posing the South Atlantic blockading squadron, consisted of sixty-one vessels of all classes, mounting three hundred and ninety-six guns. But iron clads, carrying in all about thirtyfour guns, were expected to take the active part in the operations in the harbor. After the failure of the assault upon Fort Wagner, Gen. Gillmore set to work to bring his /heavy guns into position, not only for an attack upon Wagner, but upon all the works of the enemy, and also to throw shells into Charleston. The form of the contest now consisted in pushing forward the siege works and annoying the enemy as much as possible with sharpshooters and shells. The enemy acted in the same manner. Fort Johnson night and day threw shells, which burst above the workmen in the trenches. Wagner was kept quiet by the ship Ironsides and the monitors, while these in turn were attacked by the guns of Gregg and Sumter. On the 18th of July, about twelve heavy guns were in position, besides eight or ten mortars, within eight hundred yards of Fort Wagner, and Gen. Gillmore determined on making another attack. It was commenced at noon by Gen. Gillmore's batteries and the frigate Ironsides; five monitors, two mortar schooners, and three wooden gunboats soon joined in. The enemy replied briskly from Fort Wagner, Battery Bee, beyond Cummings's Point, and the guns on the southwestern face of Fort Sumter. Their fire was chiefly directed against the vessels, occasionally a shell was thrown at the batteries. Soon after four o'clock the fire of Fort Wagner ceased. It was known that one gun had been dismounted and another was supposed to have exploded. Under the impression that the works were evacuated, another attempt to occupy them was determined apon. For this purpose two brigades consisting of the 7th Connecticut regiment, the 3d New Hampshire, the 9th Maine, the 76th Pennsylvania, and the 48th New York, under Brig.Gen. Strong, and the 7th New Hampshire, 6th Connecticut, 62d Ohio, 100th New York, and 54th Massachusetts (colored), under Col. Putnam, were ordered forward from behind the sand hills. The brigades were formed in line on the beach, with the regiments disposed in columns, the colored regiment being in advance. This movement was observed at Fort Sumter, and a fire was opened on the troops but with out effect. At dark the order was given for both brigades to advance, Gen. Strong's leading and Col. Putnam's within supporting distance. The troops went forward at quick time and in silence, until the 54th Massachusetts, led by Col. Shaw, was within two hundred yards of the work, when the men gave a fierce yell and rushed up the glacis, closely followed by the other regiments of the brigade. The enemy, hitherto silent, opened upon them fariously with grape, canister, and a continuous fusilade of small arms. The negroes, however, plunged on, and many of them cross ed the ditch, although it contained four feet of water, gaining the parapet. They were dislodged, however, in a few minutes with hand grenades, and retired, leaving more than onehalf of their number, including their colonel, dead upon the field. The 6th Connecticut regiment, under Lieut.-Com. Rodman, was next in support of the 54th, and they also suffered terribly, being compelled to retire after a stubborn contest. The 9th Maine, which was next in line, was broken up by the passage of the remnant of the repulsed colored regiment through its lines, and retired in confusion, excepting three companies which stood their ground. It now devolved upon the 3d New Hampshire regiment to push forward, and, led by Gen. Strong and Col. Jackson in person, they dashed up against the fort. Three companies gained the ditch, and wading through the water, found shelter against the embankment. Here was the critical point of the assault, and the second brigade, which should have been up and ready to support their comrades of the first, were unaccountably delayed. Gen. Strong then gave the order to fall back and lie down on the glacis, which was obeyed, without confusion. While waiting here, exposed to the heavy fire, Gen. Strong was wounded. Finding that the supports did not come, Gen. Strong gave the order for his brigade to retire, and the men left the field in perfect order. Soon afterward the other brigades came on, and made up for their tardiness by their valor. Rushing impetuously up the glacis, undeterred by the fury of the enemy, whose fire was not intermitted, several of the regiments succeeded in crossing the ditch, scaling the parapet, and descending into the fort. Here a hand-to-hand conflict ensued. The troops fought with desperation, and were able to drive the enemy from one side of the work to seek shelter between the traverses, while they held possession for something more than an hour. This piece of gallantry was unfortunately of no advantage. The enemy rallied, and, having received reën forcements, made a charge upon them and expelled them from their position by the force of numbers. One of the regiments engaged in this brilliant dash was the 48th New York, Col. Barton, and it came out almost decimated. The 48th was among the first to enter the fort, and was fired upon by a regiment that gained the parapet some minutes later, under the supposition that it was the enemy. About midnight the order was given to retire, and the troops fell back to the rifle pits outside of their own works. The loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was fifteen hundred and thirty. Gen. Gillmore now made his preparations to bombard both Wagner and Sumter, and the city of Charleston. Meantime a correspondence took place between the opposing commanding officers. Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, Charleston, S. C., July Under date of Headquarters Department of South 4th, 1863, Gen. Beauregard says that it is his duty, in the interests of humanity, to address Gen. Gillmore, with a view of effecting some understanding as to the future conduct of the war in this quarter. And then, after alluding to the expedition set on foot by his predecessor, Maj.-Gen. Hunter, to the Combahee river, which seized and carried away negro slaves off plantations on its banks, ravaged the plantations, &c., he says he does not propose to enter upon a discussion touching that species of pillaging, but desires to acquaint Gen. Gillmore formally that more than one plantation was pillaged, buildings burned, and crops destroyed-acts which were not rendered necessary by any military exigency. Then he takes up the question of the employment of negroes, and quotes Napoleon, to show the "atrocious consequences which ever resulted in the employment of a merciless, servile race as soldiers;" that Napoleon refused to employ the serfs in his campaign against Russia, because he dreaded the results of a civil or intestine war. He characterizes all who call to their aid such material, in the language of the publicists, as barbarians, &c. In conclusion, he asks whether the acts which resulted in the burning of the villages of Darien, Ga., and Bluffton, and the ravages on the Combahee, are regarded by Gen. Gillmore as legitimate measures of war, which he will feel authorized to resort to hereafter. Gen. Gillmore addresses Gen. Beauregard from Morris Island, under date of July 18th. He states that, while he and his Government will scrupulously endeavor to conduct the war upon principles established by usage among civilized nations, he shall expect from the commanding general opposed to him full compliance with the same rules, in their unrestricted application to all the forces under his command. Gen. Beauregard, under the date of July 22d, 1863, says he is at a loss to perceive the necessity for the remark that Gen. Gillmore will expect from him "full compliance with the same rules established by usages of civilized nations, &c., in their unrestricted application to all his forces," inasmuch as he is wholly unaware that any departure from the same has ever been alleged on his part, or by any of his troops, from the established laws and usages between civilized peoples; and then he calls for more specific charges. In reply to Gen. Beauregard's despatch of the 22d ultimo, Gen. Gillmore, on the 5th of August, after noticing the remark of Gen. Beauregard that he was at a loss to perceive the necessity for his statement that he (Gen. G.) should expect a full compliance on his (Gen. B.'s) part with the same rules, &c., in their unrestricted application to all the forces under his command, states that he considered his remarks as pertinent and proper at the time. Events, he adds, since transpired, show them to have been eminently so. In proof he quotes the circumstances of agreement for mutual paroling and returning to their respective commands the wounded prisoners in our hands. "You declined," Gen. Gillmore goes on to say, "to return the wounded officers and men belonging to my colored regiments, and your subordinate in charge of the exchange asserted that the question had been left for after consider ation." He could but regard this transaction as a pal pable breach of faith on Gen. Beauregard's part, and a flagrant violation of Gen. B.'s pledges as an officer. The first works erected by Gen. Gillmore after taking possession of Morris Island, were the construction of parallels. These extended from the beach on the right to the marsh on the left. The first was distant from Fort Wagner one thousand two hundred yards. The second, and principal one, was so constructed that its left was six hundred and seven yards from Wagner, and its right seven hundred and fifty yards. The third was four hundred and twentyfive yards from Wagner. The parallels were built in an oblong direction with the length of the island, having the highest points resting on the marsh. The rifle pits forming the foundation of the first parallel were thrown up shortly after the troops gained possession of the lower part of the island. These pits were thrown up in a single night, and used first in the attack on Fort Wagner, on July 18th. The interstices were subsequently filled, and the first parallel constructed. It was two hundred and twentyfive yards. The length of the second parallel was three hundred and twenty-five yards. The siege guns used for the offensive were mounted in the rear of this parallel. Its distance from Fort Sumter was three thousand three hundred and fifty yards. The third one hundred yards in length. parallel was On the left of the parallels earthworks were constructed, containing guns of heavy caliber. Their mean distance from Fort Sumter was four thousand one hundred yards. Still farther to the left, on the marsh, another earthwork was constructed facing Fort Sumter. On this was mounted a gun called "Swamp Angel." The "Marsh" is a vast growth of cane, bordering on Light House Inlet and Morris Island, directly facing James Island, which runs parallel with Morris Island. It is about a mile wide, and borders the island nearly its whole length. about four feet of water over its whole extent. At low tide it is dry, but at high water there is Scows were procured and loaded with bags of sand, and at every tide floated into the marsh, and piled on the selected spot. They sank down in their watery bed and rapidly disappeared, but the process was still continued with each renewing tide, until an immense bank, towering six feet above the tops of the canes, was visible. Strong traverses were erected, and after due time given for it to settle, the gun was placed on one of the scows, and floated through the canes at high tide to the site of the battery, where it was moored and soon mounted, the work having all been done at night, it being in full view of Fort Johnson and James Island batteries. On the night of August 13th, the Federal Works were advanced within four hundred and twenty yards of Wagner, without any suspicion of the enemy. Soon after daylight, a fire which continued for two hours, and answered was opened from Wagner, Gregg, and Sumter, with great vigor from the Federal batteries. On the 15th all the forts of the enemy from Johnson Island, on the left, to Fort Wagner, on the right, opened fire, and continued it at intervals of fifteen minutes. For the first time fire was opened upon Fort Sumter by the Federal batteries. A 200-pounder Parrott was brought to bear on the fort, for the purpose of testing the powder to be used in these guns. Seven shots were fired, a distance of two and five-eighth miles, the first three fell short, but of the remaining four, two went directly through the gorge wall, a short distance above the sally port, and two struck the parapet, and sent an immense amount of brick and mortar into the ditch and into the fort. The solid shot, which went through, made holes from four to five feet in diameter. On the morning of August 17th, Gen. Gillmore, having completed his batteries, which numbered about sixty pieces, and obtained the range, his guns opened fire upon Fort Sumter. The fleet consisting of the frigate Ironsides and the Monitors, aided by some wooden gunboats, made an attack, at the same time, upon Forts Gregg and Wagner. The latter was completely silenced, and the former nearly so. The Monitors Passaic and Patapsco then moved nearer to Fort Sumter, and opened fire on it. In the afternoon the fleet retired, except so much as was required to prevent remounting the guns in Fort Wagner. The fire from the batteries upon Fort Sumter continued through the day and night. The bombardment of Fort Sumter had now been regularly commenced by Gen. Gillmore. The following is the daily report by the enemy of its effect: CHARLESTON, Thursday, August 20th. The firing of the Parrott guns upon Fort Sumter today was exceedingly heavy, but not so accurate as heretofore. About noon the flag was shot away, but soon replaced. No casualties are reported. Col. Alfred Rhett is commanding, and the garrison is stouthearted. The battery of Parrott guns is distant from Sumter two five-eighth miles. The missiles used are 200-pound bolts, eight inches in diameter, two feet long, with flat heads of chilled iron. Shells of the same dimensions are also used. Up to Wednesday night, the third day of the attack, 1,972 of these missiles struck Sumter, and including to-day 2,500 have struck. The damage is of course considerable, and for the last two days all the guns on the south face of the fort have been disabled. Yesterday, about four o'clock, the iron-clads formed in line of battle to renew the attack on Sumter, but the fort opened at long range from the east face, and they retired without attacking. To-day the Ironsides and two Monitors kept up a fire on Wagner at intervals, and the Yankee sappers have begun to make approaches on that battery from the nearest work. A shot from Wagner disabled one of the Parrott guns, and the James Island batteries, under Lieut. Col. Yates, exploded two of the enemy's ammunition chests. CHARLESTON, Friday, August 21st. The fire of the enemy's land batteries has been heavier than ever to-day. A new battery of Parrott guns opened on Sumter this morning, and the fires have been concentrated upon the east battery and its guns. The south wall of the fort is now a pile of rubbish. On the north the wall is also crumbling into heap of ruins. The flag has been shot away twice to-day, and six times during the attack. The flagstaff is shot off, and the flag flies from the ruins of the Bouth wall. Just before sunset Sumter fired several shots at the Ironsides, which was engaging Battery Wagner. A Monitor this morning fired at Sumter while making a reconnoissance, but was not replied to. There is no report of casualties. The sappers are making a regular approach on Battery Wagner. CHARLESTON, Saturday, August 22d. From 5 o'clock A. M. until 7 o'clock P. M. yesterday, the enemy's fire on Fort Sumter was very heavy. Nine hundred and twenty-three shots were fired, and seven hundred and four struck the fort, either outside or in side. The eastern face of the fort was badly battered. Some guns on the east end and the northeast face were disabled. The flag was shot down four times. Five privates and two negroes were wounded. The enemy's fire on Wagner caused five casualties, including Capt. Robert Pringle, killed. At 11 o'clock last night a communication from the enemy, unsigned, was sent to Gen. Beauregard, demanding the surrender of Sumter and the Morris Island batteries, with a notification that the city would be shelled in four hours if the demand was not com plied with. Gen. Beauregard was on a reconnoissance, and Gen. Jordan returned it for the signature of the writer. About two o'clock this morning the enemy began throwing shells into the city from a battery on the marsh between Morris and James Islands, and distant five miles from the city. Twelve 8-inch Parrott shells fell in the city, but caused no casualties. The transaction is regarded as an outrage on civilized warfare. The shelling had a good effect in hastening the exodus of non-combatants. At daylight this morning the enemy opened fire vigorously on Sumter. The Ironsides has since opened. Sumter is replying. Wagner is firing briskly on the enemy's advanced works, 450 yards from our battery. CHARLESTON, August 22d, The fire of the enemy's land batteries has been kept up on Fort Sumter, and more guns disabled. There was only one casualty. There was also a heavy fire on Battery Wagner from the fleet and land, also on Battery Gregg. The casualties at Wagner were one officer and four privates. Gen. Gillmore's demand for the surrender of Fort Sumter and Morris Island, with a threat to shell Charleston in four hours from the delivery of the paper at Wagner, was signed and returned at seven o'clock this morning. Gen. Beauregard, in his reply, charges inhumanity and violation of the laws of war, and affirms that if the offence be repeated he will employ stringent measures of retaliation, Up to this time the threat to shell the city has not been executed. CHARLESTON, Sunday, August 23d. To-day the land batteries opened from south to north, and the Monitors from east to west, coming close up. The fire was very damaging. The east wall was cracked and breached, and the shot swept through the fort. A shell burst, wounding Lieut. Boylston, Col. Rhett, and three other officers. The fort is now in ruins. Col. Rhett is ordered to hold this outpost even as a forlorn hope, until relieved or taken. Col. Gaillard was killed. Gen. Gillmore sent a communication at 11 o'clock, giving notice that at 11 o'clock to-morrow he would open fire on Charleston. CHARLESTON, Monday, August 24th. The enemy's fire on Sumter slackened to-day. The fleet has not participated. At 12 o'clock last night the enemy's guns opened fire on the city, firing fifteen 8-inch Parrott shells. No casualties resulted. Non-combatants are leaving the city in continuous streams. On the 24th of August, Gen. Gillmore sent the following despatches to Washington: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, MORRIS ISLAND, S. C., August 24th, 1863.3 To Maj. Gen. H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: SIR: I have the honor to report the practical demolition of Fort Sumter as the result of our seven days' bombardment of the work, including two days of which a powerful northeasterly storm most seriously dimin ished the accuracy of our fire. Fort Sumter is to-day a shapeless and harmless mass of ruins. My chief of artillery, Col. J. W. Turner, reports its destruction so far complete, that it is no longer of any "avail in the defence of Charleston." My breaching batteries were located at distances ranging between 8,320 and 4,240 yards from the works, and now remain as efficient as ever. I deem it unnecessary, at present, to continue the fire upon the ruins of Fort Sumter. I have also, under a heavy fire from James Island, established batteries on my left, within effective range of the heart of Charleston city, and have opened with them, after giving Gen. Beauregard due notice of my intention to do so. My notification to Gen. Beauregard, his reply thereto, with the threat of retaliation, and my rejoinder, have been transmitted to the army headquarters. The projectiles from my batteries entered the city, and Gen. Beauregard himself designates them as the "most destructive missiles ever used in war." The report of my chief of artillery, and an accurate sketch of the ruins of Fort Sumter, taken at 12 M. yesterday, six hours before we ceased firing, are herewith transmitted. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Q. A. GILLMORE, Brigadier-General Commanding. OFFICE OF CHIEF OF ARTILLERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, MORRIS ISLAND, 8. C., August 23d, 1863. Brig. Gen. Q. A. Gillmore, Commanding Department of the South, Morris Island, S. C.: GENERAL: I have the honor to report the effect that our breaching batteries have had upon Fort Sumter, and the condition of that work to-night, at the close of the seven days' bombardment. The gorge wall of the fort is almost a complete mass of ruins. For the distance of several casemates about midway of this face the ramparts are removed nearly, and in places quite to the arches, and but for the sand bags, with which the casemates were filled, and which have served to sustain the broken arches and masses of masonry, it would have long since been entirely cut away, and with it the arches to the floor of the second tier of casemates. The debris on this point now forms a ramp reaching as high as the floor of the casemates. The parapet wall of the two northeasterly faces is completely carried away, a small portion only being left in the angle made with the gorge wall, and the ramparts of these faces are also a total ruin. Quite one half of our projectiles seem to have struck the parade and parapet of these two faces, and judging from the effect they have had upon the gorge wall within our observation, the destruction of masonry on these two sides must be very great, and I am of opinion that nearly every arch in these fronts must be broken in. But one gun remains in position on these two fronts. This is in the angle of the gorge, and I think unserviceable. The ruin extends around, taking in the northeasterly face as far as can be seen. portion of this face adjoining the angle it makes with the southeasterly face is concealed, but from the great number of missiles which have struck in this angle during the last two days, it cannot be otherwise than greatly damaged, and I do not think any guns can be left on this face in a serviceable condition. The ramparts on this angle, as well as in the southeasterly face, must be ploughed up and greatly shattered; the parapet on this latter face being torn off in many places, as we can see, and I hardly think the platforms of the three remaining guns on this face could have escaped. With the assistance of a powerful glass, I cannot determine that more than one of these guns can be used. The carriages of the others are evidently more or less shattered, and such is the ruin of the parapet and parade in the immediate vicinity of this gun that it probably could not be served for any length of time. In fine, the destruction of the fort is so far complete that it is to-day of no avail in the defence of the harbor of Charleston; by a longer fire it can be made more completely a ruin and a mass of broken masonry, but could scarcely be more powerless for the defence of the harbor. I therefore respectfully submit my opinion that a continuance of our fire is no longer necessary, as giv ing us no ends adequate for the consumption of our The correspondence mentioned in the preceding despatch commenced on the 21st. On that day Gen. Gillmore addressed the following note to Gen. Beauregard : MORRIS ISLAND, S. C., August 21st, 1868. To Gen. G. T. Beauregard, Commanding Confederate Forces, Charleston, S. C.: GENERAL: I have the honor to demand of you the immediate evacuation of Morris Island and Fort Sumter by the Confederate forces. The present condition of Fort Sumter, and the rapid and progressive destruc tion which it is undergoing from my batteries, seem render its complete demolition within a few hours a matter of certainty. All my heaviest guns have not yet opened. Should you refuse compliance with this demand, or should I receive no reply thereto within four hours after it is delivered into the hands of your subordinate at Fort Wagner for transmission, I shall open fire on the city of Charleston from batteries already estab lished within easy and effective range of the heart of the city. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient ser vant, Q. A. GILLMORE, Brig.-Gen. Commanding. To this note Gen. Beauregard replied as fol- nay, even the city of Charleston in the same de lows: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SIB: Last night, at fifteen minutes before eleven o'clock, during my absence on a reconnoissance of my fortifications, a communication was received at these headquarters, dated "Headquarters Department of the South, Morris Island, S.C., August 21st, 1863," demanding "the immediate evacuation of Morris Island and Fort Sumter by the Confederate forces," on the alleged grounds "that the present condition of Fort Sumter, and the rapid and progressive destruction which it is undergoing from my batteries, seem to render its complete demolition within a few hours a matter of certainty;" and that if this demand were "not complied with or no reply thereto received within four hours after it is delivered into the hands of your (my) subordinate commander at Fort Wagner for transmission," a fire would be opened "on the city of Charleston from batteries already established within easy and effective range of the heart of the city." This communication to my address was without signature, and was of course returned. About half past one o'clock one of your batteries did actually open fire, and threw a number of heavy shells into the city, the inhabitants of which, of course, were asleep and unwarned. About nine o'clock this morning the communication alladed to above was returned to these headquarters, bearing your recognized official signature, and it can now be noticed as your deliberate official act. Among nations, not barbarous, the usages of war prescribe that when a city is about to be attacked timely notice shall be given by the attacking commander, in order that non-combatants may have an opportunity for withdrawing beyond its limits. Generally the time allowed is from one to three days; that is, time for the withdrawal in good faith of at least the women and children. You, sir, give only four hours, knowing that your notice, under existing circumstances, could not reach me in less than two hours, and that not less than the same time would be required for an answer to be conveyed from this city to Battery Wagner. With this knowledge, you threaten to open fire on the city, not to oblige its surrender, but to force me to evacuate these works, which you, assisted by a great naval force, have been attacking in vain for more than forty days. Batteries Wagner and Gregg and Fort Sumter are nearly due north from your batteries on Morris Island, and in distance therefrom varying from half a mile to two and a quarter miles. The city, on the other hand, is to the northwest, and quite five miles distant from the battery opened against it this morning. It would appear, sir, that, despairing of reducing these works, you now resort to the novel measure of turning your guns against the old men, the women, and children, and the hospitals of a sleeping city, an act of inexcusable barbarity from your own confessed point of sight, inasmuch as you allege that the complete demolition of Fort Sumter within a few hours by your guns seems to you "a matter of certainty." mand? Since you have felt warranted in inaugurating this method of reducing batteries in your immediate front, which were found otherwise impregnable, and a mode of warfare which I confidently declare to be atrocious and unworthy of any soldier, I now .solemnly warn you that if you fire again on the city from your Morris Island batteries without giving a somewhat more reasonable time to remove non-combatants, I shall feel impelled to employ such stringent means of retaliation as may be available during the continuance of this attack. Finally, I reply, that neither the works on Morris Island nor Fort Sumter will be evacuated on the demand you have been pleased to make. Already, howI am taking measures to remove all non-combatants, who are now fully aware of and alive to what they may expect at your hands. ever, Respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. BEAUREGARD, Gen. Com'g. To this letter Gen. Gillmore made the following response: DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, HEADQUARTERS IN SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, complaining that one of my batteries has opened upon the city of Charleston, and thrown a number of heavy rifle shells into that city, the inhabitants of which, of course, were asleep and unwarned. My letter to you demanding the surrender of Fort Sumter and Morris Island, and threatening, in default thereof, to open fire upon Charleston, was delivered near Fort Wagner at 11.15 o'clock P. M. on the 21st instant, and should have arrived at your headquarters in time to have permitted your answer to reach me within the limit assigned, namely, four hours. The fact that you were absent from your headquarters at the time of its arrival may be regarded as an unfortunate circumstance for the city of Charleston, but it is one for which I clearly am not responsible. This letter bore date at my headquarters, and was officially delivered by an officer of my staff. The inadvertent omission of my signature doubtless affords ground for special pleading, but it is not the argument of a commander solicitous only for the safety of sleeping women and children and unarmed men." Your threats of retaliation for acts of mine, which you do not allege to be in violation of civilized warfare, except as regards the length of time allowed as notice of my intentions, are passed by without comment. I will, however, call your attention to the well established principle, that the commander of a place attacked, but not invested, having its avenues of escape open and practicable, has no right to expect any notice of an intended bombardment other than that which is given by the threatening attitude of his adversary. Even had this letter not been written, the city of Charleston has had, according to your own computation, forty days' notice of her danger. During that time my attack upon her defences has steadily progressed. The ultimate object of that attack has at no time been doubtful. Your omission to attach your signature to such a grave paper must show the recklessness of the course upon which you have adventured; while the facts that [ You knowingly fixed a limit for receiving an answer to your demand, which made it almost beyond the possibility of receiving any reply within that time, and that you actually did open fire and throw a number of the most destructive missiles ever used in war into the midst of a city taken unawares, and filled with sleep ing women and children, will give you a "bad eminence" in history, even in the history of this war. I am only surprised, sir, at the limits you have set to your demands. If, in order to attain the abandonment of Morris Island and Fort Sumter, you feel authorized to fire on this city, why did you not also in- long since removed from the city. But, upon your asclade the works on Sullivan's and James's Island-surance that the city is still full of them, I shall sus If, under the circumstances, the life of a single noncombatant is exposed to peril by the bombardment of the city, the responsibility rests with those who have first failed to apprize the non-combatants, or secure the safety of the city, after having held control of all its approaches for a period of nearly two years and a half, in the presence of a threatening force, and who afterward refused to accept the terms upon which the bom bardment might have been postponed. From various sources, official and otherwise, I am led to believe that most of the women and children of Charleston were |