Construction and Rehabilitation, Bureau of Reclamation-Con. PROGRAM AND PERFORMANCE Relation of costs to obligations. The relationship is derived from year-end balances of selected resources as reflected in the following table: actual actual estimate Total selected resources at end of year. 32, 743, 307 Selected resources at start of year (-).. Costs financed from obligations of other years, net (-). Obligations Incurred for costs of other years, net 38, 400, 226 30. 983, 397 27.031.28 -32,743, 307-38,400,226 -30,983, 31 -7, 416, 829 -3,952, 10 5, 656, 919 Esti Program accomplished through 1957 1958 program goals mated Total transfers estimate to/from of costs (-) to this other approprojects priation or funds, (obliga- Kilowatts New Supple- Kilowatts New Supple net tion) installed acres capacity mental installed acres acres capacity mental acres 1955 Selected resources at end of year: Undelivered orders (appro- $2, 685, 561 $2, 113, 163 $1, 823, 822 $1,840, 264 18, 487, 669 26,821,851 17,954, 346 12, 925, 693 1956 actual 1957 estimate 1968 estimate Projects or activities CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM Estimated total project cost Millions Millions Millions Completed, June 30, 1956 (68 projects and 3 Missouri River Basin units) Completed, fiscal year 1957 (9 projects and no Missouri River Basin unit).. Construction and rehabilitation, fiscal year 1958: Construction: Continued: Central Valley.. Columbia Basin. Missouri River Basin: Glendo Helena Valley. Transmission division. Rogue River Basin, Talent division. Santa Maria. of dollars of dollars Ventura River. Washita Basin.. Weber Basin Other (14 projects and 8 Missouri River Basin units) Total, continued (29 projects and 20 Missouri River Basin units)... Initiated: Crooked River. Little Wood River Missouri River Basin: Ainsworth. Furwell. Shoshone extensions. Wapinitia. Total, Initiated (3) projects and 3 Missouri River Basin units). Completed: Boulder City..... Canyon Ferry unit. Deschutes, north unit. Palisades. Palo Verde diversion. Parker-Davis. Rathdrum Prairie, Hayden Lake unit. Yakima, Kennewick division. Completion reports and as-built drawings. Total, completed (7 projects and I Missouri River Basin unit). Total, construction (39 projects and 27 Missouri River Basin units). Grand total, construction and rehabilitation.. 3, 175.3 3,646.8 35.6 23.8 35.8 4,295,8 -48.0 4,247.8 5,087.9 4, 117.6 4, 158.5 74.1 168.4 87.6 7. Relation of costs to obligations. The relationship between direct costs and direct obligations is derived from year-end balances of selected resources as reflected in the following table: REIMBURSABLE PROGRAM BY ACTIVITIES 10. Relation of costs to obligations. The relationship between reimbursable costs and reimbursable obligations is derived from year-end balances of selected resources and applicable adjustments as reflected in the following table: Reimbursable program: Selected resources at end of year: Inventories and items on order: Undelivered orders (appropriation balances obligated for goods and services on order not yet received).. Advances (payments for goods and services on order not yet received)... 1955 actual 1956 actual 1957 1958 estimate estimate $609, 614 509 Direct program: Selected resources at end of year: Inventories and items on order: Undelivered orders (appropria tion balances obligated for goods and services on order not yet received). Advances (payment for goods and services on order not yet received). 1955 actual 1966 actual 1957 estimate 1968 estimate $1, 356, 683 $1,373, 504 $6,645, 254 $11,789,500 3, 511, 984 96, 411 6, 238, 465 2,000,000 4,868, 667 13,789,500 -12,883, 719 Total selected resources at end of year.. Selected resources at start of year (-). Costs financed from obligations of other years, net (-). Obligations incurred for costs of other years, net... 1, 469, 915 12,883,719 -4,868,667 -1,469,915 -3,398, 752 11, 413, 804 905, 781 Total selected resources at end of Selected resources at start of year (-).... Increase or decrease (-) in selected resources.. Costs financed from obligations of other years, 610, 123 610, 123 -12,447 -$610, 123 -610, 123 -610, 123 507, 676 |