The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of AmericaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1972 The Code of federal regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. |
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3. lappuse
... Employees : Interest in lands and resources . Joint policies of the Departments of the Interior and of the Army ... Employee responsibilities and conduct . 21 22 23 24 Occupancy of cabin sites on public conservation and recreation ...
... Employees : Interest in lands and resources . Joint policies of the Departments of the Interior and of the Army ... Employee responsibilities and conduct . 21 22 23 24 Occupancy of cabin sites on public conservation and recreation ...
4. lappuse
... employee thereof ; ( b ) " Solicitor " means the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior or his authorized representative ; ( c ) " Practice " includes any action taken to support or oppose the assertion of a right before the ...
... employee thereof ; ( b ) " Solicitor " means the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior or his authorized representative ; ( c ) " Practice " includes any action taken to support or oppose the assertion of a right before the ...
5. lappuse
... employee of the Government or special Government em- ployee praticipates or has participated personally and substantially as a Gov- ernment employee through decision , ap- proval , disapproval , recommendation , the rendering of ...
... employee of the Government or special Government em- ployee praticipates or has participated personally and substantially as a Gov- ernment employee through decision , ap- proval , disapproval , recommendation , the rendering of ...
6. lappuse
... employees of the Department shall be guided by the " Attorney General's Memorandum on the Public Information Section of the Administrative ... employee for whom the hearing was held . ( h ) 6 §2.2 Title 43 - Public Lands : Interior.
... employees of the Department shall be guided by the " Attorney General's Memorandum on the Public Information Section of the Administrative ... employee for whom the hearing was held . ( h ) 6 §2.2 Title 43 - Public Lands : Interior.
7. lappuse
... employees . ( 6 ) To the extent of one copy , to those who require copies of records or informa- tion from the records in order to obtain financial benefits to which they may be entitled ( e.g. , veterans or their depend- ents , employees ...
... employees . ( 6 ) To the extent of one copy , to those who require copies of records or informa- tion from the records in order to obtain financial benefits to which they may be entitled ( e.g. , veterans or their depend- ents , employees ...
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administrative sites Air Force Alaska application Arizona Board California Colorado Date Subject decision Department departmental order employee farm unit Federal Power Act filed forest recreation area Idaho July July 15 July 31 June June 18 June 24 ment Mexico military purposes Montana national forest administrative national forest recreation Navigation Site Withdrawal Nevada notice Oregon partial revocation partially revoking Executive partially revoking Public partly revoking Executive partly revoking Public party permit Power Site Cancellation Power Site Classification Power Site Reserve Power Site Restoration Powersite provisions Public Land Order Public Water Reserve reserving lands reserving public lands revocation of Executive revocation of Public revocation of reclamation revoking Executive Order revoking Public Land revoking the Executive Secretary section 24 Sept Stat stock driveway withdrawal Subpart tion Tongass National Forest Utah Washington water-right withdrawal for Forest withdrawal for national withdrawing lands withdrawing public lands Wyoming
Populāri fragmenti
69. lappuse - ... such exceptional circumstances exist as to make it desirable, in the interest of justice and with due regard to the importance of presenting the testimony of witnesses orally in open court, to allow the deposition to be used.
6. lappuse - ... (7) investigatory files compiled for law enforcement purposes except to the extent available by law to a party other than an agency ; (8) contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by. on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions; or (9) geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells.
60. lappuse - Supporting and opposing affidavits shall be made on personal knowledge, shall set forth such facts as would be admissible in evidence, and shall show affirmatively that the affiant is competent to testify to the matters stated therein. Sworn or certified copies of all papers or parts thereof referred to in an affidavit shall be attached thereto or served therewith.
118. lappuse - An employee shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this subpart, which might result in, or create the appearance of: (1) Using public office for private gain; (2) Giving preferential treatment to any person; (3) Impeding Government efficiency or economy; (4) Losing complete independence or impartiality; (5) Making a Government decision outside official channels; or (6) Affecting adversely the confidence of the public in the integrity of the Government.
46. lappuse - The court shall make an order which recites the action taken at the conference, the amendments allowed to the pleadings, and the agreements made by the parties as to any of the matters considered, and which limits the issues for...
69. lappuse - ... is out of the United States, unless it appears that the absence of the witness was procured by the party offering the deposition; or...
104. lappuse - Each of the matters of which an admission is requested shall be deemed admitted unless, within a period designated in the request, not less than 10 days after service thereof or within such shorter or longer time as the court may allow on motion and notice...
121. lappuse - ... in a proper and timely manner" means in a manner which the agency determines does not, under the circumstances, reflect adversely on the Government as his employer.
119. lappuse - An employee shall not receive any salary or anything of monetary value from a private source as compensation for his services to the Government (18 USC 209).
68. lappuse - Upon motion by a party or by the person from whom discovery is sought, and for good cause shown...