Lapas attēli

of depositaries, not including those holding Liberty loan funds, was 1,373, and the amount held by them $172,821,535.98.


The fiscal transactions recorded upon the books of this division during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1917, were as follows:

Receipt accounts-customs, internal revenue, public lands, miscellaneous, Panama Canal receipts from tolls, etc., and public debt receipts to the number of 900, and appropriation accounts for all executive departments, other Government establishments, and the District of Columbia to the number of 6,700, have been credited and charged, respectively, with all warrant entries affecting the receipts and disbursements and the results exhibited in the annual reports of the department.

Seven thousand six hundred and thirty active accounts of collecting and disbursing officers of the Government were carried in the fiscal officers' ledgers of the division, recording their transactions as to collections and deposits of public moneys, and of expenditures made from moneys advanced to them.

[blocks in formation]

Appropriation warrants have also been issued to the number of 681, crediting detailed appropriation accounts with amounts pro vided by law for disbursement.

Warrants in the amount of $6,315,929,481.36, representing receipts, of $3,552,342,594.63 and net disbursements of $2,763,586,886.73, including Panama Canal and public-debt transactions, less bond exchanges of $45,965,900 not affecting the general-fund balance, were credited and charged, respectively, to the general fund of the Treasury. Warrants representing $803,514,160.50 were issued for adjustment of appropriation accounts, largely for the detailed naval accounts against "general account of advances," without affecting the general fund.

The following table exhibits the totals of the receipts and disbursements of the year for the general fund:

[blocks in formation]

This shows an excess of ordinary disbursements over ordinary receipts of $29,724,864.73, and an excess of all receipts over all disbursements of $788,755,707.90, taking into account special accounts as enumerated above, public debt transactions, and payments from the general fund of the Treasury during the year of $19,262,798.32 for the Panama Canal without sales of bonds, offset in part by receipts from Panama Canal tolls, etc., of $6,150,668.59.

The general fund.

General-fund balance subject to warrant June 30, 1916, exclu

sive of disbursing officers' credits of $55,129,185.82, revised__ $178, 491, 415. 58 Add receipts:

[blocks in formation]

General-fund balance subject to warrant June 30, 1917, exclusive of disbursing officers' credits of $148,380,341.65, revised_

967, 247, 123. 48

State bonds and stocks owned by the United States.

The following statement shows the nonpaying State bonds and stocks, formerly in the Indian trust fund, now in the Treasury, belonging to the United States:

[blocks in formation]

A history of these State stocks and bonds is given in House Document No. 263, Fifty-fourth Congress, second session.


There were 342 arrests made by the agents of the Secret Service Division or under their direction during the year. Sixteen new counterfeit note issues were found in circulation, but there was a marked decrease in the amount of counterfeit money captured and seized. The total of counterfeit notes taken out of circulation was $23,469.75. Counterfeit coins amounting to $18,558.42 were captured or confiscated. One hundred and fifty-one plates, 8 sets of dies, 127 molds, and a great quantity of miscellaneous tools, materials, and other contraband property were seized.


Printing and binding.

It will be seen from the appended table that the total expenditure for printing and binding for the fiscal year 1917 was $453,472.01, which was an increase of $68,422.13 over the previous fiscal year. There was an unexpended balance of $32,481.16. Reimbursements for expenditures amounted to $80,953.17, leaving $372,518.84 as a net expenditure from an appropriation of $405,000.

The principal items of increase were: Internal revenue, $7,521.54; customs, $6,935.34; Public Health Service, $3,864.50; Supervising Architect, $2,248.65.

The principal items of decrease were: For miscellaneous printing, $6,678.12; the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, $3,407.60; and the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants, $2,305.81.

The expenditures by the Treasury Department for printing at the Government Printing Office on account of the issue of Liberty bonds, chargeable to the appropriation "Expenses of loans, act April 24, 1917," was $50,032.94. For the issue of these bonds millions of envelopes, circulars, forms, and posters were printed by the Department. All of these forms and most of the circulars were distributed by the Division of Printing and Stationery.

The following table shows in detail the expenditures from the Treasury allotment for printing and binding for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1917, together with increases and decreases over the previous fiscal year:

Appropriations, expenditures, and reimbursements for printing and binding.



Statement of the appropriation for stationery for the fiscal year 1917 and statements of the cost of the stock on hand and issues to various offices and services of the department brought down to

[blocks in formation]

Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants_.

Division of Appointments---

Division of Customs___

Division of Public Moneys_.

Division of Printing and Stationery

Division of Loans and Currency.

Division of Mail and Files___

Government Actuary-

Disbursing Clerk...

Section of Surety Bonds..

Office of Auditor for Treasury Department_

Office of Auditor for War Department_.

Office of Auditor for Interior Department_-

Office of Auditor for Navy Department-.

Office of Auditor for State and other Departments_

Office of Auditor for Post Office Department--.

Office of Comptroller of the Treasury.

Office of Comptroller of the Currency_

Office of Treasurer of the United States___.

Office of Register of the Treasury-

Office of the Supervising Architect.

Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue_

Office of Surgeon General, Public Health Service---.

Office of Captain Commandant, United States Coast Guard_---

410. 51



2, 956.99 1, 892. 86

26.20 5.02 385.32

57.23 443. 58 1,246. 05

460. 29 727.51

355, 39

4, 011. 47 352.24 8, 547.42 12, 400. 85


4,375. 78

18, 041. 81

2, 709. 50

1, 187.86

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