TABLE 3. RECAP OF MANDATORY AND DISCRETIONARY SCORING BY ACT 35,796,855,000 272,987,000 [Amounts in dollars] REGULAR ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ACTS AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND Mandatory appropriations Discretionary appropriations: General Purpose: Domestic functions Total DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE, JUSTICE, AND STATE, THE JUDICIARY, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998 (H.R. 2267, S. 1022-PUBLIC LAW 105-119) Mandatory appropriations Discretionary appropriations: Violent crime trust fund General purpose: Defense (function 050) Domestic functions Total, General purpose Total, Discretionary Total Fiscal year 1997 enacted Budget request House 40,076,610,000 13,050,879,000 38,210,405,000 53,127,489,000 52,284,644,000 521,524,000 502,336,000 4,525,000,000 5,238,000,000 233,081,000 289,887,000 24,587,819,000 205 26,027,897,000 24,820,900,000 26,317,784,000 29,345,900,000 31,555,784,000 29,867,424,000 32,058,120,000 [Amounts in dollars] TABLE 3. RECAP OF MANDATORY AND DISCRETIONARY SCORING BY ACT—Continued REGULAR ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ACTS Mandatory appropriations Total Senate Budget request Reported by 52,284,644,000 DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE, JUSTICE, AND STATE, THE JUDICIARY, AND RELATED Mandatory appropriations Violent crime trust fund Defense (function 050) Total, General purpose Total, Discretionary Total 502,336,000 496,836,000 504,336,000 502,336,000 504,336,000 5,163,000,000 5,224,822,000 5,224,822,000 5,238,000,000 5,225,000,000 289,887,000 275,406,000 275,406,000 293,387,000 26,102,897,000 25,587,191,000 25,580,991,000 26,027,897,000 298,000,000 26,392,784,000 25,862,597,000 31,555,784,000 TABLE 3. RECAP OF MANDATORY AND DISCRETIONARY SCORING BY ACT—Continued [Amounts in dollars] Mandatory appropriations General purpose: Domestic functions Mandatory appropriations |