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The same and no other shall be used in determining duties and taxes levied by the United States of America on sheet and plate iron and steel. But sections 206-208, inclusive, of this title, shall not be construed to increase duties upon any articles which may be imported. [1893]

Sec. 207. Preparation of standards by Secretary of Commerce.

The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and required to prepare suitable standards in accordance with section 206 of this title. [1893; last amended 1913.]

Sec. 208. Variations.

In the practical use and application of the standard gauge established in section 206 of this title a variation of 212 percent, either way may be allowed. [1893]

U. S. Code, 1946 Ed., Title 15, Ch. 6-Standard Barrel Act.

Sec. 234. Standard barrel for fruits, vegetables and other dry commodities; standard barrel for cranberries.

The standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries shall be of the following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: Length of stave, twentyeight and one-half inches; diameter of heads, seventeen and one-eighth inches; distance between heads, twenty-six inches; circumference of bulge, sixty-four inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch: Provided, That any barrel of a different form having a capacity of seven thousand and fifty-six cubic inches shall be a standard barrel. The standard barrel for cranberries shall be of the following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: Length of staves, twenty-eight and one-half inches; diameter of head, sixteen and one-fourth inches; distance between heads, twenty-five and one-fourth inches; circumference of bulge, fifty-eight and onehalf inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch. [1915]

[ED. NOTE.-Lime is not now included within the purview of this law, since a more recent act has established standard barrels for lime upon a weight basis, see Secs. 237242, pages 15-16.]

Sec. 235. Sale or shipment of barrel of less capacity than standard; penalty; exception.

It shall be unlawful to sell, offer, or expose for sale in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to ship from any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia or to a foreign country, a barrel containing fruits or vegetables or any other dry commodity of less capacity than the standard barrels defined in the preceding section, or subdivisions thereof known as the third, half, and three-quarters barrel, and any person guilty of a willful violation of any



of the provisions of sections 234-236 of this title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine not to exceed $500, or imprisonment not to exceed six months, in the court of the United States having jurisdiction: Provided, however, That no barrel shall be deemed below standard within the meaning of said sections when shipped to any foreign country and constructed according to the specifications or directions of the foreign purchaser if not constructed in conflict with the laws of the foreign country to which the same is intended to be shipped. [1915]

Sec. 236. Variations and tolerances; prosecutions; exception. Reasonable variations shall be permitted and tolerance shall be established by rules and regulations made by the Director of the Bureau of Standards and approved by the Secretary of Commerce. Prosecutions for offenses under this section or either of the two preceding sections may be begun upon complaint of local sealers of weights and measures or other officers of the several States and Territories appointed to enforce the laws of the said States or Territories, respectively, relating to weights and measures: Provided, however, That nothing in this section or sections 234 and 235 of this title shall apply to barrels used in packing or shipping commodities sold exclusively by weight or numerical count. [1915]

Rules and Regulations Under The Federal Standard Barrel Act.

[ED. NOTE.-There are given below the rules and regulations promulgated under authority of the Standard Barrel Act. This material is presented in the form in which it is published in National Bureau of Standards Circular No.7, issued September 18, 1917.]

PARAGRAPH 1. (a) The capacities of the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, other than cranberries, and its subdivisions, are as follows:

[blocks in formation]

U. S. Code, 1946 Ed., Title 15, Ch. 6-Standard Barrel Act-Continued.

PAR. 2. (a) Any barrel having the dimensions specified for a standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, in section 1 of the standard-barrel law, or any barrel or a subdivision thereof having the contents specified in section 1 of the standard-barrel law and in paragraph 1 (a) of these rules and regulations, regardless of its form or dimensions, is a legal standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, or other dry commodities other than cranberries, or a legal subdivision thereof. No other barrel or subdivision in barrel form is a legal container for fruits, vegetables, or other dry commodities other than cranberries.

(b) Any barrel having the dimensions specified for a standard barrel for cranberries in section 1 of the standard-barrel law, or any subdivision thereof having the contents specified in paragraph 1 (b) of these rules and regulations, regardless of its form or dimensions, is a legal standard barrel for cranberries or a legal subdivision thereof. No other barrel or subdivision in barrel form is a legal container for cranberries.

PAR. 3. The tolerance established hereafter for the dimension specified as "distance between heads" shall be applied as follows on the various types of barrels in use:

(a) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has two heads, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance between the inside surfaces of the heads and perpendicular to them.

(b) When a barrel or subdivision therof has but one head and a croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head, such as an inside hoop, etc., at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance from the inside surface of the bottom head and perpendicular to it to the inside edge of the croze ring, or to a point where the inside surface of a head would come were such head inserted in the barrel.

(c) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head, such as an inside hoop, etc., at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the distance from the inside surface of the bottom head and perpendicular to it to a point 11 inches from the opposite end of the staves in the case of a barrel or a 3/4 barrel, and to a point 1 inch or 7 inch from the opposite end of the staves in the case of the 1/2 barrel and barrel, respectively. When a barrel or subdivision thereof has been manufactured with but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, and it is desired to insert a second head, the croze ring shall be so cut that the inside edge shall not be more than 1% inches from the end of the staves in the case of a barrel or 3/4 barrel or not more than 1 inch or 7 inch from the end of the staves in the case of the 1/2 barrel and barrel, respectively, or the other means shall be so adjusted that the inside surface of the head when inserted shall not exceed these distances from the end of the staves.

PAR. 4. The tolerance established hereafter for the dimension specified as "diameter of head" shall be applied to the diameter of the head over all, including the part which fits into the croze ring of the completed barrel.

The tolerance established hereafter for the dimension specified as "effective diameter of head" shall be applied as follows on the various types of barrels and subdivisions in use:

(a) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has two heads, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters from inside to inside of staves at the inner edges of the heads. (b) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and a croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters, one taken from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the head, the other from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the croze ring, or from inside to inside of staves at a point where the inside surface of a head would come were such head inserted in the barrel.

(c) When a barrel or subdivision thereof has but one head and no croze ring or other means for the insertion of a head at the opposite end, the tolerance shall be applied to the mean of the average diameters, one taken from inside to inside of staves at the inner edge of the head, the other taken from

inside to inside of staves at a point 11 inches from the end of the staves in the case of a barrel or 3/4 barrel, or at a point 1 inch or 8 inch from the end of the staves in the case of a 2 barrel or 3 barrel, respectively.

The standard allowance for depth of croze ring shall be 316 inch. Therefore, the standard "effective diameter of head" in the case of the standard barrel is 163⁄4 inches and in the case of the standard cranberry barrel is 15% inches.

PAR. 5. Whenever in these rules and regulations the error on a dimension is mentioned, this error shall be determined by taking the difference between the actual measured dimension and the standard dimension. The error is an error of excess and is to be preceded by a plus sign when the measured dimension is greater than the standard dimension. The error is an error in deficiency and is to be preceded by a minus sign when the measured dimension is less than the standard dimension. (a) The standard dimensions of a barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, and of a barrel for cranberries, with which the actual measured dimensions are to be compared, are as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Class 2 shall include all barrels at least one dimension of which is in error by more than the amounts given above, but which in addition have at least one dimension in error in the opposite direction. (This class includes all barrels mentioned in section 1 of the law in the proviso reading: “Provided, That any barrel of a different form having a capacity of seven thousand and fifty-six cubic inches shall be a standard barrel.")

PAR. 7. (a) The tolerances to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on the dimensions of all barrels of class 1 shall be as follows:


Having determined the error on each dimension and given to each its proper sign (see par. 5), add the errors on the effective diameter of head and the distance between heads algebraically and multiply the result by 1.67 (or 5/3). Then add this result to the error on the circumference of bulge algebraically. It the result obtained is not greater than the tolerance given in the following table for the proper subdivision, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed; if the result is greater than this tolerance, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

[blocks in formation]

Diameter of head

Effective diameter of head

Distance between heads

Circumference of bulge, outside measurement Length of stave


Three-quarters barrel.

13% (1.375)

Inches 11/4 (1.25)


One-half barrel.

[blocks in formation]


One-third barrel.

[blocks in formation]




If no dimension of a barrel of class 1 is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed.

If one or more of the dimensions of a barrel of class 1 is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

(b) The tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on all barrels of class 2 shall be 11/2 inches (1.5 inches), and this tolerance is to be applied to the result obtained by the application of the following rule:

Having determined the error of each dimension and given to each its proper sign (see par. 5), add the errors on the effective diameter of head and the distance between heads algebraically and multiply the result by 1.67 (or 5/3). Then add this result to the error on the circumference of bulge algebraically. If the result obtained is not greater than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed; if the result is greater than this tolerance, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

NOTE. To find the algebraic sum of a number of quantities having different signs, first add all those having one sign; then add all those having the opposite sign; then subtract the smaller sum from the larger, giving this result the sign of the larger quantity.

(c) The tolerance to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on the dimensions of all barrels for cranberries shall be as follows:

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If no dimension of a barrel for cranberries is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is within the tolerance allowed.

If one or more of the dimensions of a barrel for cranberries is in error by more than the tolerance given above, then the barrel is not within the tolerance allowed.

(d) The tolerances to be allowed in excess or in deficiency on all subdivisions of the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries, and on all subdivisions of the standard barrel for cranberries, shall be the values given in the following table, and these tolerances are to be applied to the result obtained by the application of the following rule:

U. S. Code, 1946 Ed., Title 15, Ch. 6-Standard Lime Barrel Act.

Sec. 237. Standard barrel.

There is established a large and a small barrel of lime, the large barrel to consist of two hundred and eighty pounds and the small barrel to consist of one hundred and eighty pounds, net weight. [1916]

Sec. 238. Penalty for selling in barrels not marked.

It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale lime imported in barrels from a foreign country, or to sell or offer for sale lime in barrels for shipment from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia, unless there shall be stenciled or otherwise clearly marked on one or both heads of the small barrel the figures "180 lbs. net" and of the large barrel the figures "280 lbs. net" before the importation or shipment, and on either barrel in addition the name of the manufacturer of the lime and where manufactured, and if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported. [1916]

Sec. 239. Sale in containers of less capacity than barrel.

When lime is sold in interstate or foreign commerce in containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel, it shall be sold in fractional parts of said standard small barrel, and the net weight of lime contained in such container shall by stencil or otherwise be clearly marked thereon, together with the name of the manufacturer thereof, and the name of the brand, if any, under which it is sold, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported. [1916]

Sec. 240. Rules and regulations.

Rules and regulations for the enforcement of sections 237-242 not inconsistent with the provisions of said sections, shall be made by the Director of the Bureau of Standards and approved by

U. S. Code, 1946 Ed., Title 15, Ch. 6-Standard Lime Barrel Act-Continued.

the Secretary of Commerce, and such rules and regulations shall include reasonable variations or tolerances which may be allowed. [1916]

Sec. 241. Penalty for violations.

* *

It shall be unlawful to pack, sell, or offer for sale for shipment from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia, any barrels or other containers of lime which are not marked as provided in sections 238 and 239 or to sell, charge for, or purport to deliver from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia, as a large or small barrel or a fractional part of said small barrel of lime, any less weight of lime than is established by the provisions of sections 237-242 * * and any person guilty of a violation of the provisions of said sections shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine not exceeding $100. [1916]

Sec. 242. Prosecutions.

It shall be the duty of each district attorney, to whom satisfactory evidence of any violation of sections 237-242 is presented, to cause appropriate proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the United States court having jurisdiction of such offense. [1916]

Rules and Regulations Under The Federal Standard Lime Barrel Act.

[ED. NOTE.-There are given below those rules and regulations promulgated under authority of the Standard Lime Barrel Act. This material is presented in the form in which it is published in National Bureau of Standards Circular No. C64, issued April 20, 1917.]

PARAGRAPH 1. The act, “39 Stat., ch. 396, p. 530, 64th Congress," approved August 23, 1916, entitled "An act to standardize lime barrels," shall be known and referred to as the "standard lime barrel act."

PAR. 2. These rules and regulations are to be understood and construed to apply to lime in barrels, or other containers packed, sold, or offered for sale for shipment from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia; and to lime in containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel sold in interstate or foreign commerce; and to lime imported in barrels from a foreign country and sold or offered for sale; also to lime not in barrels or containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel sold, charged for, or purported to be delivered as a large or small barrel or a fractional part of said small barrel of lime from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia.

PAR. 3. Lime in barrels shall be packed only in barrels containing 280 pounds or 180 pounds, net weight. For the purposes of this paragraph the word "barrel" is defined as a cylindrical or approximately cylindrical vessel, cask, or drum.

PAR. 4. The term "container of less capacity than the standard small barrel," as mentioned in section 3 of the law and as used in these rules and regulations, is defined as any container not in barrel form containing therein a net weight of lime of less than 180 pounds.

The term "label," as used in these rules and regulations, is

defined as any printed, pictorial, or other matter upon the surface of a barrel or other container of lime subject to the provisions of this act, or upon cloth or paper or the like which is permanently affixed to it by pasting or in a similar manner.

The term "tag" is defined as a tough and strong strip of cloth or paper or the like, bearing any printed, pictorial, or other matter, which is loose at one end and which is secured to a container of lime subject to the provisions of this act.

PAR. 5. (a) The lettering required upon barrels of lime by section 2 of the law shall be as follows: The statement of net weight shall be in boldface capital letters and figures at least 1 inch in height and not expanded or condensed; it shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The name of the manufacturer of the lime and where manufactured, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in boldface letters at least one-half inch in height and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other, nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall form parts of the principal label.

(b) The information required upon containers of lime of less capacity than the standard small barrel by section 3 of the law shall be included in a label: Provided, however, That in order to allow the utilization of second hand or returnable bags made of cloth, burlap, or the like, such information may be upon a tag firmly attached to the container in a prominent and conspicuous position. In case a tag is used to give the required information there must not be any label or another tag upon the container which bears any statement having reference to lime, or any statement of weight whatever, which is not identical with the information upon the tag mentioned above; if a container is to be utilized which bears any such inaccurate information upon a label, such container shall be turned inside out or such information shall be obliterated in so far is it is inaccurate by blotting out the letters or figures, or if such inaccurate information is upon a tag, by removing such tag.

If the required lettering is upon a label, the statement of net weight shall be in boldface capital letters and figures at least three-fourths inch in height and not expanded or condensed; it shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The word "net" shall form part of the statement of weight. The name of the manufacturer of the lime and the name of the brand, if any, under which it is sold, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in boldface letters at least one-half inch in height and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other, nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall form parts of the principal label.

If the required lettering is upon a tag, the statement of net weight shall be in boldface capital letters and figures not less than one-half the height of the largest letters or figures used upon such tag: Provided, however, That in every case they shall be not less than one-eighth inch in height (12-point capitals), and not expanded or condensed. The word "net" shall form part of the statement of weight. The statement shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The name of the manufacturer of the lime, and the name of the brand, if any, under which it is sold, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in boldface letters and figures not less than one-eighth inch in height (12-point capitals), and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall be included upon the same side of the tag.

(c) In case the lime is actually packed in barrels or in containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel by some

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