: April 16. An act for procuring a supply of men, from the several ports of this kingdom, for the service of the navy. April 28. An act further to continue the act respecting aliens, The American intercourse bill.. An act to enable petty officers in the navy, and seamen, non-commissioned officers of marines, &c. to allot part of their pay, for the maintenance of their wives and families. An act to enable magistrates, in the several counties of Great Bri. tain, to raise and levy such ablebodied and idle persons as shall be found in the said counties, to serve in the navy, An act for making allowances, in certain cases, to subaltern officers of the militia, in time of peace. An act for raising a certain number of men, in the several counties, &c. of Scotland, to serve in the navy. May 19. of the wages of certain officers be. longing to the navy. An act for enabling boatswains, gunners, and carpenters in the navy, to allot part of their pay for the maintenance of their families. An act for the further relief of persons imprisoned for want of bail, in certain cases relating to the revenue. An act for the more effectual pre. vention of the use of defective weights, and of false and unequal balances. June 26. An act to prevent the accumu. lation of debts by any future heir. apparent of the crown; and for regulating the mode of expenditure. from the time when a separate esta. blishment shall be made for such future heir-apparent. An act to enable his majesty to erect independent burghs of barony, &c. in Scotland. An act for the more easy and expeditious recovery of small debts in Scotland. An act for more effectually car. rying into execution an act, 33 Geo. III. for the encouragement and relief of friendly societies. An act for enabling woolcombers to exercise trades in any town of Great Britain. An act for widening and improv. ing the entrance into the city of London by Temple Bar and Snow Hill, &c. July 27. An act for enabling his majesty to settle an annuity on the prince of Wales; for making provision, out of his revenues, for the payment of debts due from his royal highness; for preventing the accu. mulation of debts in future; and for regulating the mode of expenditure of the said revenues. An act for making provision for a jointure for the princess of Wales. CK, FOR THE YEAR 1795. Jan. Feb. 153 646379 N. B. The highest and lowest Prices of each Stock, in the Course of any Month, are put down in that Month. Banks prCts prCt4prCt 15 per Long Short, India India S. Sea. Old New Stock. Reduc Con. Con. Cents. Ann. Ann. Stock. Bonds. Stock. Ann. Ann. Bills. 1 155465465 804 150 62 61 78 95188 1804 Par. 10018818910 pre. 151 62 614 79 I 1536361 784 4 694 65 9618 94184 8180 3 pre. 95 18 851821 94 184 187 1816 dis. 994187 8 193 Par. 94718 8 16 7 pre. 66 66 Navy 634 61 24 Exchequer Bills. Lottery Tickets. 65 633 dis. Ils. pre. 20 9 3s. 19 17 0000 4 4 65 3 dis. 1s. pre. 6 dis. 63 2 6s. dis. 8 195 Par. 66 65 3 dis. 3s. pre. 158 644 64 78 97180 84 190 4 dis. 64 64 2 3s. dis. 667 4 dis. 4s. pre. 2 162 66 66 794 9718 8 194 8 dis. 664 27 5s. dis. 69 34 dis. 4s. pre. Sept. 165 67 66 81 967 18 6 Aug. 174 714 70-85 100 200 166 68 66 824 9719 4 8196 3 dis. 2 3s. dis. 5 pre 72 68 6814 2s. 9 2014 15 pre. 73 70 819844 pre. 724 Oct. 170 70 69 85 102199 166 67 67 824 99188 Nov. 1684 685 69486103 194 8 204 162 66 674 82 101 18 8 199 Dec. 180 71 72 874 10419동 8층 219 200 10 pre. 724 684 69 3 dis. 8s. pre. 14 30 1964 3 pre. 714 67 2 2s. 13 18 0 6 pre. 72 67 684 34 dis. 35. pre. 14 7 2 dis. 72 67 24 dis. 5s. dis. 13 19 Prices of the Products of Live Stock, paid by the Victualling-Office. From 1740 to 1795.. 95 33 11 351 35 51108 It has been thought by many persons that the carcass butchers, at London, make a very unfair profit. If it is considered that during the year 1795, the price of beef, to the consumer, was nearly, if not quite, the double of what is here noted, it will furnish abundant matter for speculation, to those who are curious to analyze such questions.. Prices of the Products of Live Stock, paid by the Victualling-Office. Account of the total net Produce of Duties arising from the Stamp Revenue, that have amounted to One Thousand Pounds or more in the Four Quarters, ending October 10, 1795. |