Lapas attēli

we do now, hear a great deal said about woman being out of her sphere and indelicate; but let it be known that woman can define her own sphere, and preserve her own delicacy too. It is said she possesses far more delicacy than man. Then how preposterous in him to arrogate the right to preserve hers, when he is weak in maintaining his own. Were we to reverse the case, it might seem more reasonable.

Since a few noble women have chosen to enter one or two of the professions, we hear a good deal said in regard to this. The idea is discussed as something no longer in the future, but as something existing among us now.

Having set her foot within the threshold of the dissecting room, she has become acquainted with the minutest parts of human physiology, and discovering in the race diseases, arising from ignorance and uncontrolled appetites; she has roamed the forest, in search of the healing balm, or, perhaps, retired to the pool of Bethesda, whose waters are troubled, to aid the leprous in washing away disease. She has opened the pondrous lids of musty law books, and plead the cause of the oppressed. She has gone forth, at the Auroral dawn, to hold communion with her Heavenly Father, or, bending over the midnight lamp, has studied his revealed will, to man, that she might aid her brother to turn from error's paths, to fountains from which gush living waters.

These bold steps have not failed of producing their natural sensation. While female students of medicine have been hailed with opprobrious epithets, by opponents, the heart of woman has leaped forth to welcome them as messengers of comfort, to diseased and dying souls. The idea has been struggling up through ages of darkness, that woman needs her own sex to minister to her in sickness; needs those who will not bury their knowledge in the convolutions of their own brains. Those who will give their greatest and best thoughts for the good of all, the prevention of evil.

Nor is woman any the less perfectly adapted to the Legal profession. It should not, however, be supposed that she would toil over the encumbering rubbish, and unintelligible subtilties connected with this profession, leaving the principles of right and justice to go by the board.


The admissions of all classes would imply that she is better adapted to the Theological profession than man. Her purer instincts and special aptness for moral truth; her ready discernment as to the fitness of things, are the very elements now and ever needed in the Theological world. She might not devote so much attention to sectarian differences, but she would lay more stress upon the practical application of the truth.

There are evils in all the professions-evils which need to be eradicated. As many of these have risen by the exclusion of the feminine half of humanity, they can be done away with only by admitting the excluded party to a free participation in all their advantages; by the infusion of that refining and correcting element, which the mind of woman can best supply, to all the real uses and interests which these several professions are intended to subserve.

Then let no question of sex be raised as to education, offices or employments; but let the entire range of studies requisite for thorough training, in every department of education, be alike free to both sexes, with liberty and opportunity alike for developing and exercising all the powers of the mind. In a natural arrangement of society, that in which one of either sex is peculiarly adapted to excel, is that in which he or she will legitimately engage. Those arbitrary divisions which are made in society, would then be done away, and woman, by a greater infusion of individual action, and independence in society, would be exalted in her higher nature, and develop her life more beautifully and truly.

MR. H. M. ADDISON, of Cleveland, rose to move, that as the State Temperance Convention now in session in this city had passed an unanimous resolution to invite Mrs. BLOOMER to repeat before them the admirable lecture delivered the night previous in the Baptist Church, this Convention should adjourn to attend.

MRS. E. L. ROSE.-I wish to make a few remarks on that suggestion, and in doing so, I hope no one will consider my remarks dictated by opposition to temperance, or to the lady who has been invited to speak in that Convention. But we have a great deal of work to be done. Some resolutions have just been sent in by the business com

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mittee, and I think we should not adjourn for any purpose. so early, in our sessions. I move that the resolutions be read.

MRS. MOTT.-I think we should receive with a little more courtesy the invitation which has been extended to us. (Mrs. MOTT and others mistook Mr. ADDISON's proposition, for an invitation from the Temperance Convention.) The Convention, I am sure, has the power to suspend its proceedings for an hour, for the purpose of going to hear one of our sisters. The invitation is certainly a kind one; but we do right to be a little jealous, from what has occurred in one celebrated Temperance Convention, and as Miss BROWN is one of our officers, lest she should be again insulted in a Temperance Convention. I should like to know if they disavow the proceedings of the New York Convention in reference to her?

MR. ADDISON.-The invitation was extended to Mrs. BLOOMER for the express purpose of doing away with the prejudice, which has been got up so lately, against woman's speaking in temperance meetings.

MR. BARKER.—Is that Convention prepared to disown the action of the World's Convention towards a regularly accredited delegate, and a lady who is one of our Vice Presidents? If they are disposed to disown that action, it might have some influence, if not on the Convention as a whole, at least on individuals present.

MR. ADDISON.-I know a very large majority of our Convention disapprove of the proceedings of that Bachelors' Hall Convention, in New York. As to the question whether any action will be taken in our Convention to-day, disowning those proceedings, I presume it was not thought of. Perhaps, to avoid any unpleasant feelings, it would be better not to bring the subject up in the form of a resolution. However, I should not have any objection myself to have it come up, and would vote for it, if Gen. CARY was there himself.

C. C. BURLEIGH.-I move that our hour of adjournment this day be three o'clock instead of two, so as to accept this invitation. I like the movement in that quarter, and am willing to receive it as a first step toward the declaration that Northern Ohio dissents from the Ministers' mob in New York, and that it intends to stand on the ground of the equal rights of all the friends of temperance.



hope these friends will adopt this course, and show the world that there are parts of the country where the sex of those who defend temperance principles, is not inquired after.

S. S. FOSTER.-I understood that notice had been given that our Convention would assemble at two o'clock this afternoon. If such notice has been given, it seems to me we shall get into confusion by adjourning to a different hour. On another ground, we ought not to accept this invitation. I like very much that the proposition should come before this meeting in the shape it has. I am happy to know that a Temperance Society of Northern Ohio has called a woman to advocate temperance principles in its Convention. That is as good a protest as we want against the action of the World's or Half World's Convention. It is worth a thousand resolutions, and any testimony upon paper would have the effect of exasperating instead of healing. I approve of the action of this Temperance Convention, but at the same time temperance is not all, nor, with me, half. I look upon temperance as a pioneer work, and did I not see it being carried forward by other hands, I should abandon what I consider more important causes; because I conceive that this one, must go in advance of them. But I conceive that this Convention is more important than theirs, and I do not wish to say before the world, that we adjourned a Woman's Rights Convention, to attend a Temperance Convention. There are thousands to aid the temperance cause, there are only scores to aid this. We have an abundance to do in these three days of our being together. I came to attend this Convention, and not a Temperance Convention, because I consider this cause the most important. It is known that I am identified with the AntiSlavery cause. A warm friend said to me as I left home, "How can you leave the Anti-Slavery cause, to attend that Convention?" My reply was, that however important the Anti-Slavery cause, I consider this still more important. I have devoted the best part of my life to a portion of humanity; I want now to devote a few days to the whole of one-half of the world.

MISS E. C. WRIGHT. I am very anxious that this invitation should be accepted. I know that many of us have come from a distance, yet we came because we wanted to do good, and if we find we can


accomplish a greater good by attending that Convention, than by staying here and talking about it, I think we ought to do it. When we have been thrown out of the temperance work, as in New York, by some of our brothers, and when others of them offer us some reparation, we ought to meet them half way and accept. We ought not so give the world cause to think that we are so exacting that we will accept of no propitiation for evil that has been done us.

MRS. ROSE.-Solomon says-and it is a good saying, not because it came from him, but because it is true—“There is a time and a season for everything. A time and season has been appointed for a Woman's Rights Convention. We might congratulate ourselves that man has advanced so far as to invite a Woman's Convention to attend his Convention; but surely it will not advance our cause to adjourn sooner, in order to meet his advances. We can do good by going to that Convention no doubt, but to do a thing well, we ought to do one thing at a time. Here are our resolutions, and do not let us give the world the example that Women's Rights women and men can adopt the practice of politicians-advertising a meeting at one hour, and then if you go there, you don't find them.

MRS. MOTT.-I would say that the Convention has not fixed the time of meeting. I dislike changeable women as much as anybody


LUCY STONE. We have had Women's Rights Conventions repeatedly, and we always find that as the days go on the interest deepens, and we find that many persons have not had time to say what they wish to say. This grand movement reaches round this wide world. It aims to make the race better, not only, but the individual freedom of all more expanded, and more secure. The term to which we have limited ourselves, will not be too much I know to accomplish our own work. I thank that Temperance Society for being willing to rebuke the action of the "World's Convention"; and when Mrs. BLOOMER goes there to speak to them and for them, it seems to me to be as good a recognition of their courtesy as we can afford to give. I hope, therefore, that when we do adjourn, it will be to two o'clock.

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