Prescribed by Budget-Treasury Regulation 1 AGENCY June 1952 Department of Government BURKAU Bureau of Research REAPPORTIONMENT SCHEDULE (BY ACTIVITIES, PROJECTS, ETC.) For Fiscal Year 1953... APPROPRIATION TITLE AND SYMBOL Agency No. 5. Construction of buildings, 72X1304 Prescribed by Budget-Treasury Regulation I Sept. 1960 APPORTIONMENT SCHEDULE FOR CORPORATIONS AND ENTERPRISES For Fiscal Year 19.53 Sheet 1 of 1 sheets Investment Guaranty Fund, 72x4902 SUBMITTIO BY FOR USE BY • BUREAU OF THE BUDGET (Date) Budget-Treasury Regulation 1 Sept. 1950 FOR CORPORATIONS AND ENTERPRISES For Fiscal Year 19..53 AGENCY Department of Government CORPORATION OR ENTERPRISE Business Enterprise Corporation DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT TITLES AND SYMBOLS 8. Other expenditures: A. Other expenses not subject to fiscal year limitation (1,200,000) (1,150,000) (645,000) (695,000) (165,000) FOR USE ST BUREAU OF THE BUDGET (Date) TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE BUT NOT APPLIED. 12. 13. TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE B. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1-40 Analysis of unpaid obligations as of June 30 42-D definition of. 21 reports on 41-0 special instructions on...... 62 unappropriated, definition of..... 21 to expend from public debt receipts: apportionment of... 11, 32-H, 52-H definition of 21 reports on (corporations and enter- prises)... 54 special instructions on 63 Awards. (See Refunds, awards, and indemni- ties.) appopriations to liquidate 32-H., 41-G 21 61-A |