Lapas attēli

the culture of the Bronze Age, of which it is the crown and flower. Across Europe, from the Greek peninsula to the Baltic, this civilization stretches; and though in Greece it ripened to an early fall, and was destroyed by the barbarian Doric invasion, it retained its hardy form in the North and in Italy. When we come down to about Soo B. C., we find that the arts stood high in Northern Italy. The requireinents of the carpenters and joiners of that age had led them to invent the most perfect forms of chisels, and our mortising chisel and flat chisel with a tang, have not received any improvement in the details of their form for 2,700 years. The Bronze Age is the source of the objects we now use. Thence these types were carried into Egypt, a couple of centuries later, by the Greeks.

When we descend further, we see this independent culture of Europe prominent. The Saxons and Northmen did not borrow their weapons, their laws, or their thoughts, from Greece or Italy. The Celts swamped the south of Europe at their pleasure. Against the fullest development of Greek militaty science, they were yet able to penetrate far south and plunder Delphi. They were powerful enough to raid Italy right across the Etrurian territory. When we look further east, we see the Dacians with weapons and ornaments which belong to their own civilization and were not borrowed from Greece.In short, Greece and Italy did not civilize Europe; they only headed the civilization for a brief period. The Italian influence, which was much the more powerful, lasted for a couple of centuries only. From Cæsar's campaigns to the end of the Antonines is the whole time of Italian supremacy. After that there never was a Roman emperor, except during a few ephemeral reigns. The centre of power and authority in Europe was in the Balkan peninsula. The emperors were mainly natives of that region; and the northern Holy Roman Empire of Gerinany has its roots practically in the third century.

Civilization in Europe is, then, an independent growth, borrowing from, and lending to, the East. We are yet on the threshold only of understanding the sources of the knowledge, the arts, and the culture which we have inherited from a hundred generations.

Roland GraEME: KNIGHT. A Novel of Our Time. By Agnes Maule Machar. New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert. 1892.

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[Our knight was no creation of princes, but none the less he made it his mission to ride (or at least to walk) abroad, redressing human wrongs." Roland Graeme was a member of the Knights of Labor, a man who had entered their ranks both that he might inspire them with confidence, and be able to see with their eyes. But while Roland Graeme is the hero and chief actor in the story, the central figure in the plot, the interest is by no means concentrated in him. Numerous characters, male and female, tread the stage and play their several parts, each and all making it their function both to interest and convey a moral. But for the evident purpose of the writer to make the work a vehicle for the communication. of her views on the labor-problem, we would say that the chief characters in the work were the Rev. Mr. Chillingworth and his family.]



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was well-chosen, his delivery eloquent, and his treatment of the duties of self-denial, the bearing of the Cross, the effort to live up to the Divine example, were moving in the extreme. He had driven one young lady of good family to become a hospital-nurse, and made many others impatient to find some field of profitable labor in the Master's vineyard. But the Rev. Mr. Chillingworth had studied these problems of the Christ-life on the theoretical side only, and when he was interrupted in the midst of the composition of a well-rounded phrase on the easy-going, selfish materialism of the age, by a call from Roland Graeme, who wanted his support for a new paper, The Brotherhood, he was impatient at the interruption; and when Roland Graeme got as far as the words "spirit of Christian socialism," he became quite angry and declined all further conversation on the subject.

As Roland was leaving the door a quaint, shabbily dressed but really beautiful little girl made her appearance, and selecting Mr. Chillingworth as the object of her search, commenced :

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I never give anything to begging children," said the clergyman sternly; "if your mother wants anything, she can come herself."

But the mother could not come. Roland Graeme took the little one along with him, and on his way called on another clergyman-a genial, practical Christian, who smiled pleasantly at Roland Graeme's enthusiastic attempts to inaugurate the millennium, but clearly saw that his immediate duty was to accompany little Miss Travers, as she styled herself, to her sick mother's room.

The poor woman was suffering severely from asthma and want of nourishment, and medical help was summoned. The doctor was not

at home, but his sister, Nora Blanchard, was, and knowing something of the treatment of asthma went in his stead. Mrs. Travers was sent to the hospital, where, as she recovered health, it was discovered that she was a dipsomaniac.

After leaving the hospital she became drunk, and Roland Graeme saw her in the hands of two policemen. He begged them to call a cab, and let him take her to the hospital, but in vain; and as they turned away with their helpless charge. Roland espied a locket which the poor woman had apparently dropped. Opening it, he found two likenesses, both of which were familiar to him. Herself in the brightness of early maidenhood, and the Rev. Mr. Chillingworth, looking some years younger than he then was.

She was a beautiful girl when Mr. Chilling worth married her, but having been given liquor as a stimulant in sickness, an inborn craving asserted itself, and she was thenceforth powerless to combat its influence. Her husband felt that such a tie would be an absolute bar to his usefulness, and crossed over to America, leaving written instructions to the poor young wife to go to her aunt, to whom he would remit the costs of her support. At her aunt's death she came to America with her cousin, a Miss Travers. The ship was wrecked, the cousins got into different boats, and Miss Travers was drowned. A handkerchief on her person marked Cecelia Chillingworth led to Mrs. Chillingworth being reported as dead, and so her reverend husband felt himself free to tempt fate once more.

While the wife was in the hospital the second time, Mr. Chillingworth contracted diphtheria, and allowed himself to be removed there. He had learned that his wife was alive, had awakened to the conviction that he had shirked his duty in deserting her. His wife attended him in his sickness, and sucked the poison from his mouth-probably thereby saving his life. He recovered, but his wife succumbed, realizing that it was better so.

THE AINU OF JAPAN: the Religion, Superstitions, and General History of the Hairy Aborigines of Japan. By the Reverend John Batchelor, C.M.S., Missionary to the Ainu. With Eighty Illustrations. 12mo, pp. 336. New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company.

[When the present race of Japanese obtained a foothold in the islands of the Empire, these were in possession of a people who had been there for ages before. This people, called the Ainu, were gradually driven by the Japanese from the south towards the north of this "Land of the Rising Sun," until now there are but sixteen or seventeen thousand of them left. During the last ten years the author of this volume has lived much among the Ainu from time to time, and here we have the result of his observations of them. We give some of the characteristics of the ancient race noted by Mr. Batchelor.]

THE present home of the Ainu is the island of Yezo and the Kurile

Islands belonging to the Japanese Empire, in its extreme northern part, and Saghalien, which is now a part of Russia. Only the Yezo Ainu are spoken of in this book. All writers describe the Ainu as a hairy race, but, as a rule, they are not as thickly covered with hair as some would have us believe.

They are of small stature. True Ainu men, who have no Japanese blood in their veins, are, on an average, five feet, four inches high, and the women five feet, one and a half or two inches. The Ainu

and Japanese half-breeds are smaller. Of these the men average five feet two inches, and the women five feet.

There are

Cleanliness is not a marked characteristic of the Ainu. but two occasions when they ever wash themselves-at bear-feasts and funerals—and then they wash their faces and hands only. The result is that any person who possesses, even in a small degree, the sense of smell, does not find their company agreeable.

The Ainu and Japanese languages are wholly different, and the former may be regarded as a language altogether isolated at the present day. The Ainu has no alphabet, no writing, no numbers above a thousand.

That the Ainu formerly extended all over Japan, and were in that country long before the present race of Japanese, is proved by the fact that many interesting names of towns, from Satsuma in the south to Shikotan in the north, are Ainu, finding no place in the Japanese language, and being Chinese only inasmuch as they are written with Chinese characters. Even the famous sacred mountain of Japan, Fuji-yama, owes its name to the Ainu tongue. At the same time it is pretty clear that the Ainu were not the only aborigines of Japan. There was a prior race which dwelt in pits and were shorter in stature than either the Japanese or Ainu.

This ancient people is a nation of drunkards. Fully ninety-five per cent. of the Ainu get drunk whenever they can obtain sake enough, and to be drunk is their supreme ideal of happiness. The women drink to excess whenever they have the opportunity. This excess in the use of intoxicating drinks is one of the causes of the decrease of the people, who are slowly, but surely, passing away.


The Press.


Delaware); doubtful, 45 (New York, West Vir- triumphant Administration, soon to closeginia, and Delaware); Weaver, 3 (Nevada). the most eventful and important of any since The New York Press (Rep.) on Nov. 7 the war,-and Republicans made no mistake in printed this estimate, crediting it to Mr. J. S. naming him as their standard-bearer in the THE PRESIDENTIAL ELEC- Clarkson: Harrison, 211; Cleveland, 164 (in- recent contest. Aside from the personal aspects cluding New Jersey, four Michigan votes, and of his recent overshadowing bereavement, it all the Southern States but West Virginia and was extremely unfortunate, politically considDelaware); doubtful, 69 (New York, Connecti-ered, in that it removed from the campaign cut, Indiana, Nevada, West Virginia, and Dela during the critical weeks immediately precedAt the time of going to press (Wednesday ware). ing the election the splendid personality of the The New York Herald (regarded as strictly President. His utterances have never failed afternoon) it is impossible to state with certainty how the Electoral vote will stand. There last Sunday printed an exhaustive review of dence which find expression in practical independent and impartial in its news columns) to inspire that solid enthusiasm and confiis some doubt about Ohio, and three or four of the situation, and absolutely predicted Cleve- support and in votes. The future histothe far Western States. The New York Herald land's election. The Herald declared that rian cannot well omit reference to the of Wednesday gave Cleveland 299 Electoral Cleveland was certain of New York; equally sad death in the White House as an active, certain of New Jersey; that the chances favored potent factor in the result. The noble manner votes, Harrison 119, and Weaver 26. It classed him strongly in West Virginia, Indiana, and in which President Harrison has conducted among the Cleveland States both California Connecticut; that Kansas, Idaho, and Nevada himself during these trying weeks and months, and Ohio, and counted five Michigan votes for were "lost to the Republicans," and that Wis- preserving his balance and self-control, neither Cleveland. The Weaver States, according to consin, Montana, Oregon, and Iowa were "dis- allowing the public service to suffer, nor yet the Herald, are Colorado, Kansas, and Ne-tinctly in doubt." Its news from Illinois was unmindful of the duty at his home, making no favorable to Harrison. It prophesied 75,000 unseemly effort for honors which he deemed majority for Cleveland in New York City, and the province of the people to confer-all this There is little doubt that Cleveland has a said that the most conservative Democratic attests anew the splendid manhood of Benheavy plurality of the popular vote. estimates for the State at large claimed a plu-jamin Harrison, whose public career must ever rality of 22,000. redound to the credit of the Republican party. President Harrison grows daily in the regard of the American people. History will rank him on the list of America's greatest statesmen.

braska, with one vote added from Oregon.

The State of New York was not necessary to Cleveland's election. Assuming that he carries Ohio and California, he would have had a clear majority of the Electoral College even if New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, West Virginia, Delaware, and all the Michigan votes had gone against him.

Iowa stands alone among the States that were spoken of before election as possibly

favorable to Cleveland. There seems to be a considerable Republican plurality in Iowa.

There is no more interesting feature of the results than the reëlection of Governor Russell (Dem.) in Massachusetts. This is his third successive triumph in that Republican State. His success this time is made the more remarkable by the fact that Massachusetts gives a large plurality for the Harrison Electors.

New York Times (Ind.-Dem.). Nov. 7.Cleveland, 232 (all the Southern States, Connecticut, Indiana, New Jersey, New York. and six Michigan votes); Harrison, 169; Weaver, 10 (Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, four Minnesota votes, and one Oregon vote); doubtful, 24 (Colorado, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota).

New York Sun (Dem.), Nov. 6.-Cleveland, 174 (all the Sonthern States, New Jersey, and five Michigan votes); Harrison, 188; Weaver, 3 (Nevada); doubtful, between the Democrats and Republicans, 72 (New York, Indiana, Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Montana); doubtful, favoring Weaver, 7 (North Dakota and South Dakota).

Philadelphia Press (Rep.), Nov. 10.-History will justify President Harrison and his Administration, however the votes of the day may condemn it. He has been a good PresiHis Administration has been able, hondent. est, and free from all reproach. His public acts have been accompanied by a private life and a display of personal ability which has profoundly impressed the country, and which Denied a second will not be forgotten. term, President Harrison will take into private The New York World (Dem.) on Nov. 6 life four months hence a respect and regard not printed Democratic and Republican estimates confined to party, and as broad as the nation. of the result. The Democratic estimate He brought to the work of government, equipshowed 244 for Cleveland (all the Southern ment, familiarity with public affairs, and acStates. Connecticut, Indiana, New Jersey, New, quaintance with public men. The value of all York, Wisconsin, and six Michigan votes); 105 this has constantly been apparent in his Adfor Harrison; 42 for Weaver (Colorado, Idaho, ministration, and his public life has been Kansas. Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, accompanied by the simple life, the Christian South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming), principle, and the family love and affection and 53 doubtful (Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, dear to and honored by the American people. Montana, and Oregon). The Republican es- Twice he has gone through the fire of a Presitimate gave Harrison 269 (including Connec-dential canvass, and through it all no flaw has ticut, Indiana, and New York); Cleveland, 163 been found in his personal character, and no Although the People's party carried several (all the Southern States excepting West Vir- chapter laid bare in all his past life which all the No President who has far Western States with the help of the Demo-ginia and Delaware, with New Jersey and world cannot know. three Michigan votes); Weaver, 3 (Nevada), held the Presidency for a single term will cratic endorsements of their tickets, the and classed Delaware and West Virginia (9 occupy a higher position than will President strength of the People's party in the House votes) as doubtful. Harrison in the calm verdict of history, and apparently is diminished rather than increased. among those who have been President for two Two of the leaders of the party, Watson of terms, he equals in civil administration any but Georgia and Simpson of Kansas, are defeated. two or three of the greatest. Yet in consequence of the fusions in the West, the People's party will be able to choose several new United States Senators.

It seems to be conceded on all hands that the Republicans will lose control of the United States Senate after the 4th of next March. The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives is reduced, but remains large -possibly as large as 75.

So far as can be judged from the meagre returns of the Prohibition vote, the Prohibition party has strengthened itself materially. Its vote seems to be increased throughout the country, and especially in the closely contested States.



W. F. Harrity, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, in the New York Herald last Monday predicted Cleveland's election by this vote: the South, 159; New York, 36; New Jersey, 10; Connecticut, 6; Indiana, 15; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 12-total, 244.

New York Recorder (Rep.), Nov. 7.-" Not since the second election of Lincoln and the first and second elections of General Grant have the prospects of Republican success been brighter than they are to-day "-etc. [N.B.Lincoln won in 1864 by 213 votes to 21. Grant won in 1868 by 214 to 21, and in 1872 by 286 to 42.]


New York Sun (Dem.), Nov. 9. twenty-third President of the United States will go out of office on the 4th of next March, having earned the respect and sincere esteem of his fellow-countrymen, Democrats as well as decreed that Benjamin Harrison shall figure in Republicans. While the political Fates have history as a one-term President, that one term will stand without the disfigurement of any serious scandal, and marked with many creditIt GOOD WORDS FOR PRESIDENT HAR- able deeds and important public services.

Shepard's paper), Nov. 7.-Harrison will be
New York Mail and Express (Col. Elliott F.
elected. The President may have 100 majority
in the Electoral College.


is a pleasant thing to remember that in the canvass just ended few words have been said or written concerning General Harrison which represent him as anything but what he is, namely, a man of superior intellect and elevated character, and a Chief Magistrate whom the country can always regard with admiration.

New York Mail and Express (Rep.), Nov. 9. -Whatever may have been the result of this election, Benjamin Harrison, the President of the United States, comes out of the contest in honor and in growing esteem on the part of citizens, irrespective of their political affiliations. He embraces in his character the solid New York World (Dem.), Nov. 1o.-Presivirtues that mark men and gentlemen. His dent Harrison, as the candidate of the Republicareer in its public aspects has won him dis- can party and the representative of what we conJoseph H. Manley, of the Republican Na- tinction at home and abroad; while in the rela-sider wrong principles and evil policies in the tional Committee, in an interview in the New tions of private life he has displayed conduct of the Goverment, has been criticised York Herald last Monday made this forecast: that earnestness and sincerity which in- in his public character and record at a time Harrison, 231 (including Connecticut, Indiana, spire confidence and promote admira- when, if only personal considerations could and nine Michigan votes); Cleveland, 165 tion. The Republican party made no have been allowed to prevail, every man with (New Jersey, five Michigan votes, and all the mistake in elevating Benjamin Harrison a heart in his breast would have preferred to Southern States excepting West Virginia and to the Presidency, as shown by his leave him untouched. We have endeavored

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The Sun from the bottom of its heart congratu-
lates the free South, and renews to every
Southern Democrat the assurances of its distin-
guished consideration.

It con


New York Daily News (Dem.), Nov. 9.There is one lesson that yesterday's grand victory teaches above all others, and it is that this is a great nation, and that the people who comprise it are to be relied on to do the right thing in an emergency. It looked at one time as if the money power, unscrupulously choosing its agents from the jail-birds of the country, would prove successful in its efforts to prevent the popular will. The result shows, however, that no matter how many the dollars may be, the manhood of our American electors is proof against them, if the principles weighing on the other side of the scale are rightly presented.

That it

Democrats generally have endea- disregard that self-respecting and independent | money cannot stop a landslide nor block an vored to respect the personal grief which sentiment which gave the triumph of yester- avalanche. The election has proved to be a has afflicted him during the latter portion landslide, an avalanche, a cyclone, a tidal-wave of the campaign. It is also proper to say, and -everything that typifies irrisistible power. New York Sun (Dem.), Nov. 9.-The mes- The overtaxed, insulted, defied People have it affords us pleasure to say, that however much we differ with the President in political sage which went South over the wires this risen in their might and overwhelmed the Recreed, and however severely we have felt morning is worth a thousand millions of dolpublican party. The voters have entered final obliged to condemn some of his public acts, we lars to that section of our great republic: "No judgment upon the verdict twice rendered recognize that in all the relations of private Force Bill! No Negro Domination!" Every by them in condemnation of the Republican life he is a man without reproach, and that in Patriot in the land must rejoice that the black policy and practices. The issues in a national his public acts he has simply represented and cloud which for several months has overhung election have never been more thoroughly deexecuted the will of his party. the free and prosperous South, is at last and bated or more generally understood. The will of forever dispelled. No Force Bill! No Ne- the people must now become the law of the land. gro Domination!" A new bond unites the To defy them further, as the Republican SenDemocracy of the Southern States with their ate and Administration have done for two years THE GENERAL RESULT. brethren of New York, Indiana, and New Jer- past; would be moral treason. It is a great New York Evening Post (Ind.-Dem,), Nov. sey. Together they have won the great and victory, well and worthily won. The Demo9. Mr. Cleveland's triumph to-day has been final battle for home rule and honest elections, cratic party displayed the courage of its conlargely due to the young voters who have free from Federal bayonets and hired Repub-victions in its nomination for President. come on the stage since the reign of passion lican bulldozers. "No Force Bill! No Negro wanted Grover Cleveland as its candidate and and prejudice came to an end and the era of Domination!" These same words have been it nominated him. It believed in its princidiscussion has opened. If the last canvass has ringing through every Southern State since ples and boldly declared them. Courage and consisted largely of appeals to reason, to facts, early summer. Now they have a new signifi- honesty have won. Long live the Republic! to the lessons of human experience, to the cance. Up to this morning the inspiring teachings of Christianity and science, and has phrase has been a battle-cry. Now it is the brought confusion on the preachers of media-glad announcement of a fact accomplished. val barbarism and abusurdity; if it has put a There will be no Force Bill. There can be no stamp of horror and contempt on the attempts return of the black days of Negro Domination. to make mutual hate a necessary accompaniment of peaceful industrial competition-thus furnishing Socialism with one of its best weapons-it is to Mr. Cleveland, let us tell them, they owe it. But they are indebted to him for something far more valuable than even thisNew York Staats-Zeitung (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. for an example of splendid courage in the de- 9.-The confidence in the intelligence and the fense and assertion of honestly formed opinions; moral worth of the people has in this campaign of Roman constancy under defeat, and of pa- been rewarded in a brilliant manner. Such a tient reliance on the power of deliberation campaign as the young Democracy conducted and persuasion on the American people. Noth-this year had perhaps never before been carried ing is more important in these days of on by a party in the United States. boodle," of indifference, of cheap bellicose sisted throughout of the noblest appeals to the patriotism than that this confidence in the understanding of the people upon the economimight of common sense and sound doctrine cal, political, and moral significance of tariff and free speech should be kept alive. Next to reform. The misrepresentation of the efforts this in importance is the honor and reward of of the Democracy in this respect was refuted in those who display it in a high degree as Mr. a masterly manner, and the dangerous tendenCleveland has done. cies toward class rule which the Republican party has fostered were so clearly exposed that this proof necessarily produced a crushing effect. This was the overshadowing motive power which characterized the Democracy in this fight. The party thereby won back the position it had held in its best days as the original defender of the pure idea of popular rule and the antagonist of aristocratic tendencies, especially those of the worst of all aristocracies, that of money, the poisoner of public life. Quite in harmony with this principal position taken by the Democracy was that which it took in several States on certain State questions, namely, in Illinois and Wisconsin, where it assumed the struggle against the nativistic fight upon the private schools. This contributed very considerably to the change in Illinois. In that State the Germans contributed greatly to the success of the Democracy, but not there only. Everywhere the ties that bound German-Americans to the Republican party, which New York Tribune (Rep.), Nov. 10.-It has so many had joined at the time of the agitation been a favorite Democratic argument during of the slavery question, were torn asunder. this campaign that, inasmuch as nothing seriAfter disposing of that question the Republican ously hurtful to the interests of the country reparty had to push away just this element, sulted from Mr. Cleveland's former Administraowing to the overpowering nativism and grasp- tion, nothing harmful need be anticipated as ing spirit which prevailed in the party. In the result of his success now. The answer to general, German-Americans contributed very this suggestion was that during Mr. Cleveland's considerably to make the mission of the De-former term a Republican Senate stood between mocracy that of guardianship of the people's him and his party and the practical carrying interests, as against individual interests. Their out of their policies, compelling him to adinfluence in this respect was very weighty in minister the Government upon the lines laid the National Convention, and throughout the down by Republican statesmen, and in substancampaign this influence was used to preserve to tial if not willing, accord with Republican printhe party the principal characteristic by which ciples. But Mr. Cleveland's election has been it outmatched the opposition. The German brought about this time by majorities so deciadopted citizens have kept up their reputation sive, and it is coincident with the choice of so in this election fight, and they will know how large a Democratic majority in the House of to keep on preserving it. Representatives, as to leave no room to doubt that there is a reactionary sentiment among the people against the measures which Republican statesmen have devised as progressive and prolific of great public advantages. Republicans have generally anticipated, the election of Cleveland assures also the election of a working Democratic majority in the Senate as well as in the House, we shall ex

Yea, let all good things await
Him who cares not to be great,
But as he saves or serves the State.




Let his great example stand
Colossal, seen of every land,

And keep the soldier firm, the statesman pure;
Till in all lands and through all human story
The path of duty be the way to glory.
New York Times (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. 9.—It
is preeminently a victory of courage and fidel-
ity to principle. The Chicago Convention, in
taking Mr. Cleveland as its candidate, planted
itself firmly on the ground of princible. It set
forth distinctly and honestly the policy for
which it asked the approval of the country,
and defined, without prevarication or evasion,
the issue on which it challenged the party in
power to go before the people. And through-
out the canvass it has fought on those lines.
The campaign on the Democratic side has been
one of candid and able discussion. There have
been no claptrap, no appeals to purblind prej-
udice, no paltering in a double sense with the
question of the day. It has been an aggres-
sive campaign, but the assaults have been gal-
lantly and steadily directed against igno-
rance, misrepresentation, and corruption.
In the overwhelming vote for Mr. Cleveland
speaks the voice of the conscience and intelli-
gence of the Republic. The victory is truly
and profoundly a victory of the independent
voters, of the men who have abandoned the
Republican party because it had abandoned
right and justice and honor, and who upheld
the Democratic party because that party was
loyally pledged to reform. Happily for the
country and for the Democratic party, this
body of conscientious voters have shown a
power that will command respect, and that can
be retained only on the conditions on which it
was secured. The victory is not over Repub-
lican partisanship alone, but over all blind
partisanship. It is impossible now to conceive
of the formation in the near future of any na-
tional party that will dare to rely on the influ-
ences and instrumentalities on which the Re-
publican party relied, or that will venture to

New York World (Dem.), Nov. 9.-The people have triumphed over the Plutocracy. Men are stronger than Money. The" hidden and abhorrent forces" of corruption have not prevailed over the intelligence and virtue of the voters. The World told the protected monopolists and their political agents that


New York Herald (Ind.), Nov. 9.-The decision of the people shows that at last they have awakened to the fact that a high tariff protects capital, but does not protect labor. swells the profits of employers, but does not increase the wages of employés. That Protection is a boon to protected manufacturers, because it cuts off foreign competition by closing American markets to English manufactures. But that it must prove ruinous to American wage-earners, because by closing our kets to English manufactures it will close English factories and mills, throw English operatives out of employment, and cause a flood tide of English cheap labor to flow into this country and overrun the entire field of American skilled labor. Awakened to the disastrous tendencies of Protection and realizing the danger menaced by English cheap labor, the people have rendered their verdict. It is against Protection and against English cheap labor. It is for American skilled labor and American wage-earners. The result is a popular triumph for national congratulation. It is the voice of the American people that there shall be in this country no English cheap labor. ·

If, as

pect the Democrats to show that they have the | which had disgraced and belittled previous been within a few years past foisted upon us by courage of their alleged convictions. struggles were made conspicuous in this a Western politician, with no claim beyond We do not believe that Mr. Cleveland will be later one chiefly by their absence. Great "hustle" to statesmanship, totally disavowed wanting in purpose. He is certainly regarded orators took to the stump; great leaders of by such Republican statesmen as Garfield, as as a man of resolution and readiness. Few thought discussed in the newspapers, maga- Sherman, and even as Blaine, will no longer have claimed for him any extraordinary meas-zines, and reviews the different principles and hang like a miilstone on the Republican party's ure of ability, but Republicans have generally policies which constituted the lines of division neck. To the spirit of independence and rebeen willing to concede that his perceptions between the two parties. The mails over- volt within the grand old party against McKinare reasonably clear, his motives generally flowed with political literature which was scat-leyism, best shown to-day in the great Repubpatriotic, and his nature earnest and strong. tered broadcast for the enlightenment of lican States of the Northwest, we might say in He will enter upon this term of office knowing voters. In the truest and best sense was the the words of the poet Whittier to Roger it to be his last, and with a knowledge of the campaign one of education. It was one which Williams : country and an acquaintance with men and appealed not only to the intelligence, but to affairs which he did not at all possess when he the interests of the electorate. Those things was first elected. If he can be judged by the which concerned the welfare, the prosperity of past, he will appreciate and accept the respon- the people were spoken and written about, and sibility implied, not only by the fact but by the discussion of them by Republicans and the manner of his election, and this is what all Democrats was carried on in every city, town, citizens who believe in the rule of the majority village, and hamlet, and into almost every

will wish to see.



It knows him as a man

He has no

New York Morning Advertiser (Rep.), Nov. Philadelphia Press (Rep.), Nov. 10. 10. In the end the American principle of Cleveland is not untried. The country knows Protection will be strengthened by this check. who and what he is. Past experiences demonstrate that, like Antæus, and knows him as President. It is a matter of the cause of Protection is revivified every time satisfaction to every right-minded citizen of it is thrown down. If we mistake not, the every party that the general sentiment towards spirit of the Republican party was never more him is one of personal respect. The observadetermined than it is to-day. During all the tion and experience of ten years in and out of reverses of the Civil War the party held true place permit an intelligent and fair judgment. to the righteous cause, and it triumphed in the Mr. Cleveland is not a great man. end. Its principles and policies are warred such brilliancy and fertility of mind as Mr. upon to-day by the same malignant and abhor- Blaine. He has no such completeness and rent elements that warred against the Union; quality of intellectual equipment as Presibut they will be steadily carried forward to dent Harrison. He is not the equal of Genpermanent triumph. There must be no waver- eral Harrison, either as a lawyer, or as an ing, no turning back, no deviation from the orator, or as a statesman. He does not match right. Protection is the true American sys- his competitor in the range and fineness of his tem, and it must be fought for and upheld. mental power. Indeed, there are DemoProtection is the life and vitality of the Repub-cratic leaders like Senator Carlisle whe are lican party. The principle must prevail, for it much abler men. Mr. Cleveland's undoubted is righteous. strength and his unquestioned command of men lie in his force of will, in his robust virility Philadelphia Record (Dem.), Nov. 9.-Above of mind and in the impression of his rugged the economical results that are promised by honesty and independence of purpose. this revolution is the consideration that it will not as able as some of the men about him, but He is dry up the floods of political corruption which he dominates them by his stronger personality. have overwhelmed the ballot and brought These are good qualities and they rightly deep reproach upon popular government in inspire confidence. No fair-minded man will this country. The tariff beneficiaries will no underestimate Mr. Cleveland. And yet it is longer be able to pervert the Government from none the less true that it is a proof of the povits legitimate functions; their money will cease erty of Democratic leadership that for ten to be a chief factor in the elections for the years and through three Presidential contests Presidency and for Representatives in Con- he should have been the master spirit of the gress; and the party which shall maintain such an alliance will fall lower and lower in public opinion until overtaken by dissolution. While Philadelphia North American (Rep.), Nov. the victorious Democratic party will thrive 9.-The Republicans have made a strenuous, best under vigilant and patriotic opposition, it conscientious, and vigorous fight. They have will be in the power of the Republicans to re-had much to contend against, and not the least store their shattered lines by resolutely refus- of their difficulties has been the persistent and ing further obedience to the extreme behests malignant effort of their adversaries to perof the tariff spoilers. The first evidence of suade the wage-earning people that their prostheir contrition should be a solemn abjuration perity, which could not be disputed, has been in of that measure of Protectionist fanaticism and too small proportion of the whole return. rapacity, the McKinley Act. Will they have is the nature of man to consider that no esthe courage and moral force to rise to the oc-timate of his own contribution to a common




welfare can be too high. It is equally his disPhiladelphia Times (Dem.), Nov. 9. The position to feel that any burden he bears is election of Cleveland is a peaceful revolution, heavier than that of his neighbors. The soph and it will make no disturbance in the channels istries of Democratic argument have apparof finance, commerce, industry, and trade. It ently won many converts. Whatever may be will recall the Government to severe honesty; the decision of this great Presidential contest to all needful economy; to the largest freedom that will be recorded by the official figures, of the citizen, and to the sound Democratic there rests with the American people the policy of scrupulously maintaining "the great-single duty of accepting it with a patriotic est good to the greatest number." The victors suppression of personal disappointment. will have no rude huzzas to fling into the face of so honored and honest a President as Benjamin Harrison; but the considerate of all parties will rejoice that a Democratic victory has called so able, upright, and patriotic a man as Grover Cleveland to the Presidency.

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Baltimore Sun (Dem.), Nov. 9. — The publican party has received a lesson more significant than that taught it in 1890, and if it wishes to escape utter destruction it will turn over a new leaf. But if it is joined to its idols it will be better that it should perish with them in the general rejoicing that will go up for the deliverance from the thraldom with which it well nigh throttled popular liberty and has crushed the nation with burdensome taxation.

No forge of hell can weld again
The fetters thou hast broken.

Washington Post (Ind.-Rep.), Nov. 9.—To Mr. Cleveland upon his success the Post exdom of his nomination from a Democratic tends its sincerest congratulations. The wisstandpoint is triumphantly vindicated. He was

nominated in the face of an adverse delegation. from his own State. He is elected with the

party in New York never before so harmoniously organized, and his bitterest opponents of six months ago rendering him effective and loyal support. He will doubtless give the country a clean, able, and honest Administration. He will return to the Chief Magistracy with a practical experience of its duties and and give so much the greater assurance of his obligations that will stand him in good stead acceptability and usefulness to the people who have so conspicuously honored him with their


Pittsburgh Times (Rep.), Nov. 9.—That there was gross blundering in the management of the Republican canvass cannot be denied. If there were no other evidence of this than the preposterous claims seriously made and believed by those who made them concerning the vote of New York State it would require no further demonstration. But blunders of management cannot explain the sweeping results indicated by the reports from East and fidently for the mature judgment of this elecWest. Republicans waited hopefully and contion to correct the adverse verdict, hastily given, in the Congressional elections of 1890, immediately after the McKinley Tariff Bill be

came a law.

Chicago Herald (Dem.), Nov. 9.-The extent of the Democratic triumph, positive and emphatic as it is, does not begin to equal the measure of the crushing defeat which the American people administered to Republicanism and Protection in the elections of yesterday. In addition to the States swept by Democracy must be counted those which repudiated the thieving Protective tariff without adopting entire the Democratic faith.

will ever be felt by a people who through quiet, Chicago Times (Dem.), Nov. 9.-No regret but effective, use of the ballot have caused this and a Democratic Legislature will use their great revolution. A Democratic Eexecutive power moderately and discreetly, but the essential reforms they have promised will be wrought out in good faith. The people have decided that there shall be no further exaction of tribute for particular industries from the general pocket, and Democracy in good time will give effect to that decision.

Chicago News-Record (Ind.-Dem.), Nov. 9.— Major McKinley has prided himself as being the Napoleon of the Republican party. Yesterday was the Waterloo for McKinley and McKinleyRe-ism. Just as the "sunken road" in the vivid words of Victor Hugo brought disaster and humiliation to Napoleon, so the hosts of the Republican party, binding themselves to the desperate ambition of their Napoleon-faced dictator, fell in the sunken road of the new ballot system. Nothing could save McKinley from the ditch ligged for him, soberly, silently, and remorselessly by the people who pay the taxes and who believe that revenue is a tax, and a tax for anything but the honest expense of Government is an unwarranted hardship. In that ditch McKinley will probably be left by the party he has brought to such disastrous defeat. If the party is to survive it will have to choose

Boston Transcript (Ind.-Rep.), Nov. 9.-The "McKinley idea" that the tariff should be for protection primarily and only incidentally for revenue,-this barbarous solecism that has

new leaders and return to its older and better | enough for many days. And so, as in days | all report large gains. The table which follows faith. McKinleyism is dead.

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gone by, let us

Sound the bold anthem, the war dogs are howling,
Proud bird of liberty screams thro' the air.

contains the estimate of the Voice, based upon dispatches which follow, but which estimates are in most cases considerably less than the figures reported to us from the States:

St. Paul Pioneer-Press (Rep.), Nov. 9.—The
Republican party has not yet recovered from
the popular prejudice against the McKinley Alabama
Bill, which two years ago, just after its enact-
ment, rose like a deluge and swept away the
Republican majority in Congress which had Connecticut..
enacted it.

- Con

Chicago Tribune (Rep.), Nov. 9. - The Republicans have been defeated in the national contest, but they have made the best fight they knew how. They have done nothing which they are ashamed of. They have left nothing undone which could be done honorably. Were they to fight the battle over again they would adopt neither new politics nor new methods. The Republicans suffered, as they have done the last sixteen years, by the suppression of the votes of half a million of the Southern Kansas City Journal (Rep.), Nov. 9. members of the party and the loss of the Elec-fidentially speaking, this wildcat Democracy toral votes of four States to which their canseems to have walloped us. The McKinley didates are entitled. They suffered from the Bill did its own talking, but it does not seem malignity of the Drys and by the unprincipled to have done its own fighting. The people of fusion agreements made west of the Missis- the United States seem to think they want sippi, which testified both to the dishonesty more of Grover Cleveland. The people of and utter lack of principle of the Democrats the United States have exhibited a surprisingly and the besotted ignorance of the Republican | poor taste. Populists, the last named of whom could not see that a vote for Weaver was one for Cleve

land. And yet they would have won in spite of these things if the Democrats had made a frank Free Trade fight and had told the workingmen of this country just what it was that they intented to do when they held the reins of

the Government.

has ever known.

Portland Oregonian (Rep.), Nov. 9.-The country has decreed a change of fiscal and industrial policy in the most prosperous time it This is largely the result of the immense foreign vote in the great cities. The labor vote, largely foreign, ignorant of the extent of its prosperity, has been misused by demagogues, and has revolted against the best conditions it has ever known. Its mistake Chicago Inter-Ocean (Rep.), Nov. 9.-The will be seen when the prosperity on which labor American people have turned their backs on has thriven as never before receives an inevitprogress and given their adhesion to the anti-able shock through legislation based on the American ideas so popular across the Atplatform on which Cleveland is elected. lantic in a manner we thought them incapable election of yesterday will be the beginning of a period of industrial stagnation.


Cincinnati Commercial Gazette (Rep.), Nov. 9.-Not a few Republicans who are strong in their convictions and party loyalty favor tariff reform-not the false pretenses of Mr. Cleveland, but genuine reform of the tariff laws from time to time as they appear to need it. They endorsed the McKinley Tariff Bill as a whole, but would have been glad to see some of its parts modified. They claim that a less radical, though no less wise and beneficent, measure might have been adopted which would have met with less popular objection.

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Cleveland Leader (Rep), Nov. 9.-The vote yesterday showed the effect of the immense influx of foreigners in our large cities. New York, Brooklyn, and Chicago all made unexpectedly large Democratic gains, due without doubt to the heavy accessions of foreign population. As soon as a foreigner arrives in either of the first-named cities he falls into the clutches of Democratic politicians, aspires to be a police officer or to hold some similar position, and swears allegiance to the Democrats before he becomes a citizen. If the new Administration moves upon Republican lines, industry will continue to thrive. Should the principles upon which Mr. Cleveland has been elected be put into execution disaster would be inevitable; the Democracy would be relegated to a long period of obscurity.







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San Francisco Chronicle (Rep.), Nov. 9.—The people of the United States have declared in favor of the Democratic candidates, and, presumably, of Democratic principles, and so the United States is to have an era of Free Trade for at least two years, and possibly four. All good citizens, no matter how much they may deplore the result, will bow to the popular verdict, but we venture to make this prediction, that if this country shall have four years of Free Trade or of tariff for revenue only, there will not be another Democratic victory for half a century.



New York Voice (Proh.), Nov. 10.-Conservative estimates of the Prohibition vote, based upon the partial and incomplete returns found in the dispatches which follow, justify the belief that the Prohibition party has again made a splendid advance, polling not less than 350,000 in the nation as against the Fisk vote or 249,945 in 1888. Of 26 States from which returns have been received a conservative estimate gives Bidwell some 272,000 votes as against 205,000 polled in the same States for Fisk. A similar increase throughout the Union would bring the vote 100,000 above the Fisk vote of 1888. The Louisville Courier-Journal (Dem.), Nov. 9. estimates upon which this splendid increase -The campaign of education has been ful- are based, are in almost every instance confilled. A campaign of aggression has done its siderably below the figures and estimates perfect work. Home rule, revenue reform, which have been telegraphed the Voice by its and honest administration are the orders given correspondents and by Prohibition party offiGovernment by the people of the United cials in the several States. Particularly gratiStates, and for the next four years at least they fying is the increase in New York State, will constitute and embody the public policy. where returns from 31 of the 60 counties give No more robber tax laws, no further danger a vote for Bidwell of 21,700, as against a Fisk of any predatory Force Bill, but all the people vote of 16,000 in the same counties in of all the sections in the saddle and a tariff for 1888. A similar increase throughout the revenue only. Let us give thanks to God, and State would bring New York's Bidwell vote let us give thanks to the brave and true Demo-up from 30,000 to 40,000. Chairman Baldwin crats who, disregarding original preferences estimates it at 43,000. Splendid gains are made and predilections, buckled on their armor and did such noble service in the debatable States. Among good Democrats there are no factions. In a great cause all minor differences disap. pear. Thus we triumph over organized rapacity and vindicate the right of the people, unawed by power and unbought by money, to rule, and thus again is free government conclusively and nobly vindicated. Enough for one day. Glory

in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. California,
Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, and Vir-
ginia are reported to have doubled the vote of
1888. Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey
report from 20 to 25 per cent. increases. Wis-
consin and Nebraska hold up well under the
Populist and fusion assault. Arkansas, Dela-
ware, Florida, and Mississippi, where the Pro
hibition vote has heretofore been very small,




939 1,084 1,500 7,656 14,277 15,000 249,945



Philadelphia Ledger (Rep.), Nov. 10.-The Prohibitionists are used to political Waterloos as well as other kinds of water, but they have secured a Congressman in this State, according to advices from Titusville-Hon. John C. Sib ley, who was nominated by the Prohibitionists in the 26th District (Erie and Crawford Counties), and endorsed by the Democrats and People's party. Very little Congressional tea will be worked off on Mr. Sibley.


New York Sun (Tammany Dem.), Nov. 9.The seventy-two delegates from New York to the Democratic Convention at Chicago signed on June 20, 1892, a certificate of their belief that the nomination of Grover Cleveland would imperil the success of the Democratic party, by exposing the Democracy to the loss of the Electeral vote of the Empire State. This statement was as honest as the sun is bright. It was as loyal as truth itself. Every delegate representing the New York Democracy at Chicago signed the protest and warning, and every Democrat of them not only believed what he said, but had good reason to believe it. Why is it, then, that the prediction unanimously rendered by so many loyal and representative Democrats of New York, men in every instance in the best position to estimate accurately the sentiment of the State under existing conditions, should not have been fulfilled by the event ? Simply because these same New York Democrats, accepting in good faith the decision of the Convention, went to work and worked from that day on with a determination that made the impossible possible. Never before in the history of American politics has there been anything comparable to the achievement of the Democracy of New York City, led by the leaders of Tammany Hall, and the Democracy of Kings, led by Hugh McLaughlin, and the Democracy of the State in general, led by David Bennet Hill and William F. Sheehan. They have accomplished, we say, what was impossible under the conditions existing at the date of the Chicago protest; and for the un

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