SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATES PROGRAM AND FINANCING 19 PY sctual ro Ctestimate 19 BI male $10,458,000 4,065,000 580,000 Loan commitmente: Defense plant expansion loans. Foreign aid loans... Other loans.. Expense Plant maintenance.. Other. Total loan program. Sales program: Purchase of machinery and equipment. Each major program is to be shown BY stimate 700,000 Interest payments will be showD separately. A subtotal reading "Total operational program" will precede this entry whenever applicable. Program and financing schedules for revolving funds will always be presented in two balanced sections with identical totals. Appropriation amounts for 19CY and 198Y must agree with boldface amounts on the appropriation language sheets. These entries must agree with the unobligated balances shown on the "Status of certain fund balances" (exhibit 59). Program and financing schedules for revolving funds will always be presented in two balanced sec. tions with identical totals. SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATES PROGRAM AND FINANCING REVOLVING FUND-COST-TYPE BASIS Appropriation title: Government Enterprise Corporation PROGRAM AND FINANCING 19PY netual Each major program is to be shown separately in this section. Proposed changes in program classifications must be submitted to the Bureau of the Budget in advance (see section 2). Capital outlay should be shown separately from current expenses. These entries should be consistent with amounts shown on business-type Statement B. Expense items should exclude depreciation where feasible. If depreciation is included in expense items, it must be deducted as shown here. (0.130 C. & L. Bush) Loan program: Program by Activities Acquisition of loans: Defense plant expansion loans Foreign aid loans Other loans Expense: Loan servicing fees Total loan program Sales program: Purchase of machinery and equipment Cost of goods sold Administrative and other expenses Total sales program Power program: Production of power: Acquisition of plant General expense Transmission of power Other Total power program Total operational program Interest on borrowings from Treasury Depreciation included above (-) $12,000,000 7,600,000 400,000 1,292,000 1,900,000 3,596,000 26,788,000 18,470,468 1,138,000 19,608,468 7,763,000 9,235,000 4,165,000 4,195,000 25,358,000 71,754,468 1,106,175 -2,600,000 PY - past year 19 CY extimate 19 BY estimate These entries will be supported by an analysis to be included in the narrative statement, as illustrated below. These entries represent total obligations. The "Financing" section of costtype schedules is identical with the "Financing" section of obligation schedules (exhibit 41E). Total costs (Mono met Program by Activities Continued Relation of costs to obligations: Increase or de- Total program Financing $11,298,000 $9,358,000 1,847,000 5,062,000 1,355,000 580,000 1,182,000 1,260,000 1,840,000 1,546,200 4,100,000 3,926,100 21,622,000 21,732,300 1,075,000 1,067,000 10,427,100 9,418,000 908,500 922,000 12,410,600 11,407,000 710,000 10,948,000 10,173,000 7,999,000 5,617,000 3,205,000 4,360,600 3,395,000 20,860,600 25,547,000 54,893,200 58,686,300 993,000 809,000 -2,450,000 -2,625,000 70,260,643 53,436,200 56,870, 300 (Mons mat 7. (Muneonat (Mono mat: 1) -$2,335,852 $20,078,300 -$8,105,500 This schedule will appear in the narrative statement as part of the explanation of the item "Relation of costs to obligations." Balance, June 30: Inventories: Commodities for sale Supplies Deferred charges Allowance for losses on loans outstanding (-) Unfilled purchase orders Total selected resources Deduct selected resources at start of year Selected Resources 19PY-1 19PY 19CY 19BY estimate estimate Increase or decrease (-) in selected resources Increase or decrease (-) in selected resources available $2,545,000 $2,425,000 $2,695,000 $2,468,000 -2,335,852 20,078,300 -8,105,500 OBLIGATIONS BY OBJECTS PY-past year CY - current year BY - budget year OBLIGATIONS BY OBJECTS 19 PY actual 10 CY estimate 19 BY estimate Total number of permanent positions 196 203 193 9 10 10 194 201 196 205 220 202 Include all full-time permanent positions, regardless of status of employees. Full-time equivalent of positions other than permanent. SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATES Definitions of the numbered ob- Appropriation title: Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary Pull-time equivalent of all other positions ...... Type slae: 22 plone Average number of all employees Number of employees at end of year .... Une in preparing schedule of obliguilens nооннорадуng mat for 1947) 16-36404-4 Average salaries and gradess 01 Personal servicess $5,526 QS-7.5 $1,174,500 32,550 ......... 5,000 6,000 .................. 1,218,050 (Mano anat: 31.0 A more detailed subclassification may be used optionally to show the distribution of large or unusual obligations under any object class. The subclasses will be unnumbered and unlettered items indented under the main class entry. Reimbursements and advances to other accounts (for items ordinarily classed as 07) will always be set forth separately immediately following the usual entry for the remainder of 07. priations 02 Travel 06 Printing and reproduction 07 Other contractual services Services performed by other agencies 08 Supplies and materials Unvouchered Total obligations This entry will be used only where obligations may lawfully be incurred for confidential purposes not subject to detailed vouchering or reporting. (Mono cast. 1.0) (Moto cart 1.9) (Momo cast. T 19PY sctual 19CY estimata 19 BY estimat $226,309 $237,100 $225,600 15,860 15,600 14,600 21,467 20,300 18,400 3,180 3,000 2,700 11,360 12,300 10,100 17,968 19,450 20,950 95,480 86,000 39,600 4,800 3,100 1,620,185 1,657,000 1,550,000, (Mono cart: 11.0 Mane coat (Mono mal. 1. (Mono est: 7) Average paid employment, stated to the nearest whole number. This number should be consistent with the number included in the report to the Civil Service Commission on Standard Form 113 for June 19PY. These totals should agree with "Total obligations" on the "Program and financing" schedule. Amount moved from one appropriation to another which represents an adjustment to the appropriations involved. Appropriation title: Salaries and Expenses, Office of the Secretary, Department of Government (0.130 C. & 1. c. flush) BUDGET AUTHORIZATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES Budget Authorizations Available 19 PY sctual 19 Crestimate 19 BY estimate Entries on this line must agree with the ending balance of the * 1,645,000 1,637,000 1,550,000 preceding year. These entries must agree with comparable entries on the "Program and financing" schedule. If this balance has not been certified under section 1311 the schedule should carry a headnote reading "(Balances at end of 19PY have not been certified under sec. 1311, 68 Stat. 800)". Standard Form 3a (Approved by Appropriation title: Construction of Buildings, Bureau of Central Services, (C. 130 0. & l. c. flush) Department of Government These amounts must agree with amounts shown on the appropria tion language sheet. ......... The totals of these entries for no-year accounts must equal the total unexpended balances at the beginning and end of the post year as reported in the Treasury Combined Statement. $8,480,000 $8,675,000 $8,000,000 1,300,000 810,000 7,066,909 6,989,1425 6,760,000 ...... 16,846,909 16,474,425 14,760,000 Out of current authorizations .. 4,500,000 4,000,000 9,047,484 5,014,125 2.200.000 9,047,484 9,514,425 9,200,000 Type size: 6 point, 22 pleas Use in preparing schedules of obligations accompanyin lump-sum ationa appropriatio mpanying estimates for 16-35804-4 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE |