Lapas attēli

I do not want someone to use my work. Still, there is such a thing as having all kinds of materials available, source materials, in the public interest. It is whether or not you consider the copyright to be an intellectual property right as such. I know that is the case in British law. I am not so sure it is in our law. You may want to speak to that.

Mr. PATTISON. Is that not the fundamental decision you make, when you say you are going to create a monopoly interest on the part of a person who creates something, and allow him to give permission or not, or conditionally, or any other way he wants-and what the object of that will, in fact, result in more dissemination of information and more creative activity going on than if you give him no right at all or give him a limited right?

Mr. ROSENFIELD. The courts have answered that very clearly. The statutes until now, until this moment, give a presumptive exclusive monopoly. Presumably, you are not allowed to use one word. The courts have said that is silly. It is not in the constitutional objective, which is dissemination; and therefore, the courts have developed the doctrine of fair use, the purpose of which is dissemination. And what we are suggesting to you is that we are not talking about monopoly or no monopoly. We think that, with due respect, is not the issue that you yourself are proposing. The issue really is, what is the nature of the usable portion of the material, irrespective of the presumptive monopoly? And on that score, if an issue is couched in those terms, that it is not exclusive, then the author cannot refuse, no matter how much he wants. Once he has taken advantage of statutory copyright, he cannot refuse fair use, no matter how much he wants to.

Mr. PATTISON. We are adopting the concept of fair use in this statute. That is not the question. We have a situation here that I posed, where presumably someone thought that it was not fair use, or it probably was not fair use. They asked the author for permission. He said no. Mr. ROSENFIELD. That is exactly what happened in Williams & Wilkins.

The thrust of your questions, if I may respectfully indicate, would be to put the burden on the copyright holder by saying let him settle the price. We are saying to the degree it is fair use or exemptible, the publisher has no control.

Mr. PATTISON. We agree completely on that concept, except no one seems to agree on what fair use is. I am posing the question-assuming it is not fair use and you ask the publisher, the author, if in fact you can use his piece, and it is not under the fair use doctrine, then the objection was made that his price was too high; he did not therefore benefit, and the students did not benefit.

I am presuming as a part of my question that it was not fair use. Mr. ROSENFIELD. Let us go back.

If, under whatever the rules are, it is not fair use, we may fuss at you because it is not fair use.

Mr. PATTISON. Not under this question, because it is a given.

Mr. ROSENFIELD. If it is not fair use, the author has a right to control the price. We are not arguing about that.


Mr. FREITAG. I would like to relate to you a question that brought up that point in terms of duration of a copyright-the concern that

I have that the life of the author plus 50 prevents the author from having a second choice to decide whether or not he wants to continue the material under copyright. Anybody from the minute they publish can freely grant the right to anyone to use it all along.

Let us say a copyright does exist. It is a valid copyright and must be respected. The 28 years, which must then be renewed, and which is renewed in only 15 percent of the cases, gives to the author, the copyright holder, a chance to decide whether this should go into the public domain or not. Life plus 50 really locks it up.

Mr. PATTISON. We could create that rather simply by saying that after a period of time a notification goes to the author; if you do not choose to renew it or wish to withdraw your copyright, let us know. That could be done very simply.

Mr. FREITAG. The pending legislation includes life plus 50.

Mr. PATTISON. It may be a good idea to require the author to state his age and state of health at that point.

One other question. Suppose someone is so foolish to decide they are going to open up a school on a profit basis, for a variety of reasons. Maybe they do not really expect to make a profit. Certainly they would not if they had any intelligence. Let us suppose they want to do it for a variety of reasons-they want that form of operation rather than having-having the kind of form of operation you have with a nonprofit corporation that has a lot of legal constraints in it. You want to open up a school for profit. There are many of course. What is the difference if we have the same school. We are two schools; one under one form-nonprofit with a board of directors, and tries to raise money from the public; the other profitmaking, which may or may not make a profit. Actually, what is à proprietary operation; what is the difference to the student?

Mr. WIGREN. We are not asking for this limited exemption for any commercial school whatsoever.

Mr. PATTISON. Why not?

Mr. WIGREN. We think the nature of the use is such that if they are a commercial operation, unlike a nonprofit institution, they therefore should pay. They get money from their students to operate the school.

Mr. PATTISON. So does Cornell.

Mr. WIGREN. In the other instance, these are public schools; for the most part they are parochial.

Mr. PATTISON. I have a hard time making that distinction. I may choose to send my child to a school which is very successfully being run by a profitmaking operation and cheaper, let us say, than the nonprofit school. Let us say that the tuition at the profit school is $500 a year, and at the nonprofit school the tuition is $6,000 a year. That is perfectly possible.

Mr. WIGREN. Do you not think tax law distinguishes between them? Mr. PATTISON. For a variety of reasons, but not based upon what you do at the place.

I am just wondering-there are not many proprietary schools.

Mr. ROSENFIELD. Is that not why, exactly, the tax law distinguishes? The tax law distinguishes because in one the teacher does not make personal profit, and in the other the proprietor does depending upon whether or not his business is profitable.

In other words, in one you have a situation in which the copyrighted material is being used to make a buck; and in the other, you are not giving that kind of purposeful use. That is precisely why the tax law distinguishes the tax law and the Congress. The Congress makes certain benefits available to nonprofit institutions of education which it does not make available to profitmaking institutions.

Mr. PATTISON. Are we not talking about the dissemination of information, and how it is disseminated; we do not really care, do we? Mr. ROSENFIELD. Yes, we do.

We are saying for the purpose of this special exemption, just as Congress has said we are going to support nonprofit higher education or lower educational institutions and nonprofitmaking ones, we are saying that the Congress, in its wisdom, ought to make special rules for the nonprofit, noncommercial utilization of this copyright material and let the commercial one go on its own.

What we are trying to point out in a sense is that the ad hoc committee refuse membership to profitmaking schools that are excellent schools for this very reason. It is not that we are thinking of it as an afterthought. This was a fundamental distinction between the profit and the nonprofit in the character of the use involved.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Congressman, 107 itself speaks of the purpose and character of the use. The purpose of the use in a profitmaking institution is to make a buck. Sure you make a buck by disseminating education to the students. The purpose is to make a buck.

Mr. PATTISON. Maybe. I can form a number of corporations, notfor-profit corporations, with a small group of people involved, a notfor-profit corporation, and charge tuition, and not make a profit at all, because we just adjust our salary dependent upon what we make. There is no profit at all. It comes out to zero at the end of the You can do the same thing with a for-profit corporation. You are not going to tell me if a for-profit corporation incurs a loss, in the time that they incur the loss, you are not going to let them off the hook.


I think the distinction is based upon the use, not upon the nature of the institution. That is all.

Mr. ROSENFIELD. We thought we were asking for less than you were pushing us to.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. We thank those representing educators here this morning, and educational uses, and the copyright bill. We thank you for your very helpful testimony.

The Chair would now like to call those who represent publishersBella Linden, Paul Zurkowski, Ernest Farmer, Irwin Karp, and Edward Meell-to come forward.

The Chair would like to express regrets that it is so late in the morning in reaching you. There has been, evidently, a very profound interest in the subject from the questioning of those who preceded


Nonetheless, your testimony is equally valuable to us and sought after. I only regret that it is late. Perhaps hereafter we can make other adjustments.

Ms. Linden?

[The prepared statement of Ms. Bella Linden follows:]


Mr. Chairman, I am Bella L. Linden, partner in the law firm of Linden and Deutsch, New York City. I was counsel for many years for the American Textbook Publishers Institute (until its merger with the American Book Publishers Council into the association known as Association of American Publishers), a member of the Panel of Experts appointed by the Register of Copyrights to consider revision of the Copyright Law, and a member of the Committee on Science and Technical Information (COSATI) of the Federal Council for Science and Technology and Chairman of the COSATI sub-panel on rights of access to computerized information systems. My firm represents Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. and Macmillan, Inc., two of the five largest American educational publishers. However, I appear here today not on behalf of Macmillian or Harcourt alone, nor solely on behalf of educational publishers. Rather, I am here in the interests of our system of educational authorship and publishing. representing the sum total of the combined creative efforts and investments of the authors and publishers of this country's educational materials.

This statement is respectfully submitted in opposition to the proposal for a general educational exemption to the rights of authors and publishers established in H.R. 2223. Eight years ago, in your Committee's analysis of the doctrine of fair use as established in the Revision Bill and, in particular, its application to educational and classroom use, your Committee concluded that " a specific exemption freeing certain reproductions of copyrighted works for educational and scholarly purposes from copyright control is not justified." [H.R. Rep. No. 83, p. 311 At last week's hearings the Register of Copyrights stated that your report "still remains the basic legislative explanation of the content of the Bill, and the [basis from which] the reports succeeding it in both Houses have all been drawn * * During the intervening years, the only relevant fact to have changed is the further proliferation of devices for unauthorized, inexpensive and rapid duplication, use and transmission of copyrighted works.

Yet, we find ourselves still debating the request for the so-called "educational exemption."

At bottom, of course, this dispute is based on economic interests. Authors, publishers, educators, librarians, all must live on a budget. I will certainly concede that anything which may be acquired free of charge imposes no burden on a budget, so it is not totally unnatural for users of copyrighted materials to desire unpaid-for duplication privileges. Textbook budgets are extremely low, amounting, on a national average, to between two and three percent of a school's annual budget. Photocopying equipment and other reproduction, storage and retrieval devices are not part of a school's textbook budget, but come under the broad umbrella of "supplies." Thus, the natural and laudable tendency for good teachers is to seek supplementary material via the Xerox and tape machines. Less laudable however, is the insistence of some that authors and publishers should not be paid for such uses of their works.

Throughout the revision program the authors and publishers of educational materials have agreed with the principle of full and prompt access to copyrighted material for educational use. This is the very reason for their creative efforts and existence. Clearly, there is a significant difference between access to educational materials, which we wholeheartedly support, and unpaid-for duplication of these materials.

We have continually offered to work with the proponents of the educational exemption, as urged by your Committee in 1967, "to work out means by which permissions for uses beyond fair use can be obtained easily and quickly and at reasonable fees." [H.R. Rep. No. 83, p. 33] In fact, in my first appearance before your Committee in 1965, I offered a specific proposal for a clearing house system. However, for almost ten years-during which time many educators have loudly and justifiably voiced their demands for adequate compensation for their own services the proponents of the educational exemption have sought a statutory basis for the replication of copyrighted educational materials without payment. Rather than accept our invitation, those in favor of the educational exemption offer a provision for sweeping appropriation of copyrighted works. They commonly illustrate their so-called plight by referring to the individual school child who wishes to copy an article from a newspaper for a homework assignment. We are, in effect, told that because the patient has a headache, the cure is to chop off his head.

Authorship of an educational work usually entails many thousands of hours over a period of several years doing library and other research, field testing and

consulting. The authors of educational works are not highly publicized personalities who write best sellers and appear on television talk shows. Many are practicing teachers. Few become rich as a result of their writings. To the extent that it is possible to describe a typical textbook author, he or she is a member of the faculty of a highly regarded college or university, enjoys an excellent reputation in his or her field, but is little known outside of it and counts on copyright royalties to pay for braces for the children's teeth, a second car for the family or a vacation or study year abroad or some similar expense. More often than not, royalties on educational works are split between several authors.

By and large, it is the publisher who discerns educational needs, searches out and selects the author (or, more commonly, group of authors) to create the books and materials to satisfy the requirements of schools and universities, and directs and supervises the planning, design and creation of the works. The publishing venture generally encompasses continuing review and evaluation by numerous teachers and curriculum specialists, supervisors and consultants and field testing throughout the country. The role of the American educational publisher combines and coordinates various functions of writing, artistic design and technical skills in applied research, packaging, consulting and training as well as manufacturing, marketing and distribution.

Educational materials today are commonly produced in sets or programs integrating various forms and media such as texts, teachers' manuals or editions, filmstrips, slides, sound recordings, cards, charts, puzzles, instructional games, duplicating masters, transparencies, testing materials and the like; similarly, these programs frequently represent the entire range of literary authorship including fiction, non-fiction, prose, poetry, music and drama. It is not at all uncommon for an educational publisher to invest more than one million dollars in predevelopment costs alone for the creation of a program which will take five or ten years to reach the market and another three to five years to gain acceptance and even begin to pay off the investment. In the case of one elementary and junior high school science program with which I am familiar, a total of fourteen years elapsed between the time the program was conceived and the first textbooks were published. The program virtually revolutionized the format and content of elementary school science books. The efforts and investments of authors and educational publishers do not stop upon publication, as subsequent editions are continually revised in light of feed-back from the field and changes in publishing techniques.

Commonly, major portions of the expenses of educational publishing are attributable to payments made to other publishers and authors for the use and integration of portions of prior works in new programs. In the case of one recent elementary reading program, permissions fees paid by the publisher exceeded $100,000 and, it is estimated, comprised more than 30,000 permissions granted. The administrative "burden" of clearing the permissions did not impair the development of the program.

We cannot emphasize often enough that many of the products of educational publishing, such as treatises, texts, workbooks, tests, file cards, anthologies, encyclopedias and other reference works, are designed for use in piecemeal fashion rather than cover-to-cover reading. To permit unauthorized photoduplication of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching, education and research is a request, in unalloyed English, to permit the educational community to engage in on-demand reprinting, on a daily basis, of those portions of copyrighted educational, scientific and technical works which they wish to use and to circumvent payment to authors and publishers whose entire market for such works is that same educational community.

In many respects educational publishing exists apart from other businesses. The authors and publishers of such works are in a very real and essential sense engaged in public service. For education itself to progress, educational authors and publishers must anticipate and effectively serve a broad range of instructional and scholarly needs. To continue to serve this function in today's society, they must be adequately remunerated for the duplication of their work product.

Although on a short term basis an "educational exemption" may appear desirable to some as aiding the budgetary ills of the educational community, it is clear that the longer term consequence would be to discourage authors and publishers from investing in the creation and distribution of educational materials. The only alternative which comes to mind is the nationalization of educational publishing. Among the ways our society has avoided suppression

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