Lapas attēli

expected good fortune that the conditions were | Germans, and Irish-who populate this half of
so changed between the day of the nomination the city were imbued with a pride that
and the day of the election that the impossible prompted them to earnestly aid the police and
became possible, the credit belongs mainly to the Marshals in keeping good order every-
William C. Whitney and to Grover Cleveland. where, and in all cases they tried to get an
Whitney killed the fools. Cleveland handed to intelligent understanding of the directions
Tammany Hall the flag of honor which that given to them by the ballot clerk.
magnificent organization bore along in the The voting everywhere worked with beautiful
front rank of the united Democracy on the smoothness and swiftness.
march to an unexampled victory.
to Democratic predictions, the Federal officials
yesterday made no unusual number of arrests.
In fact no more men were arraigned in the
Post-office Building than in other elections.
Commissioner Shields passed on nearly 100
cases, and discharged all but fifteen prisoners.
Commissioner Deuel heard the complaints
against about forty men, and held fifteen for

New York World (Dem.), Nov. 9.-New
York, the home of Grover Cleveland, fittingly
leads the Democratic column. The magnifi-
cent majority which his own State has given to
him is the best vindication of the judgment
of the Chicago Convention. The people of
New York testify to their appreciation of the
rugged honesty of Mr. Cleveland's character.
They reaffirm their belief in Democratic prin- New York Mail and Express (Rep.), Nov. 9.
ciples. And the leaders and voters who were-Superintendent Byrres did pretty well yes-
overruled in the nomination have attested their terday. Very few complaints against the
loyalty to their party in a manner that should police were heard, and many compliments for
put suspicion to the blush.
Superintendent Byrnes. On the whole it was a
quiet election in this city.

New York Recorder (Rep.), Nov. 9.—It is a pity that New York has dropped out of the Republican column. It is deplorable that the metropolis, which is the greatest manufacturing city on the continent, should give so overwhelming a vote to a candidate and to a party standing on a platform diametrically opposed to her chief industries. If she suffers she will have only herself to blame.

Philadelpia Press (Rep.), Nov. 9.—The Democratic victory in New York State is won south of the Harlem River, the joint work of Tammany Hall and the Kings County Democracy, aided by all the lesser rings which plunder the taxpayer in the remaining three counties below the dividing line between the metropolitan district of New York and its rural counties. Democratic pluralities like these have not been seen in New York and Kings County in twenty years, or since legislation in protection of the ballot-box, passed on the morrow of Tweed's downfall, gave the Republicans an equal share of the watchers at every poll in these two counties. The coincidence is remarkable. On

the change of the election laws of the State in favor of a corrupt vote, the Democratic majorities in these two great cities return to the figures at which the country was aghast in 1868 and 1870.

Philadelphia Ledger (Ind.-Rep.), Nov. 10.New York, it is seen in the light of the returns, was not necessary to Cleveland's success. George Washington (first time, 1789); James Madison, in 1816; James Buchanan, in 1856; U. S. Grant, in 1868, and R. B. Hayes, in 1876, were elected without its vote.

TOO MUCH Over-Confidence.

New York Tribune (Ref.), Nov. 9.—It is doubtless the fact that in their anticipations of a Republican victory in New York the party managers had failed to give due consideration to the continuing force and effect of the defeat a year ago. Such a defeat has a disorganizing influence upon the party which suffers it, and a correspondingly salutary influence upon the party which inflicts it. From that disaster and its immediate consequences, by which the Democracy seized the entire machinery of government in this State, the Republican party has manifestly not recovered.




New York Tribune (Rep.), Nov. 9.-That the Presidential election of 1892 was the most peaceful and most harmonious on record, will probably be admitted by the historian of future The superb police arrangements of Superintendent Byrnes may be aimost wholly responsible for the quietude which prevailed in all parts of the metropolis, and nowhere more so than in the great East Side. On occasions of this kind the East Side is a pretty good index of the conditions over the rest of the city. The thousands of poor people-Poles,


New York Tribune (Rep.).—If Nov. 8 had not been distinguished as the day of a national election it would have escaped oblivion by reason of the superb weather which came with it. The prophets predicted a persistent rain, but they were never more deceived. Clear, crisp, sparkling, exhilarating through all its hours, yesterday made a record which will not often be equalled on Nov. 8.

New York Recorder (Rep.).-Was there ever a lovelier day for elections? In the memory of the oldest inhabitant the sun never shone so brightly on election day. The air was balmy as spring-time. It was what the English would call Queen's Weather, what the Germans call Kaiser wetter, and what we call real Republican Weather.


McKane sent carriages and four-horse teams out in all directions to gather in the voters. He professed to be disappointed at the vote. Even when the 2d district reported 1,083 for Cleveland and 8 for Harrison he said: "That's too bad. I had hoped to make it unanimous.” The seven United States Deputy Marshals turned up in the morning, and the Chief and his friends looked them over. As they marched past he said to his lieutenants: "As long as they behave themselves, let 'em alone. They are Germans and well behaved." The Federal officers proved to be well behaved, and the genial Chief went across the street and left orders at the hotel that the Deputy Marshals should have all they wanted to eat or drink at his expense.


New York Evening Post (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. 9.-Returns from about two-thirds of Massachusetts indicate that Governor Russell may possibly be reëlected by a small plurality. If the full vote sustains these indications, it will prove one of the greatest personal triumphs ever achieved by a public man in this country. Massachusetts is a Republican State, and has chosen Harrison Electors by a majority of probably 20,000, but there is so much independence among her voters that about 10,000. men who supported Harrison for President at the same time voted for Russell for Governor, on the ground that he was the better man of the two candidates and deserved another term. It is a matter of little consequence to the Gov

ernor, however, whether he is reëlected or not. In either case no man of his generation has a brighter political future before him, and the best of it is that he deserves all that he has had or may yet receive.

Boston Globe (Dem.), Nov. 9.-Governor Russell's physical stamina and unflagging mental power during the campaign which has just closed has been the theme of well-nigh universal comment and admiration. He closed the campaign after making twenty-two speeches in one day, the final rush being a rare feat of pluck New York World.-There are many sur- and endurance. An attempt to imitate this prises, but the greatest of all is in Chemung pace practically used upMr. Haile some days beCounty, Senator David B. Hill's home, where fore the end of the campaign, and his running a Democratic majority of 570 in 1888 is now a mate, Mr. Carroll, was well" winded" on last Republican majority of 300, or a total Demo- Monday's home stretch. This is the young man cratic loss of 870. Dr. R. P. Bush, the Speaker in politics. He puts life and virility into human of the present Assembly, who represented the affairs. He may possibly suffer from the overcounty seven years, is defeated. Most of this strain, but is generally wonderfully recuperative. loss is in the city of Elmira, which gives 285 Such a man is young Governor Russell. majority for Harrison against 302 for Cleve-pluck is the theme of admiration all over the land in 1888.

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New York Herald (Ind.), Nov. 9.-There
is no Democratic voter within a radius of one

hundred miles who does not know John Y.
McKane, Chief of Police of Gravesend. If
there is one, he was not entitled to vote yester-
day. It is more than probable that Chief Mc-
Kane is known to every man in the voting dis-
trict of Gravesend. The Czar of Russia claims
to be the absolute ruler of all his vast territory.
Chief McKane makes the same claim. The
former has vast numbers of enemies. The lat-
would find them.
ter has so few that nothing but a microscope
Impartial, non-partisan
readers, listen to this: In the single town of
McKane-better known as Gravesend-the
vote for Harrison was 290, while the vote for
Mr. Cleveland was 2,947. That is a remark-
able showing, is it not? In this town of
Gravesend these boroughs are included: Coney
Island, Sheepshead Bay, Unionville, King's
Highway, and Woodlawn. Chief McKane is
the political Czar of Gravesend and all lands
appertaining thereto. Four years ago he claims
to have been antagonized by Cleveland, and
he promptly threw a minority against
Mr. Cleveland of nearly 2,000. This year he
was in sympathy with Mr. Cleveland and he
decided to show what he could do. He showed
it with a reversal of over 4,000 votes.
vote of Gravesend was hard to get in.
voters are scattered for miles around.


Union, and his destiny is not circumscribed by

Boston Herald (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. 9.-Republican Presidents had never before failed to carry the election of Governor of Massachu

setts with them by at least 25,000 majority,

and had more than once swept them into office by two or three times that preponderance. Even this Governor Russell appears to have now overcome. It is, as we have said, the crowning achievement of his political life. There was a confident prediction that it could not be accomplished, and an extraordinary effort was made for its prevention. The Governor engaged in the work gallantly, and his campaign has been crowned with a success which will add new laurels to one of the most remarkable young men who have appeared upon the stage of American public affairs in this generation.


[There was no indication of possible Democratic success in Ohio given in last Wednesday's returns. Even the Wednesday evening newspapers contained no hii.t of this surprising development. The reason was that comparisons of the vote in Ohio were made with the Campbell vote of 1889, instead of with the Presidential vote of 1888 or the McKinley vote of 1891. Accordingly our readers must wait until next week for general press comments on Ohio.]

New York Times (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. 10.— The The 23 Electoral votes of Ohio will be cast for The Grover Cleveland. This is the severest, the Chief most striking, the most stinging rebuke to the

Eighth. That Indiana was doubtful, the bulletins being favorable to the Republicans.


men who have betrayed the Republican party, | They lost fourteen that they felt reasonably
in all the amazing record of the election of sure of.
Tuesday. The State of William McKinley, of
Foraker and Foster and John Sherman! The
State that furnished to the House of Re-
presentatives the attorney of tariff trusts New York Evening Sun, Nov. 9.—Grover
to manipulate the vast "deal" of the tariff Cleveland went to bed at 4:25 o'clock this
of 1890; that furnished to the Senate the morning. He was the last one to leave the
veteran who vainly sacrificed all his scru- telegraph instrument at his home, 12 West 51st
ples and most of his convictions to sustain street, that brought him news of his election
the corrupted party of his earlier days; the over a private wire. Mrs. Cleveland got tired
State that gave to the Cabinet a Secretary of and went to bed before midnight. But at that
the Treasury whose highest ideal of public ser- time it seemed certain that the country had
vice was the traffic in offices great and small; voted against a Force Bill. By 12:30 o'clock
the State in which the noisiest demagogue was all the women went to bed and left the men
the most feared and the most honored Repub-alone to figure on the returns. They deserted
lican leader; the State that was believed to be one by one, and at 4 o'clock this morning Mr.
"safe" because the greed, the prejudice, and Cleveland was the only person who stood at
the stupidity of the voters had been organized the elbow of the telegraph operator.
as never before this State casts off McKinley-
ism, resumes its politica! manhood, and joins
the triumphant army of reform. It makes the
brightest hope of the Republic more radiant,
the despair of the mercenary politicians more



At the midnight hour of election night Hon.
Thomas H. Carter, Chairman of the Repub-
licen National Committee, gave forth the fol-
lowing bulletin:

On returns received by the Republican National Committee at midnight, Harrison and Reid have carDispatch from Columbus, Nov. 9.-Com-ried the States of California, Maine, Massachusetts, plete returns from McKinley's district wipe out the usual Republican majority of 2,500 and elect Ikirt, Democrat, to Congress over Morgan, the Republican candidate, by 1,000 majority.

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M. Halstead in the Brooklyn Standard-Union, Nov. 9.-Was not the Harrison Administration excellent? Yes. Is not the country prospering? Yes. AND THEY VOTE FOR EXPERIMENTS! Shall sixty-five millions of people vote to experiment with their bread and butter? That is precisely what the vote for Cleveland means. We proved that he had nothing to offer the people.

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en votes in Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, New Hampshire. Wiscon-
Rhode Island, Vermont, Idaho, Colorado, Illinois,
sin, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washing-
ton, Wyoming, Nebraska, Indiana, and Delaware, or
220 Electoral votes, a majority of six in the Electoral
College. Our advices at this hour also show that we
have more than an even chance to carry West Vir-

As late as 5 P. M. of Nov. 9, Chairman
Carter was still claiming Harrison's election.
At that hour this bulletin came from the Re-
publican National Committee:

From the latest advices received at headquarters the
result of the election for President depends upon the
returns from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, all of
which are exceedingly close, but claimed by the Re-
States, Harrison and Reed will have 226 sure votes.
publicans in each case. With the Electors from these


New York Times.-While the mourning
party was waiting, Chairman Carter attempted
to enliven the sad occasion by sending down a
cheering greeting. A young man climbed
upon a box in the lower room and said:
Chairman Carter sends this cry to you:


Dispatch from White Plains, N. Y.-The town of White Plains gives a majority of 72 for Cleveland. In 1888 it gave 52 for Harrison. The town of Harrison, in which Whitelaw Reid lives, gives 20 majority for Cleveland, a Democratic gain of 32 over 1888. loses his own election district by 5. It gave 6 majority for Harrison in 1888.

Mr. Reid

New York Sun, Nov. 9. -The election returns arrived slowly at Ophir Farm last night, and Mr. Whitelaw Reid sat up until an early hour of the morning. Mr. Reid dined late, and then retired to his library with his wife and Mr. D. O. Mills, his father-in-law, to await the result of the counting. It was plain that Mr. Reid was nervous. His hair was in disorder, possibly from leaning on his hand and figuring over majorities. As he talked to the newspaper men he laughed nervously, and moved from one part of the room to another.

New York Evening Post, Nov. 9.—

No man in public life has learned more during this canvass than Wayne MacVeagh. He may be heard from into a canvass with rancorous insults to Irish-Ameriagain four years hence, but he will never again rush cans.-Tribune, Tuesday.

But can the acquisitions of knowledge by Mr. Wayne MacVeagh during the canvass compare for one moment with that of the Hon. Whitelaw Reid during the past twenty-four hours?

New York Times, Nov. 10.-An editor, even though he be a defeated candidate for the VicePresidency, ought to print the news. Of course it was hard for Mr. Whitelaw Reid to admit defeat. But what a telling stroke of enterprise it would have been for the Tribune to print the news from Ohio, twenty-four hours in advance of its alert contemporaries, in this spirit: "As a candidate I gnash my teeth, but here's the Tribune with all the news, and just see how William McKinley and I are licked."


We proved that the Democratic party had no principles. We proved that the Democratic party is incapable of business. We show that Mr. Cleveland has filed from his own doctrines. The defeat of Harrison was in the section ruled by race questions, held and indulged contrary to the spirit and letter of the Constitution, and where is resentment toward the nationality that a quarter of a century ago was triumphant in arms; in the great Northern cities, New York, Brooklyn, and Chicago, and on the wheat | The mourners tried to sing it, but they had no story. "When I was a young boy," said he, plains and silver mine mountains. What have tune. these people in common? Simply dissatisfaction.

own shores.

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the old soldiers.

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What does Cleveland and the Demo- New York Recorder.-After a long lull in cratic party propose to satisfy them? Noth- the announcements the joyful news that "We ing, and therefore, everything. We proved have carried Connecticut," and "Delaware has that the McKinley policy of Protection was gone Republican beyond all possibllity of transferring industries from Europe to our doubt," reawakened the enthusiastic cheering. We proved the country The crowd cheered, yelled, danced, sang songs, was rapidly growing rich. and gave every other demonstration of a hopeshow that Cleveland was not the friend of ful, jubilant, good-natured mass of people. At The Administration II o'clock Chairman Carter telegraphed to will be a record of folly and failure, immense President Harrison: "We have 'em dead." presumption and insignificant performance. When toward II o'clock the confirming news The impracticables will demand of them the that Indiana was Republican by 10,000 majorimpossible. The people who are intelligent, ity was received, a yell of triumph, which lasted and believe in the nation, and who know for fully four minutes, went up from 1,000 business, and apprehend the tendencies of the throats inside and outside the building. times, will remain; and with the white light of truth still to shine over all, and the soil of America under our feet-vexing the skies with no cry of calamity, but pushing unfalteringly right on, we shall emerge from the experiments that will demonstrate the error of the day, and the nation will be redeemed from the false position into which it has fallen.

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DEAR WILLIE: Come home and help us figure out New York's plurality. We are busted.

Many Republicans congratulate you upon your magnificent work. A few more like you would have it unanimous.


land and the four leaders who have been mentioned, has been accompanied and followed by a colossal conspiracy to secure the vote of New York State for Mr. Cleveland by the most appalling frauds in registration and colonization, and by the purchase of ballots on election day. Mr. Cleveland cannot honestly deny this.


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lighter in purse because of his rainbow mes- MR. CLEVELAND'S LENOX LYCEUM and the corrupt bargain between Mr. Clevesages. Mr. Hahn telegraphed to Ohio last night that it was only a question of plurality in New York, and his Republican friends went From Mr. Cleveland's speech at the Lenox Lyceum, out to find some bets. They lost their money, New York, Nov. 1.-If we assume that the quiet of this and to-day Mr. Hahn received in New York campaign is attributable to thoughtfulness among our people and a deliberate sense of patriotic duty in the several caustic messages, of which the follow-exercise of their suffrages, there would seem to be no ing are samples: place for fear or misgiving as to the result on the part of those who support Democratic principles. In exactly the form they are involved in the present campaign these principles were presented two years ago to the voters of the country and received their endorsement by a tremendous majority; since then the THE PRESENT NOBLE MISSION OF THE REPUBdrift of public opinion has been in our direction, and the doctrines opposed to ours have been more than ever discredited. It must be conceded, too, that the intelligent and disinterested men who have left the ranks of our opponents and joined are exceptionally numerous and influstandard ential. The fact that with all these things in our favor we are still not absolutely sure of success would be startling if we did not know the desperate and disreputable methods which confront us. Our opponents, vanquisi.ed in every argument worthy of presentation to the reason of our country men, have appealed to their passions and prejudices cerning the record and action of our party and its candidates. This, however, is not their main reliance, nor is it our greatest danger. It is a confession most humiliating to American citizenship that with a cause so thoroughly intrenched in reason, and commending itself so clearly to the intelligence of patriotic Americans, we daily hear predictions of Republican success, based upon the ability of that party to purchase the votes of the people.

New York Times, Nov. 10.-Just after Mr.
Harrity reached the Democratic National
Committee Headquarters yesterday afternoon,
he received this dispatch:

Hurrah for Cleveland and Papa! So say we all.


W. F. Harrity, Jr., is the Chairman's only son, through the distribution of the most impudent lies conwho is eighteen months old.

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THE EVENING POST'S" SPASMS OF JOY. New York Tribune (Rep.), Nov. 10.-There are compensations in defeat. Our amiable contemporary, the New York Evening Post, is having such a good time jumping up and down saying: "We told you so," and charging everybody with lying who took a different view from its own, that the exhibition goes far toward reconciling us to the result of the election. And we are rather disposed to think that the personal blackguardism with which its editorial page is both spiced and illuminated is more genial and sparkling and much less venomous than it would have been under other circumstances.


Denver News (People's party), Nov. 9.-Colorado has voted for Weaver and Field by a large majority and elected the entire free coinage Democratic and People's ticket by a majority that will be little less than that given for Weaver. It also 'elects Pence to Congress in the 1st District and Bell in the 2d District, both Populists and free coinage nominees. The State Legislature will also undoubtedly be Populist and led by a decided majority. All hail to the people of Colorado! They have fought a splendid fight and won a magnificent victory.



Philadelphia Evening Star (Rep.), Nov. 5.~ Money, money, money-until the measures of our election music are drowned in the jingle of coin. Money in politics is a remnant of Tildenism. The master of modern Democracy left it to his people. We rest under it as under a plague, and we must deal with it as a plague. And in time the Republic is as much sold to the highest bidder as in the despicable days of the Lower Empire. The work of Tuesday happily over and done, this business of Money in Politics is the potent question for Republicans. We can end it if we will, under the

INTERESTING INTENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. - We have no reason to doubt that the administrative work of the Democratic National Committee has been as well done as the educational work. This belief is based on the entire willingness of the Committee to have all its receipts examined and its disbursements reported by any committee whom the Republicans may select. The fact is one to encourage the friends of better politics everywhere. Brooklyn Eagle (Dem.), Nov. 5.


manly guidance of Harrison. There will be no hope of such a result under the rule of the heir of Tilden, and all that Tildenism implies. A vote for Harrison is a vote for the integrity New York Tribune (Rep.), Nov. 5.-The of the nation-its prosperity and peace. Let it most interesting speech which Mr. Cleveland also be a vote and a resolve,-a vote for a could possibly deliver would be one making President who is brave enough to put the public the terms of his surrender to Mr. Croker mailed hand upon the monster of Money and and Mr. Gilroy. By means of that surrender Politics-and a resolve that from now, until it he has secured the active and zealous support is stamped out as a loathsome and deadly of the men who signed the famous document thing, we shall deal with it as we dealt with at Chicago which declared that Mr. Cleveland slavery, feeling that while it lives there is no could not carry New York State. His surassurance of the integrity of Republican freerender must have been a complete and abject dom. one. He must have given Mr. Croker, Mr. Gilroy, Lieutenant-Governor Sheehan, and Edward Murphy, the strongest pledges to turn over the patronage of New York State and New York City to these Democratic bosses in case he should be elected. On no other theory is it conceivable that Messrs. Croker, Gilroy, Sheehan, and Murphy should so stultify themselves as to be straining every nerve for the election of a man of whom they declared, over their own signatures, that it would be impossible for him to carry this State. No one can doubt that Mr. Cleveland has bound himself in fetters that he cannot break to put the offices of the Empire State and of the chief city of the country absolutely at the disposal of the CrokerGilroy - Sheehan - Murphy combination. these circumstances it is amazing that Mr. Cleveland should venture to denounce the use of money in elections, and to lift up his voice THEODORE CHILD. New York Tribune.-Governor Flower was in protest against the buying of votes. Never out early to vote yesterday, but he was not out have there been leaders in any party or politi Springfield_Republican, Nov. 9.-The_news bright, as the sequel proved. His voting-place cal faction in this country who have done more of Theodore Child's death at Ispahan in Persia was at 50th street and Madison avenue, in the to corrupt and debauch the suffrage, to buy is reluctantly accepted by his friends. As 17th Election District of the 21st Assembly votes, and to defeat the honest sentiment of pointed out in our news columns yesterday, IsDistrict. Shortly after 7 o'clock the Governor the people than the present leaders and man- pahan is many days' journey from Teheran, walked into the polling-place, with a genial agers of the Democratic party in this city and although he left the Persian capital in smile on his face, and with a cheerful word to and State. Nowhere in the world is politics health, he may well have been stricken with a the policemen and bystanders. He refused to more rotten than in the districts immediately relapse of cholera, or, it is now thought, by the take the place which a good Democrat offered under the control of these leaders and man- more dreaded "black death," which has ap to surrender to him in the waiting line, saying,agers, and nowhere in the world have more peared in southern Persia and in Rus'No, no, keep your place; I'll vote in regular constant and sedulous efforts been put forth by sia, where a dispatch says thousands. order." It was about 7:15 o'clock when, the any political leaders to debauch and degrade have died at Astrakhan. If Mr. Child Governor's turn being reached, he received the the suffrage, to use intimidation and all sorts has really falien a victim to Asian set of official ballots, and entered the booth to of improper influences, to employ bribery, to plagues, it will be a double pity, because he arrange his ticket. Ten minutes later the Gov- make use of frauds in registration and coloniza-was not engaged in an enterprise that could not. ernor came out smiling and contented-looking, tion, and to count in candidates who were not wait, but was simply going to Hindustan to get and handed his ballots to the Inspector. He honestly elected. After the stealing of the up a series of articles for Harper's Magazine vo was about to leave the place when the Inspec- Legislature this year by the Democratic leaders be entitled " Living India.' His companion tor said, "Wait a moment, Governor; I'm and managers, after the record of Tammany was the artist Edwin Lord Weeks, who has sorry, but you'll have to go back. You haven't Hall in New York politics, after the infamies made a reputation by his paintings of oriental folded your tickets right." that have been exposed in Rensselaer County, in life. Mr. Child was born in Liverpool about which Edward Murphy has constantly practised forty-six years ago, was graduated at Oxford the most detestable means for bringing about the with high honors in 1877, and lived in Paris. election of his disreputable favorites, after the most of the time since, except when he was. exposures of Mr. Sheehan's operations in Erie traveling in various parts of the world. For County, it is astonishing, indeed, that Mr. the last ten years he has been in charge of the Cleveland should appeal to New Yorkers who foreign office of Harper's publications, and his are familiar with all these facts to attempt to articles on art and letters and their exponents defeat what he calls a money combination in France, on the South American republics, against the suffrage. The money combina and on various subjects, which have appeared tions to corrupt the ballot are on the Dem-in Harper's Monthly, Weekly, and Bazar, have ocratic side. That is notorious everywhere; been found very entertaining.

"What!" cried the Governor, as a fiery red suffused his face. "That's very funny." Back he went to the booth, and after eight minutes of labor he came out again, and this time his tickets were in regular shape.

"That's all right," said the Inspector, and with an air of relief Mr. Flower went on his way. The good Democrat who had offered him his own place in the line grinned as he said, "I think I got my ballots right the first time, and I'm only a poor janitor."

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Bacon vs. Shakespeare. In the Tribunal of Literary Criticism. Part II. A Brief for the Defendant. Edwin Reed. Arena, Nov., 14% PP.

Education (The New) and Its Practical Application. Prof. Jos. Rodes Buchanan, M.D. Arena, Nov., 6 pp.

Fingering (A Systematic). M. W. Cross. Music, Oct., 9 pp.

Japan and Its Music, Glimpses of. Esther C. Bell. Music, Oct., 7 pp. Illus. Literature, The West in. Hamlin Garland. Arena, Nov., 8 pp. Western char.acteristics, etc.

Music, Form and Spirit in. Mrs. Bessie M. Whiteley. Music, Oct., 9 pp.
Music, The Concepts of, Historically Considered. Dr. Karl J. Belling. Music,
Oct., 5 PP.

Piano-Playing, Philosophy in. Adolph Carpe. Music. Nov., 12 pp.
Russian National Artist (A). Isabel F. Hapgood. Century, Nov., 9 pp. Illus.
The works of Ilya Répin.
School-System (Our Parochial). The Progress It Has Made and Is Making.
George D. Wolff, LI.D. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct., 6 pp.
School-System (Our), What Is Wrong With? W. M. Hitchcock, M.D. National
Popular Rev., Nov., 3 pp. Deals with the neglect of physical development.
Wagner's Nibelungen, The Women of. Homer Moore. Music, Nov., 6 pp.

Wellesley College. Louise M. Hodgkins,
Illus. Descriptive.

New England Mag., Nov., 20 pp.

Wood-Working, the Art of, Progress in. C. R. Tompkins. Engineering Mag., Nov., 4% PP.


Afghan Policy (Lord Salisbury's). The Rev. Thos. P. Hughes, D.D. Areua, Nov., 8 pp. Interesting facts concerning the Afghan Question.

Home Bule (Irish), Is It Near? Bryan J. Clinch. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct.,

14 PP.

Tariff (the), Who Pays? Social Economist, Nov. The writer argues that the "tariff is paid by the people whom it protects.


Bible (the), Does It Contain Scientific Errors. Charles W. Shields. Century, Nov., 8% pp.

Carey, the Founder of Modern Missions. The Rev. D. L. Leonard. Bib. Sac., Oct., 23 pp.

Catholic Idea (The) in the New Testament. The Very Rev. A. F. Hewit, D.D. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct., 28 pp.

Church (The) and English Liberty. Michael Hennessy. Amer. Cath. Quar Rev., Oct., 14 PP.

Driver on the Literature of the Old Testament. The Rev. W. E. Barton, B.D. Bib. Sac., Oct., 19 pp. Critique of Canon Driver's work.

Duality. The Rev. J. E. Walker, A.M. Bib. Sac., Oct., 36 pp. The Chinese idea of dualism brought over into Christianity.

English Kings and Roman Pontiffs. Arthur F. Marshall, B. A. (Oxon.). Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct., 18 pp.

Episcopalian Doctrine. Theodofe F. Wright. New-Jerusalem Mag, Nov., 5 pp. Compares certain doctrines of the Prayer-Book with those of the New Church. Higher Criticism. The History and Definition of. The Rev. Prof. Howard Osgood, D.D. Bib. Sac., Oct., 17 pp.

Huxley (Prof.) versus Genesis I. C. B. Warring, Ph.D. Bib. Sac., Oct., 12 pp. Judaism (American). M. Ellinger. Menorah, Nov., 10 pp.

Lord (tne), Representatives of, and the Lord, Himseif. John Worcester. NewJerusalem Mag., Nov., 7 pp. Those who taught of the Lord before His coming. New Church (the), Higher Education in. T. M. Martin. New-Jerusalem Mag., Nov., 8 pp.

Nimbus and Aureole (The). Ellis Schreiber. Amer. Cath. Quar Rev., Oct., 14 pp. Descriptive of each, etc.

Poetry and Religion-Whittier and Tennyson. The Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman. Menorah, Nov., 5 pp. Argues that there is an affinity between Poetry and Religion.

Prediction (Minute) and Modern Doubt. The Rev. A. W. Archibald, D.D. Bib.
Sac., Oct., 14 PP. This article opposes the trend of Higher Criticism, which
would sweep away
Minute Prediction " concerning Christ.

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Sunday, Some Exposition-Uses of. The Rt. Rev. H. C. Potter. Century, Nov,, 3 pp. The teaching of the Columbian Exposition on Sunday.

We Shall Not All Sleep. The Rev. S. B. Goodnow. Bib. Sac., Oct., 19 pp. The Resurrection.

West Indies (the), The Friars of. J. I, Rodrigues. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct., 27 pp.


Bacteria, Some Uses of. H. W. Conn. Amer. Naturalist, Nov., 11 pp. The value of bacteria especially to farmers.

Cholera (Asiatic); Its History, Climatic Influence, etc. W. W. Hitchcock, M.D. South Cal. Practitioner, Oct., 5 pp.

Cholera (Asiatic), With Some Practical Suggestions. Henry Sheffield, M.D. Arena, Nov., 5 pp.

Engineering, What It Owes to Chemistry. A. L. Griswold. Engineering Mag., Nev., 6% pp.

Gas and Electricity, Relative Cost of. C. J. Russell Humphreys. Engineering Mag., Nov,, 6 pp.

Geological Survey (Our Costly): I. A Glimpse of Its Record, Senator E. O. Wolcott; II. Reasons for Supporting It, Prof. N. S. Shaler. Engineering Mag., Nov., 11 pp.

14 PP.

Heredity of Acquired Characters. Manly Miles. Amer. Naturalist, Nov., Light in Tall Office Buildings. Dankmar Adler. Engineering Mag., Nov., 16 pp. Illus.

Mississippi Problem (The) Up to Date. William Starling, Chief Engineer Mississippi Levee District. Engineering Mag., Nov., 11 pp. The improvement of the Mississippi.

Organisms, the Conflict Between, the Relative Intensity of, A Geometrical Representation of. John A. Ryder. Amer. Naturalist, Nov., 7 pp. Illus. Physical Research-Status and Theories. M. J. Savage. Arena, Nov., 15 pp.

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Alcohol in Its Relation to the Bible. A Reply to Axel Gustafson's Criticism. Henry A. Hartt, M.D. Arena, Nov., 9 pp.

Anarchist (The Initial). C. H. Sandison., Social Economist, Nov., 8 pp.

Brook Farm, Reminiscences of. George P. Bradford, A Member of the Community. Century, Nov., 8 pp.

Charity-Organization as an Educating Force. Charles D. Kellogg. Charities
Rev., Nov., 41⁄2 pp.

Charity-Organization in Cities. George B. Buzelle. Charities Rev., Nov., 7%
PP A brief survey of the work.
Charity-Worker (the), The Ideal of.

5 pp.

Pres. W. F. Slocum. Charities Rev., Nov., Commonwealth (The Coöperative). C. W. Wooldridge. Unitarian, Nov,, 3 pp. Argues for the extension of the principle of the post-office to the telegraph, the express, the railroad, etc.

Coöperation in the Work of Charity: Coöperation a Necessity, Alexander Johnson. Internal Cooperation, C. D. Kellogg. Coöperation with Public Authorities, Dr. H. G Warner. Why Should Religious Societies Coöperate with Charity-Orgakization Societies? The Rev. G. B. Safford, D.D. Charities Rev., Nov., 13 pp.

Cuba, Business Opportunities in. Eduardo J. Chibas. Engineering Mag., Nov, 19 Pp. Illus.

Currency, The Volume of. N. A. Dunning. Arena, Nov., 11 pp. A detailed statement, with an analysis of the Subject.

Electric Motof (The) and the Farmer. William Nelson Black. Engineering Mag., Nov., 6 pp. Shows in what way the electric motor may benefit the farmer. Fashion and Its Vagaries, the History of, Some Sketches from. National Popu lar Rev., Nov., 21 pp. Illus.

Gipsyland, To. Elizabeth Robbins Pennell. Century, Nov., 12 pp. Illus. Descriptive of gipsies.

Industrial Development of the South. II. From Prosperity to Poverty. Richard H. Edmonds. Engineering Mag., Nov., 61⁄2 pp.

Relief in Work: Experiments in Relief in Work, Dr. Philip W. Ayers. A BrushShop for Cripple Boys, Capt. W. H. Mathews. Night-Work in the Wood-yard, O. S. Preston. Compulsory Labor, John Glenn. Charities Rev., Nov., 13 pp. Trades-Unions, Should They be Incorporated, Kemper Bocock. Social Economist, Nov., 6 pp. Argues in the affirmative.

Wheaten Loaf (The). F. N. Barrett. Food, Nov., 13 pp. Illus. Bread-making,


Workingmen, Plain Words to. By One of Them. Fred. Woodrow. Century. Nov., 4 pp.


Armies (Private) Past and Present. Thomas B. Preston. New England Mag., Nov., 6 pp.

Black Hawk, The Home of. Irving B. Richman. New England Mag., Nov.. 16 pp. Illus. Historical and descriptive.

City Hall (The) in America. Barr Ferree. Engineering Mag., Nov., 191⁄2 PP. Illus. Descriptive.

Columbus and the Scientific School. John H. Mooney, LL.D. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct. 26. Critique of Justin Winsor's work.

Columbus (Christopher): Ingratitude; Misfortunes; Posthumous Honors. Richard H. Clarke, LL.D. Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev., Oct., 40 pp. Commune (the Paris), What I Saw of. II. Archibald Forbes. 13 pp. Illus. Descriptive.

Century, Nov.,

Commune, What An American Girl Saw of. Century, Nov., 6 pp. Illus.. Descriptive.

Hadley (Old). Julia T. Bayne. New England Mag., Nov., 15 pp. Illus. Descriptive.

Letters of Two Brothers. Passages from the Correspondence of General and Senator Sherman. Century, Nov., 13 pp. With Portraits.

Pension-Disbursing Agencies (The). Jos. W. Kay. Home and Country Mag., Oct.-Nov., 12 pp. With Portraits.

Quarantine, Seven Days in. Viator Clericus. Amer. Eccles. Rev., Nov., 9 pp.
Experiences in Switzerland, etc.

Riverside, California. By an Englishman.

Californian, Nov., 18 pp. Illus.

Road-Coaching Up to Date. T. Suffern Tailer. Century, Nov., 7 pp. Illus. Descriptive.

Roumania, Through. Dr. Adolphus Sternberg. Meth. Mag., Toronto, Nov., & pp. Illus. Descriptive.

Shell-Heaps of the St John's River, Florida, Hitherto Unexplored. Clarence Bloomfield Moore. Amer. Naturalist, Nov., 11 pp. Illus.

Sultan (the), The City of. The Rev. W. H. Withrow, D.D. Meth. Mag., Toronto. Nov., 15 p. Illus. Descriptive of Constantinople.

Superstitions in Georgia. Ruby A. Moore. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore, July-Sept., ≈

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Inventor's Luck. Moritz Lilie. Gartenlaube, Oct., 2 pp. Sketch of William Lee, the inventor of the loom.

Military Manoeuvres. A von Winterfeld. Vom Fels zum Meer, Oct., 5 pp.
Mont Blanc. Paul Gussfeldt. Deutsche Rundschau, Oct., 26 pp.

Maris (Lake). Heinrich Brugsch. Westermann's Monats-Hefte, Oct., 22 pp.
North Sea (the) Oyster Beds in. Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 1 p.
Noses (Red) as a Result of Wearing Spectacles. Gartenlaube, Oct., 1 p.
Pilatus (The). Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 1 p. Alpine.

Plants, Some Rare. A. Daul. Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 3 Pp. Notices the threefold Calla, dwarf dahlia, needle and thread-tree (Agave Victoria Regina), Chiliar. soap-tree (Quillaia Saponaria), the leopard plant (Pardanthus Chinensis), and the Abyssinian banana.

Railways, History of. Deutsche Rundschau, Oct., 2 pp.

Shanghai. Peutaur. Westermann's Monats-Hefte, Oct., 17 pp.

Spanish Scenes. Princess Urussow. Westermann's Monats-Hefte, Oct., 21 pp Steiermark (the), The Erzberg Railway in. A. v. Schweiger Lerchenfeld. Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 8 pp.

Thebes in Egypt. Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 9 pp. Ilus.

Two, the Number. Ernst Eckstein. Westermann's Monats-Hefte, Oct., 5 pp. Its dual forms before absorption in the plural.

Via Mala (The). Der Stein der Weisen, Oct., 1 p.

Books of the Week.


Abraham, From, to David. The Story of Their Times and Country. Henry A. Harper. Macmillan & Co. Cloth, Illus., $1.

Ainu (The) of Japan. The Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan. The Rev. John Batchelor. F. H. Revell Co. New York and Chicago. Cloth, Illus., $1.50.

Barbara Dering. A Sequel to "The Quick or the Dead." Amelie Rives. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila. Cloth, $1.25.

Beasts of Ephesus. The Rev. James Brand, D.D. With an Introduction by the Rev. Francis E. Clark, D.D., Pres. of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. Advance Publishing Co., Chicago. Cloth, $1.

By-Laws of Private Corporations, The Law of, Louis Boisot, Jr., of the Chicago Bar. U. S. Corporation Bureau, Chicago. Cloth, $1.50; Law Sheep $2. Character-Building, Short Talks on. G. T. Haverton. Fowler & Wells Co. Cloth, Illus., $1. Columbus, The Quest of, A Memorial Poem. In Twelve Books. The Rev. Henry Iliowizi. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth, $2.

Disease, The Geographical Distribution of, in Great Britain. Alfred Haviland. Macmillan & Co. Cloth, $4.50.

Exodus (The New). A Study of Israel in Russia. Harold Frederic, G. P. Putnam's Sons. Cloth, Illus., $2.50.

Fairy Tales of India. Collected and Edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Cloth, $1.75.

Gilmour (James) of Mongolia; His Diaries, Letters, and Reports. Edited and Aarranged by Richard Lovett, M.H. F. H. Revel Co., New York and Chicago. Cloth, Illus., $1.75.

Hereditary Genius. An Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences. Galton. Macmillan & Co. Cloth, $2,50.


Irrepressible Conflict Between Two World Theories. Suggested by Dr. Lyman Abbott's Lectures on the Evolution of Christianity. The Rev. Minot J. Savage. Arena Pub. Co., Boston. Cloth, $1.

Jesus Christ; God, God and Man. Conferences Delivered at Notre Dame in Paris, by the Rev. Père Lacordaire, of the Order of Friar-Preachers. Thomas Whittaker. Cloth, $1.50.

Lincoln (Abraham): The True Story of a Great Life. William H. Herndon and Jesse W. Weik Introduction by Horace White. D. Appleton & Co., New and Revised Edition, 2 Vols. Cloth, $3.

Marius the Epicurean: His Sensations and Ideas. Walter Pater. Macmillan & Co. 2 Vols. Revised Edition. Cloth, $4.

Marston's (Philip Bourke) Complete Poems. Edited, with a memoir, by His Literary Executor, Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton. Roberts Brothers, Boston, Cloth, $2.

Metal-Colouring and Bronzing. Arthur H. Hiorns. Macmillan & Co. Cloth,


Myths and Folk-Lore of the Russians, Western Slavs, and Magyars. Jeremiah Curtin. Little, Brown, & Co., Boston. Each, $2.00.

Preaching, The Divine Art of. Arthur T. Pierson. Baker and Taylor Co. Cloth, 75c..

Reality, The Problem of: Being Outline Suggestions for a Philosophical Reconstruction. E. Belfort Bax. Macmillan & Co. Cloth, 90c.

Religion, The Genesis and Growth of. The Rev. S. H. Kellogg, D.D. The J. P. Stone Lectures for 1892, at Princeton Theological Seminary. Macmillan & Co. Cloth, $1.50.

Feturn of the O'Mahony. Harold Frederic. Robert Bonner's Sons. Cloth, $1.50.

Scriptures (The), Hebrew and Christian, Edited by the Rev. E. T. Bartlett, D.D., and the Rev. J. P. Peters, Ph.D. Part III. Covering the New Testament. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Cloth, $2.

Sultan to Sultan. M. French-Sheldon (Bébé Bwana). An Account of an Expedition to Masai and Other Hostile Tribes of East Africa. Arena Pub. Co., Boston. Cloth, Illus., $5.

Uganda, The Story of, and the Victoria Nyanza Mission. Sarah Geraldina Stock, F. H. Revell Co., New York and Chicago. Cloth, Illus., $1.25.

Current Events.

Wednesday, November 2.

Lieutenant Schwatka, the Arctic explorer, dies in Portland, Oregon, from an overdose of laudanum, it is supposed...... The coroner's jury finds that the recent collision on the Reading Railroad was due to carelessness, and censures the road......In New York City, the new wing of the Américan Museum of Natural History is opened.

In a railroad collision near Liverpool, three persons are killed and fifty injured; in a wreck in Yorkshire, ten are killed and many injured......The pardon of ten of the Carmaux (France) rioters, is announced......It is said that upon the capture of Abomey by the French troops, King Bahanzin is to be executed......It is announced officially that Hamburg is free from cholera : twenty-one new cases and nine deaths are reported in Buda-Pesth. Thursday, November 3.

Acting Attorney-General Aldrich issues instructions to United States deputy marshals regarding their duties at the polls......John W. Jacobus, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, issues detailed instructions to his deputies......It is stated that the cotton manufacturers of Fall River have advanced the wages of operatives an average of 7 per cent.... In New York City, Commissioners Sheehy and Simmons, of the Department of Charities and Correction, are arrested on charges of inducing paupers to register.

The long strike at Carmaux, France. is ended: the miners returning to work, and the rioters being released from prison...... The populace of Grenada, Spain, angered at the refusal of the Queen Regent to visit the city with the little King, attack the houses of Conservative leaders and destroy objects connected with the Columbus celebration......It it said that the King of Dahomey is anxious to come to terms with the French. Friday, November 4.

Governor Flower issues a proclamation urging the citizens of the State of New York to see to it that election be an honest one, and warning officials of the penalty of negligence on Election Day.. The case of lams goes to the jury in Pittsburgh...... Ex-President Cleveland addresses a Democratic mass-meeting in Jersey City......The Grand Jury in Buffalo indicts Lieutenant Cassidy, of the 22d (New York City) Regiment, and "Richard Roe" (real name unknown), for murder in the second degree in the killing of Broderick, during the late railroad strike in Buffalo......A movement is started in Chicago to erect in that city a monument to Colonel Ellsworth, who was killed at Alexandria, early in the Civil War......John R. Rupp, yardmaster of the Reading Railroad at Philadelphia, is arrested for causing by his carelessness the collision on October 24......In New York City, the Federal Grand Jury finds nineteen additional indictments in election cases. The trial of Mercier, ex-l'remier of Quebec, ends in his acquittal..... The British Board of Agriculture suspends the privilege of free importation of Canadian cattle...... The jury in the Leader-Smyth libel case, in London, gives Mrs. Leader £500 damages......The King of Denmark pardons exUnited States Consul Henry B. Ryder, who was recently sentenced in Copenhagen to eighteen months' imprisonment.

Saturday, November 5.

In Chicago, Anton M. Fouger, a patent lawyer, is shot dead by James Dalton, during a quarrel about a house and lot which they had purchased as partners and occupied jointly......At Troy, New York, Judge Fursman disimisses the cases against the voters from St. Lawrence County, on an order to show cause why their names should not be stricken from the registry lists..... In the lams case at Pittsburgh, Colonel Hawkins and Lieutenant-Colonel Streator are found not guilty.......Low temperature and snowstorms are reported at many places......In New York City, Democratic business men parade ...Ex-Speaker Reed and Chauncey M. Depew address a great mass-meeting at Cooper Union......A severe wind-storm sweeps over the harbor and city, doing considerable damage.

In England, a great strike of the cotton operatives begins; fifty thousand are said to be idle....The British Admiralty orders that the officers of the stranded battleship Howe be court-martialed.......It is announced that negotiations between the French Minister and the Sultan of Morocco have been broken off......Conflicting reports about the health of the Pope are published............. Florimond Ronger-Hervé, the musical composer, dies in Paris. Sunday, November 6.

A monument to the Anarchists Spies, Parsons, Engel, and Linng, is dedi cated in Waldheim Cemetery, near Chicago......The crew of a water logged schooner, the Annie S. Gaskill, are rescued off the Delaware Breakwater... Judge Bradley, at Corning, N. Y., dismisses the proceedings (on account of registry) against Colgate and Cornell students......News is received at San Francisco of the crushing, in the Arctic ice, of the whaling bark Helen Mac, and the loss of thirty-five of her crew......A fatal wrecking of a train on the Misaouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad is caused by a cow on the track .... Much excitement is caused by the striking near Camden, Ind., of an oil well which flows 2,000 barrels per day......An attempt is made to burn the Court House of Allen County, Ind.

Emperor Francis Joseph refuses permission to the Premier of Hungary to introduce the Compulsory Civil Marriage Bill......Municipal elections are held throughout Portugal; rioting occurs near Obidos......It is said that Osman Digna has failed to induce the tribes of the Soudan to join in a revolt against Egypt.

Monday, November 7.

Heavy snowstorms prevail in the Northwest......At Caseyville, Ind., a man kills another in a political quarrel......A cave of great dimensions and much beauty is said to have been discovered near Harrisonburg, Va...... The annual business meeting of the Connecticut Indian Association is held in New Haven......State Senator Osborne, of the Dutchess District, is arrested for illegal registration.

Returns from the elections in Italy show a Government majority in the Chamber of Deputies of 230 members...... It is rumored that the Hungarian Cabinet has resigned......The opening session of the Evicted Tenants Commission in Dublin culminates in a quarrel, leading to the withdrawal from the room of the lawyers representing the landlords, Tuesday, November 8.

General Election day; returns show the election of Mr. Cleveland by a large majority in the Electoral College; he carries the solid South, and New York State by over 40,000, New York City giving him nearly 80,000 plurality; he carries Connecticut by 5,000 plurality, the Republicans carrying the other New England States by modest majorities; New Jersey is Democratic by upwards of 6,000; Illinois gives about 8,000 Democratic plurality; returns from Indiana indicate a small Democratic plurality......Returns indicate the success of the People's party in Oregon and Nevada, and probably in Kansas and Colorado; the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives is reduced, but is still upwards of 50; the Senate will be Democratic; in the State of New York. Democrats elect a majority of Assembly men......Soldiers in Arizona start in pursuit of Yaqui Indians, who are on the warpath... strike on the street railroads in Columbus, Ohio, stops all travel......In Melvin, Tenn., a fight, the result of a long-standing feud, takes place between the Swofford and Tollette families; two of the Swoffords and one of the Tollettes killed.


It is reported that the Chilian Minister has resigned......The explosion of an infernal machine, placed by Anarchists in the Carmaux Mining Company's building in Paris, kills four police officers......There is further rioting in Brussels, growing out of the universal-suffrage movement......The cottonworkers' strike in England shows signs of weakness......A meeting of unemployed workingmen in London results in an attack on the office of the St. James Gazette.

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