Meeting of the New Legislature. --Strength of the predominant Party.-
New and great Object of Ambition among the Leaders. - Characters of the
Members of the newly-established Directory.-Pomp and Parade of the
Directory.-Policy of keeping up a Taste for external Splendour and Dis
tinction. These hateful to the rigid Republicans. The Terrorists, called
now the Society of the Pantheon, resume their primary Designs. -The Di-
rectory alarmed, yet judge it expedient to court the Favour of the Terra.
rists. Regulations of the Directory, and Contests respecting the public
Songs of Paris-The Spirit and Temper of the Parisians indicated by these
Contests: a seasonable Admonition to the Directory. Decline of Terror-
ism.- The Terrorists, or Society of the Pantheon suppressed, and the House
itself shut up. The Terrorists continue to assemble, and give vent to their
Rage, in small Parties. - A new Opposition to the Directory, more formid.
able than the Society of the Pantheon had been.--Reduction of the Galleries
in the Hall of the Convention, to a Space not containing more than three
Hundred Spectators. Utility of dividing the Legislature into two inde-
pendant Bodies.-Remarkable Artifice of the Junior Council for command..
ing the Appointment of all the Members of the Directory.-Establishment
of an Institution in France for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences.-
And of Central Schools for Languages, Literature, and Philosophy, in all
the Departments.-Perfect Enjoyment of Religious Toleration. - Bigotry
and Presumption of the Roman Catholics. - Checked with Moderation by
the Directory. Treaties of Peace between the French Republic and other
Governments.-Public Mention of them by different States