Lapas attēli

the opposite side of the river, and Lieut. Stairs, who tried to cross the stream, was hit by a poisoned arrow. He recovered, although the poison was fatal for five of the Suaheli who were wounded. At the rapids, near the fork of the Ituri and Ihuri, Capt. Nelson, with those who were sick or lamed by thorns, remained in camp, and many of them died of starvation, while Stanley, with the rest, going in search of food, encountered hostile tribes, and was prostrated with fever. When the expedition emerged from the forest through which it had toiled for more than five months, it was harassed by the Majamboni until their chief village was burned and a large number of their people shot.

Toward the end of December, 1887, the expedition having reached the Nyanza, and being unable to communicate with Emin Pasha, it was decided to return to the forest, build a strong

came into the camp. Returning to Yambuya for the stores and ammunition, he found that the commander had been murdered, the camp plundered, and the garrison reduced by disease and desertion to 71 men, one third of whom were invalids. Nevertheless, he returned to Emin Pasha.

The route from Yambuya to Kavalli was divided into stages, each of which occupied many days of toilsome marching and often cutting a path through the forest, with long delays, so that the average movement of Stanley's advance column was little better than two miles daily. The first stage was 184 English miles, from Yambuya northeast up the Aruwimi to Mugwé's villages, on the north bank of the river. The second stage was 59 miles, from Mugwé's villages to Avi Sibba, villages on the south bank. The third stage was 39 miles, from Avi Sibba to the confluence of

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fort, get up the steel boat from Kilunga-Lunga, leave the weakly ones at the fort, and again make a move to the lake. Accordingly, the village of Ibwiri was chosen, and on Jan. 7, 1888, the fort was begun. Some collected long poles, others the boards used by the natives in building their villages, others cut long vines to be used as rope, and others dug the holes in which the uprights were to be placed. The poles having been placed in position, two and two, the boards were inserted lengthwise between these and secured, lashed home with strong vines, and so on until a secure arrow-proof "boma," 10 feet high, surrounded the whole place. Four towers were placed-two at the east and west angles, and one on the north and one on the south faces-to give efficient flank defense. A ditch, 8 feet wide and 7 feet deep, was dug on the north side, and every means possible adopted to make the place secure against surprise. They had many fights with the diminutive Wambutti who inhabited the region. At Fort Bodo Stanley left 59 men with Capt. Nelson. On April 29, 1888, Emin and Casati

the Nepoko, a large river from the north, with the Aruwimi. The fourth stage was 93 miles, from the Nepoko confluence, or Avi Jeli, to the temporary Arab settlement of the notorious slavedealer and ivory-hunter, Ugarrowa. The fifth stage was 162 miles, by a new road opened in the following year, on the north bank-not the route of the first advance in 1887-to Fort Bodo, in Ibwiri, the depot station constructed by Stanley in 1888. The sixth stage was 126 miles, Fort Bodo to Kavalli, at the south end of Albert Nyanza. The journey from Yambuya back to the lake was begun in August, and on Dec. 20 the expedition came to the shore of Albert Nyanza. They passed through the country of the Akka dwarfs, nearly perishing with hunger, and when they reached the Albert Nyanza Emin's soldiers had mutinied and he was a prisoner. An invasion of the Mahdist dervishes impelled the governor's enemies to liberate him. He was still unwilling to leave the province, but when Stanley and his white companions determined to attempt to reach Zanzibar by an unexplored south



erly route, since the revolution in Uganda had closed that country to whites, Emin decided to extricate himself and the 400 Egyptians who chose to follow. Nearly four months were spent in the effort to overcome the scruples of Emin Pasha and Capt. Casati about deserting their people. Stanley, suspecting a plot of the mutinous Arab officers to seize his ammunition, threatened to exterminate them.

Stanley was again taken ill, and was near death. When he recovered the march began on April 10, 1889. Emin said there were 10,000 people who would have to be extricated; but Stanley refused to wait longer for the fugitives to assemble, and the governor, who had become nearly blind, brought away with him only 514 persons. A circuitous southeasterly route to the stations on the shore of Victoria Nyanza was chosen, in order to avoid as far as possible the country of their enemy Kabrega, King of Unyoro. They passed along a range of snow-capped mountains that culminated in the Ruwenzori peak, nearly 19,000 feet above the sea. This range Mr. Stanley identifies with the Mountains of the Moon shown on the old maps. The position of Ruwenzori, as shown in the new map, is less than one degree north of the equator, and in 30° of east longitude. The mountain range to which it belongs, parallel with Semliki river, extends southwest from a point of the Unyoro tableland opposite the south end of Albert Nyanza, and is about ninety miles long. The Wakonju, who till the slopes of the mountains, are often compelled to retreat up to the edge of the snow on the approach of Kabrega's Warasura slave-raiders. From the south the waters of the large lake that Stanley named Albert Edward Nyanza, in honor of the Prince of Wales, flow into the Albert Nyanza through a considerable river called the Semliki. The King of Unyoro had lately conquered this region and held possession of a salt basin yielding an inexhaustible supply of the rare and precious mineral. They fought their way through the Wanyoro, driving them away from the salt lake, and thus earning the gratitude of the tribes beyond, who received them hospitably. On leaving the salt lake of Kative, the expedition passed around the northern extremity of Albert Edward Nyanza, through the country of the Wasangora, who have been nearly exterminated by the Warasura and Waganda, over the populous Ankori plateau, and through Toro, Ruanda, and Karagwe, peopled by fine specimens of the negro race showing, in Stanley's opinion, an admixture of Abyssinian blood, to Uzinja. The course of march from Albert Edward Nyanza to the Uzinja country on the southwest shore of the Victoria Nyanza was nearly a direct line. An arm of the Victoria lake extends southwest, reaching within 155 miles of Lake Tanganyika. The shore line as marked by previous explorers Stanley found to be only a succession of islands, behind which the lake extends over a surface of 6,000 square miles. On Aug. 28, 1889, they reached A. M. Mackay's missionary station at Msalala, in the country of the Wanyamwesi. The party passed south of Lake Victoria, through Uyamwesi, halted on Nov. 10 at Mpwapwa, where the Germans had a garrison, and finally emerged at Bagamoyo on Dec. 4, 1889. The caravan had dwindled, since it left

Albert Edward Nyanza, from 1,500 to half that number. Stanley's latest journey in Africa lasted 1,012 days, of which hardly twenty were devoid of perils or tragic incidents. The cost of the expedition was $150,000. (See GEOGRAPHICAL PROGRESS AND DISCOVERY in this volume, especially the map on page 349. See also the title EMIN PASHA in the "Annual Cyclopædia" for 1887 and 1888.)

SWEDEN AND NORWAY, two kingdoms in northern Europe, united in a personal and federal union by the act of Aug. 6, 1815. They have a common diplomacy, which is directed by a Council of State, composed of Swedes and Norwegians. The reigning monarch is Oscar II, born Jan. 21, 1829, who succeeded his brother Carl XV on Sept. 18, 1872. The heir-apparent is Prince Gustaf, Duke of Wermland, born June 16, 1858.

SWEDEN. The legislative authority is vested in a Diet of two Chambers, the first consisting of 145 members, elected by provincial and municipal bodies, and the second of 222 members, elected directly, or in the smaller towns and country districts indirectly, if the majority so determines. Of the total number, 76 are chosen by the people of the towns and 146 by the people of the rural districts, under a property qualification. The qualified voters constitute 5.9 per cent. of the total population. The Council of State is composed of the following members: Baron Didric Anders Gillis Brandt, Minister of State; Count Albert Carl August Lars Ehrensvärd, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Per Axel Bergström, Minister of Justice; Baron Nils Axel Hjalmer Palmstjerna, Minister of War; Baron Carl Gustaf von Otter, Minister of Marine; Julius Edvard von Krusenstjerna, Minister of the Interior; Baron Frederik von Essen, Minister of Finance; Gunnar Wennerburg, Minister of Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs; Johan Henrik Lovén; Gustaf Walter Leopold Lönegren. Area and Population.-The area of Sweden is 170,979 square miles. The population on Dec. 31, 1888, was 4,748,257, of whom 2,301,104 were males and 2,447,153 females. The number of marriages in 1887 was 29,517; of births, 144,019; of deaths, 80,077; excess of births over deaths, 63,942. The population of Stockholm, the capital, in 1888 was 234,990. The number of emigrants in 1887 was 50,786, against 32,889 in 1886, 23,493 in 1885, 23,560 in 1884, 31,605 in 1883, 50,178 in 1882, and 45,992 in 1881, the average for the previous ten years having been 15,027.

Finance.-About two thirds of the revenue is derived from indirect taxation and one third is the product of direct taxes and national property. The total revenue is set down in the budget for 1890 as 92,767,000 kronor, including a surplus of 5,582,000 kronor carried over from the preceding year. The receipts from the land tax, and from domains and forests, railroads and telegraphs, classed as the ordinary revenue of the Government, amount to 19,985.000 kronor, and the extraordinary receipts to 65,900,000 kronor, including 37,000,000 kronor from customs, 13,700,000 kronor from the duty on brandy, 6,900,000 kronor from the post-office, 3,700,000 kronor from stamped paper, and 3,700,000 kronor from the income tax. The amount of the public debt on Jan. 1, 1889, was 264,893,336 kronor.

The Army.-The Swedish army in 1889 comprised 38,330 troops of the line and 149,016 militiamen. The enlisted troops, exclusive of officers and employés, numbered 8,661, and the cantoned troops 27,162. The total number of officers was 1,911; the number of guns was 246, and of horses 6,691.

The Navy. The fleet of war in 1889 comprised 63 steam vessels, none of them large. There were 2 armored gunboats of the first, 4 of the second, and 10 of the third class, 19 small gunboats, 1 school ship, 1 frigate, 3 corvettes, 3 avisos, 1 school torpedo vessel, 18 torpedo boats, and 6 transports.

Commerce. The imports in 1887 had a total value of 297,410,000 kronor, of which 88,888,000 kronor came from Germany, 73,695,000 kronor from Great Britain, 47,471,000 kronor from Denmark, 23,435,000 kronor from Norway, 20,980,000 kronor from Russia, 9,547,000 kronor from Belgium, 6,860,000 kronor from Finland, 6,611, 000 kronor from the United States, and 6,218,000 kronor from France, the Netherlands coming next with 5,518,000 kronor. The total value of the exports was 246,678,000 kronor, of which 110,051,000 kronor went to Great Britian, 32,029,000 kronor to Denmark, 27,226,000 kronor to France, 24,275,000 kronor to Germany, 12,363,000 kronor to Norway, and smaller amounts to Belgium, Holland, Spain, and other countries, the share of the United States being 2,806,000 kronor. The imports of cereals were 25,700,000 kronor in value, and the exports 28,500,000 kronor; imports of colonial wares, 33,500,000 kronor; imports of spirits, 5,600,000 kronor, exports, 2,200,000 kronor; imports of tobacco, 8,400,000 kronor; imports of animals and animal produce, 10,000,000 kronor; exports, 31,400,000 kronor; imports of coal, 15,800,000 kronor; of hides and leather, 8,000,000 kronor; of textile materials, 16,400,000 kronor; exports of metal, 32,300,000 kronor; of timber, 78,100,000 kronor; imports of metallic objects, 8,400,000 kronor; of textile manufactures, 38,700,000 kronor; total exports of manufactured articles, 18,000,000 kronor; imports of all other merchandise, 125,500,000 kronor; all other exports, 37,100,000 kronor. The customs treaty between Sweden and Norway was renewed in 1888. The tariff convention with France will expire in 1892, being terminable on twelve months' notice from that year. The Spanish treaty of commerce, granting special advantages for the importation of Swedish spirits, was prolonged by the agreement of Jan. 18, 1887, till Feb. 1, 1892.

Railroads, Posts, and Telegraphs. The length of railroads open to trafic at the close of 1888 was 7,527 kilometres, of which 2,531 kilometres belonged to the United States and 4,996 kilometres to companies.

The number of letters sent through the postoffice in 1888 was 54,211,227, inclusive of postal cards; the number of circulars and samples, 5,731,013; the number of newspapers, 47,164,882. The receipts were 6,598,040 kronor, and the expenses 6,561,924 kronor.

The Government telegraphs in 1888 had a length of 8,190 kilometres, including 101 kilometres of cable. The length of wires was 21,354 kilometres. The receipts were 1,447,511 kronor, expenses 1,276,772 kronor.

Politics and Legislation.-The Rigsdag was opened by the King on Jan. 17. Among the projects announced for legislative action were workingmen's accident insurance, the creation of a department of agriculture in the Ministry of the Interior, regulation of the obligation to build roads, the adoption of an improved infantry weapon, conversion of the militia cavalry into enlisted troops, arrangements for mobilization of the army in case of war, and the continuation of the Northern Trunk Railroad to Lulea. The financial position of the Government and the economical condition of the country had improved since the formation of the Bildt Cabinet. The autumn elections had given the Government a Protectionist majority in both Houses; but the new ministry experienced the same difficulty as its predecessors in obtaining the consent of the farmers, who preponderate in the Lower Chamber, and the nobility, whose influence is greatest in the other, to the political and military policy that the King and his advisers have for many years pursued. The land owners have obtained protective duties on the necessaries of life, and demand that they shall be made higher; yet, instead of permitting the increase in the revenue from this source to be used for the benefit of the classes injuriously affected by the new taxes, they insist on applying it to the remission of the taxes on land. They have been relieved of a part of the burden of the mediaval indelta, or cantoned troops, as a preliminary step to the introduction of universal obligatory military service, and press for the abolition of the rest, and still the farmers are stubbornly opposed to the modern military system because it would require their personal service. A proposition to reduce the land tax was negatived by the First Chamber after it had passed the other House. The people of towns of more than 10,000 inhabitants have double the representation in proportion to their numbers. The urban population is rapidly increasing, being 860,208 in 1888. Still the agricultural population elects two thirds of the members of the Second Chamber. The Swedish Government has followed the German in its treatment of the labor question. A commission was appointed in 1884 to consider a scheme of industrial legislation. The first outcome of its labors was the accident-insurance bill that was introduced in 1889 and was approved by both Chambers. A scheme of old-age insurance was also elaborated by the commission. It requires every member of a commune from the age of nineteen to pay for ten years 25 oere weekly, or the sum of 104 kronor may be paid at once for the entire period. This premium gives the right to an annuity of 72 kronor from the age of sixty years. If any person is unable to pay, the commune must discharge the obligation for him. Larger contributions will be received up to the maximum of 1 kroner 25 oere per week, which secures an annuity of 138 kronor from the age of forty, or of 432 kronor from that of sixty years. Socialism has made great strides among the Swedish working people. After a socialistic congress that was held in April, the Government offered a repressive bill, borrowed from the anti-socialist legislation of Germany. It prescribed criminal penalties for inciting to disobedience of the laws or resistance to the authorities or to acts threat

ening the existing order of society or involving danger to its continuance. The Second Chamber would not sanction the latter clause, which was stricken from the bill. The Rigsdag rejected a proposition to impose export duties on Swedish iron ore and raw iron.

The extreme Protectionists called for the retirement of the remaining Free-Traders in the Cabinet, and even of the moderate Protectionists, like Bergström, Lönegren, and the Prime Minister himself. During the session it was not thought advisable to make changes, but after the separation of the Rigsdag, on May 18, it was high time that the Cabinet should be made homogeneous, in view of the contemplated action in regard to the commercial treaties. The opinion of the country was in favor of denouncing all the treaties that expire in 1892 and obtaining full liberty to adjust new ones that might be made to the protectionist system. Protection in Sweden is far from effective as long as the Norwegian treaty of 1874 remains in force. To terminate this, notice must be given before the spring of 1890. Count Ehrensvärd, a Free-Trader, who was continued in office when the Themptander ministry retired, resigned in June, and was succeeded by Baron Akerhjerm. A. Ostergren, on June 12, became chief of the Department of Justice. Subsequently Baron Bildt retired, together with Krusenstjerna and Lovén, the remaining Free-traders, and on Oct. 12 the Cabinet was reconstructed as follows: Minister of State, Baron J. G. N. S. Akerhjelm; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count C. Lewenhaupt; Councilors: Baron C. G. von Otter, Chief of the Department of Marine; V. L. Groll, Chief of the Department of the Interior; S. H. Wickblad; Dr. G. Wennersberg, Chief of the Department of Ecclesiastical Affairs; Major-General Baron N. A. H. Palmstjerna, Chief of the War Department; E. Bull, Chief of the Department of Finance; A. Ostergren, Chief of the Department of Justice; Baron A. L. E. Akerhjelm.

The Swedish Government objected to the new Spanish spirit tax, on the ground that it was an infraction of the commercial treaty of 1883. The question was referred for arbitration to the Portuguese minister in Madrid, who decided that since it was a matter of internal policy the duty did not conflict with the Hispano-Swedish commercial convention.

NORWAY.-The members of the Storthing, the legislative body of the kingdom, are elected for three years by all Norwegian citizens owning land or paying an income tax on an annual income of 500 kronor in the country districts, or 800 kronor in the towns. The method of election is indirect. One fourth of the members of the Storthing form a separate chamber called the Lagthing, to review the bills that passed the main body, which is called the Odelsthing. If the two Houses can not agree regarding a measure, it is considered in a joint session, and can be passed by a two-third majority. Measures can be passed over the King's veto by the votes of three successive Storthings. The executive power is exercised under the King by a Council of State. The Council of State at Christiania in 1889 was composed as follows: E. Stang, Minister of State and Chief of the Department of Revision; J. A. Bonnevie, Chief of the DepartVOL. XXIX.-50 A

ment of Worship and Public Instruction; P. Birch-Reichenwald, Chief of the Department of Public Works; J. H. P. Thorne, Chief of the Department of the Interior; E. Rygh, Chief of the Department of Finance and Customs; F. N. Roll, Chief of the Department of Justice and Police; and Colonel E. H. Hoff, Chief of the Department of Defense. The delegation of the Council of State sitting at Stockholm, near the King, is composed of G. W. W. Gram, Minister of State, and Councilors U. F. C. Arneberg and O. A. Fura.

Finances.-The gross receipts of the treasury in the year ending June 30, 1888, were 44,364,400 kronor, of which 20,584,700 kronor were derived from customs, 6,390,800 kronor from railroads, 2,431,900 kronor from the post-office, 2,296,200 kronor from the impost on spirits, 1,911,000 kronor from the malt duty, 1,434,700 kronor from mines, domains, and forests, and 1,947,300 kronor from invested capital funds. The expenditures were 44,595,700 kronor. The national debt on June 30, 1888, amounted to 105,283,300 kronor, and the value of the railroads and other productive assets was 138,281,800 kronor.

The Army and Navy. - The troops of the line, limited by law to 18,000 men and 800 officers, are drilled for forty-two days in the infantry, and seventy days in the cavalry and artillery the first year, and twenty-four days in the second, third, and fourth years. The landvaern, or miliitia and the landstorm, or final levy, embracing all men capable of bearing arms, can only be called out for the defense of the borders of the kingdom. A reorganization of the military forces was approved by the Storthing in 1887.

The naval forces in 1889 consisted of 4 monitors, 2 steam frigates, 2 corvettes, 3 large and 28 gunboats, 9 torpedo boats, and 7 other vessels.

Commerce. The imports in 1888 amounted to 158,397,000 kronor, of which 44,224,000 kronor came from England, 42,591,000 kronor from Germany, 20,552,000 kronor from Russia and Finland, 19,444,000 kronor from Sweden, and 8,977,000 kronor from Denmark, the United States coming next with 6,308,000 kronor. The exports were valued at 122,357,000 kronor, of which 39,768,000 kronor went to England, 17,022,000 kronor to Sweden, 16,328,000 kronor to Germany, 10,499,000 kronor to Spain, 8,886,000 kronor to France, and smaller amounts to Russia, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Austria, and the United States, which received 1,361,000 kronor. The timber export was 27,700,000 kronor, 13 per cent. more than in 1887.

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Railroads, Posts, and Telegraphs. The length of the railroad lines open to traffic in 1889 was 1,562 kilometres. The post-office in 1888 forwarded 16,840,800 domestic and 8,588,200 foreign letters and 22,870,200 newspapers. The receipts were 2,471,025 kronor, and the expenses 2,502,856 kronor. The state telegraph lines at the end of 1888 had a total length of 7,486 kilometres, with 14,012 kilometres of wire. The receipts were 948,738 kronor, the expenses 1,061,068 kronor. The railroads had 1,585 kilometres of telegraph lines.

Politics and Legislation.-The dissatisfaction of the Radicals with the ministry of Johan Sverdrup, and their organization into an independent party in 1888 left the Ministerial group

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