Enlisted Personnel. Rank and Precedence. TITLE 33.-NAVIGATION AND NAVIGABLE WATERS-Continued Chap. 4. 5. Navigation Rules for Great Lakes and their Connecting and Tributary Waters. Navigation Rules for Red River of the North and Rivers Emptying into Gulf of Mexico and Tributaries. Exception of Navy or Coast Guard Vessels from Certain Navigation Rules. General Duties of Ship Officers and Owners after Collision or Other Accident. Regulations for the Suppression of Piracy. Summary Trials for Certain Offenses Against Navigation Laws. Protection of Navigable Waters and of Harbor and River Improvements Generally. Anchorage Grounds and Harbor Regulations Generally. Bridges over Navigable Waters. River and Harbor Improvements Generally. Mississippi River Commission. California Débris Commission. Flood Control. Lighthouses. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com pensation. TITLE 34.-NAVY Organization Generally. General Provisions Relating to Officers. Promotion and Advancement. 9. Legal Tender. Honor; Medal of Honor Roll; Badges. Retirement. |