amster-



Proclamation of the Representatives of the French People, at the Hague,

Jan 30


Proclamation of the Provisional Representatives of the People of Amster



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