United States Code, 23-24. sējumiOffice of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives, 1995 |
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94 Stat activities added Pub Administrator agreement amount application appropriate assessment authorized chapter classified Code Committee complete classification Congress contract costs December 11 designated determined EFFECTIVE DATE eligible enacted Environmental established evaluation exemption Federal agency financial assistance funds gasohol Government grant hazardous substance Head Start agency Head Start programs housing Indian tribe June 30 liability license loan magnetic fusion energy ment National natural gas note under section ocean thermal energy October 17 operation paragraph person President procedures purposes pursuant radioactive waste REFERENCES IN TEXT regulations release remedial action Repealed repository requirements Secre Secretary of Energy SECTION REFERRED SECTIONS This section September 30 Short Title note spent nuclear fuel storage subchapter subparagraph subsec subsection substituted subtitle Superfund tary term thermal energy conversion tion title and Tables Title note set United Yucca Mountain