Annual Report of the American Bar Association: Including Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting, 130. sējums,2. izdevumsHeadquarters Office, 2008 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 81.
180. lappuse
... ment , states , tribes , and local gov- ernments . President George W. Bush adopted this MPA Executive Order in June 2001,42 but develop- ment of the national system has stalled in light of other executive priorities , most notably in ...
... ment , states , tribes , and local gov- ernments . President George W. Bush adopted this MPA Executive Order in June 2001,42 but develop- ment of the national system has stalled in light of other executive priorities , most notably in ...
291. lappuse
... ment , and private sources , such as The Ford Foundation . Additionally , as part of the ABA , ABA - Asia is a party to a global cooperative agree- ment between USAID and the RIGHTS Consortium , a partnership of Freedom House , ABA ...
... ment , and private sources , such as The Ford Foundation . Additionally , as part of the ABA , ABA - Asia is a party to a global cooperative agree- ment between USAID and the RIGHTS Consortium , a partnership of Freedom House , ABA ...
719. lappuse
... ment of the second annual meeting following their selection , and three to serve until the adjournment of the third annual meeting fol- lowing their selection . At the conclusion of the 1996 Annual Meet- ing , the President shall ...
... ment of the second annual meeting following their selection , and three to serve until the adjournment of the third annual meeting fol- lowing their selection . At the conclusion of the 1996 Annual Meet- ing , the President shall ...
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2005 Annual Meeting 2005 The Board administrative adopted agency amendment American Bar Association application asbestos Asso attorney-client privilege attorneys August benefits Board approved Board of Governors Bylaws Chair Zack client Commission on Ocean Commit Community conduct Conference Congress Constitution Convention coordination counsel criminal disabled ensure entities faculty federal funding guidelines House of Delegates implementation indigent defense issues judges Judicial judiciary jurisdiction jury Justice law school Law Student Division Legal Assistant legal services legislation marine resources mediator Medicaid ment national oceans policy Nominating Committee Oceans Commission Paralegal participation parties percent Pew Oceans Commission polling practice President privilege pro bono procedures proposal protection provisional ballot recognized by Chair recommendation request resolution Section serve sion Standing Committee submitted supra note tion tional U.S. Supreme Court United voting waiver work-product doctrine