JANUARY 30, 31, FEBRUARY 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, AND 14, 1950
Dinger, Robert S., assistant to the director, National Economic Com- mission, the American Legion _ _ _ _
Edelman, John W., representing the Textile Workers Union of America,
Ellis, Clyde T., executive manager, National Rural Electric Coopera-
tive Association.
Epter, Lawrence A., president, Mortgage Bankers Association of New
York, Inc.
Foley, Raymond M., Housing and Home Finance Administrator..
Green, John, secretary of CIO national housing committee----
Green, William, president, American Federation of Labor...
Held, Harry, vice president, the Bowery Savings Bank, New York,
N. Y
Henle, Peter, secretary, American Federation of Labor housing com-
Ketcham, Frank S., representing Council for Social Action of the Con- gregational Christian Churches.
Nichols, C. N., managing director, Northeastern Roofing, Siding, and Insulating Contractors Association, Inc.
O'Leary, Dr. James J., director of investment research, the Life In- surance Association of America___.
Reckman, William A., chairman, subcommittee on mortgage financing and urban housing, American Bankers Association_-_ Richards, Franklin D., Commissioner, Federal Housing Administra- tion_.
Statements of-Continued Voorhis, Jerry, executive secretary, Cooperative League of the United States of America and National Cooperative Mutual Housing Asso-
Chamber of Commerce of the United States, analysis of H. R. 6618_.. Chicago Mortgage Bankers Association, letter of January 30, 1950, to Hon. Barratt O'Hara
Summary of rental housing operations as of December 31, 1949- total construction.
Housing and Home Finance Agency:
Comparison of estimated gross monthly rental on an $8,000,
42-room unit financed under proposals for non-profit and co-
operative housing for families of moderate income and with a
90-percent mortgage insured by FHA under section 608 for a
privately owned (for profit) project (tabulation).
Costs of acquiring and servicing loans, losses on loans, and opera- tion of a mortgage portfolio..
Data indicating the cost involved in mortgage loans to the lenders making them___
Distribution by number of rooms of dwelling units in section 608,
veterans' emergency housing projects covered by commitments
issued January to June 1949, United States total and selected
insuring offices (tabulation)_
Distribution by total money-income level for families of two or more persons, 1948 (tabulation) _
Distribution of monthly rentals of dwelling units in section 608
veterans' emergency housing projects covered by commitments
issued January to June 1949, United States total, and selected
insuring offices (tabulation).
Estimated monthly gross and shelter rent and debt service for
a non-profit organization on a $7,000, $8,000, and $9,000
42-room dwelling unit with 100 percent financing, assuming
project operating expenses as on FHA projects (tabulation) ___ H. R. 6618 features attractive to families in the South_ Home Owners' Loan Corporation record_.
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.lv/books/content?id=8O3nPMyAsIIC&hl=lv&output=html_text&pg=PP8&img=1&zoom=3&q=O%27HARA&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2aEHRW_3AH2NKON5x0M-cheCY5wg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=231,1364,440,42)
Additional matter and communications submitted—Continued
Massachusetts Housing Council, report on cooperative housing-- National Association of Housing Officials, letter of Feb. 3, 1950, to Hon. Brent Spence--
National Association of Real Estate Boards:
Cities producing new houses for sale for $8,000 or less.. Digest of FHA terms-
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