Inglis, James H., director, Detroit Housing Commission_. Javits, Hon. Jacob K., a Representative in Congress from the Twenty- first District of New York__.
Jernagin, Rev. W. H., executive director, Fraternal Council of Negro Churches in America_
Kaufman, Charles L., chairman, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing
Kelsey, Frank W., Administrator of Finance, Veterans' Administra-
King, T. B., Director of Loan Service, Veterans' Administration___.
Knudson, Dr. A. B., Medical Rehabilitation Service, Veterans' Ad-
Lockwood, Rodney, vice president, National Association of Home
Lyle, George D., chairman, Wayne County Council, Veterans of For- eign Wars
McCarthy, Hon. Joseph R., a Senator from Wisconsin_ McGowan, Rev. Raymond A., director, social action department, Na- tional Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C..
McGuire, Milton J., president, Milwaukee Common Council__.
Madar, Arthur, commander, American Veterans of World War II.
Markle, Fergus, representing American Veterans of World War II_.
Maslen, Sydney, representing the American Association of Social
Mason, Norman, president, National Retail Lumber Dealers Asso- ciation
Morgan, James W., president, Southern Building Codes Congress_ Morgan, Robert M., vice president, Boston Five Cent Savings Bank, and chairman, committee on mortgage investments, National Associa- tion of Mutual Savings Banks_.
Pace, Hon. Stephen, a Representative in Congress from the Third District of Georgia___.
Proffitt, George W., representing the National Apartment Owners Asso- ciation__
Richards, Franklin D., Commissioner, Federal Housing Administra- tion__-
Robson, Mark S., Rating Schedule Board of Claims Service, Veterans' Administation
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., national housing chairman, American Veterans Committee_
See, Harry, national legislative representative, Brotherhood of Rail- Road Trainmen
Shattuck, Willard Ide, Jr., chairman, AMVETS Housing Committee__ Shishkin, Boris, secretary, housing committee, American Federation of Labor___
Taggart, Eugene F., national liaison officer, Catholic War Veterans of America___
Van Antwerp, Hon. Eugene I., mayor, Detroit, Mich_--
Ware, Caroline F., representing the American Association of Univer- sity Women_.
Weinfeld, Edward, president, National Public Housing Conference_ Weitzer, Bernard, national legislative representative, Jewish War Veterans of the United States----
West, George W., president, First Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion and West Lumber Co., Atlanta, Ga_
Wheeler, Hon. W. M., a Representative in Congress from the Eighth
District of Georgia___.
Whitlock, Douglas, chairman, the Building Products Institute_
Williamson, John C., assistant director, national legislative service,
Veterans of Foreign Wars-----
Zeidler, Hon. Frank P., mayor, Milwaukee, Wis.
Zook, George F., president, American Council of Education__.
Miscellaneous information submitted to the committee by-
Agriculture Department:
Table 3-Farm tenancy: Average size of farms and loan per acre
in 1940, 1945, 1946, 1947, and 1948 fiscal years__.
Table 4-Actual payments compared with fixed payment schedule
of farm ownership borrowers, cumulative as of March 31, 1947-
Table 5-Production and subsistence loans to individuals, by
fiscal years, from inception, November 1, 1946, through Decem-
ber 31, 1947_
Table 6-Production and subsistence loans, maturities, and col-
lections, cumulative through December 31, 1947_.
Table 7-Rural rehabilitation loans to individuals by the Farm
Security Administration, 1945 and 1946 fiscal years, 1947 fiscal
year through October 31, 1946, and cumulative since inception
of program__.
Table 8-Rural rehabilitation loans of the Farm Security Ad-
ministration, including maturities and collections, cumulative
through December 31, 1947-
Table 9-Emergency crop and feed and drought relief loans:
Number and approved amount of loans made, collected, and ad-
justed under Public Law 518 and balance outstanding, December 31, 1947.
Table 10-1936 and prior years emergency crop and feed loans
(including 1942 orchard rehabilitation loans): Number and ap-
proved amount of loans made, collected, and adjusted under
Public Law 518 and balance outstanding December 31, 1947__
Table 11-1937 and subsequent years emergency crop and feed
loans: Number and approved amount of loans made, collected,
and adjusted under Public Law 518, and balance outstanding
December 31, 1947----
American Association of Social Workers:
American Bankers Association, statement_. American Federation of Labor, housing committee:
Table X-Average ratio of property valuation to home owner's
annual income, by income group: new single-family dwellings
and FHA section 203, mortgage insurance, 1941-46_
Table XI-Distribution, by price class, of asking price for other
than new single-family dwellings advertised for sale: 100
selected metropolitan districts, April 1940 to March 1947----.
Table XII-Percentage distribution of nonfarm families and
individuals not in families, by total money income level, by
color of head, for the United States, by region: 1946_-_.
American Veterans Committee:
How S. 866 will help the veteran__
Atlanta Housing Authority, letter from, addressed to B. Graham
West, comptroller, Atlanta, Ga-----
Bradford, Hon. Robert F., Governor, State of Massachusetts____
Burke, Hon. Thomas A., mayor, Cleveland, Ohio‒‒‒‒‒
Celantano, Hon. William C., mayor, New Haven, Conn----
Church, Hon. Stanley W., mayor, New Rochelle, N. Y____
Dale, Hon. Charles M., Governor, State of New Hampshire_
Dorton, Randall M., city manager, Santa Monica, Calif
Finerty, Hon. J. E., mayor, Gary, Ind__.
Kemp, Hon. W. E., mayor, Kansas City, Mo_-
Kennelly, Hon. Martin H., mayor, Chicago, Ill.
Laney, Hon. Ben, Governor, State of Arkansas-
Law, Hon. Arthur J., mayor, Pontiac, Mich_
Milliken, Hon. Howard E., mayor, Harrisburg, Pa__.
Murphy, Hon. Vincent J., mayor, Newark, N. J
O'Dwyer, Hon. William, mayor, New York, N. Y___.
Owens, Hon. Frank C., mayor, Columbia, S. C--
Storrs, L. S., zoning administrator, Santa Monica, Calif.
Temple, Hon. James R., mayor, Dallas, Tex---
Thompson, Hon. M. E., Governor, State of Georgia_
Turner, Hon. Roy J., Governor, State of Oklahoma..
Youngdahl, Hon. Luther W., Goveror, State of Minnesota___. Blyth & Co., Inc.; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Lehman Bros.; Phelps, Fenn & Co.; R. W. Pressprich & Co.; and Shields & Co., statement from____
Miscellaneous information submitted to the committee by-Continued
Boggs, Hon. Hale etc-Continued
Hedrick, Hon. James A., mayor, Decatur, Ill.
Howell, Leonard C., city manager, Madison, Wis.
Howland, Frank B., secretary, office of the mayor, Boston,
Christman, Elisabeth, secretary-treasurer, National Woman's Trade Union League, letter from___.
Tishman Realty & Construction Co., New York., N. Y., letter from_ Title Guarantee Co., Denver, Colo., letter from__ Welch Construction Co., Baltimore, Md----
Miscellaneous information submitted to the committee by-Continued Detroit Housing Commission-Continued
Net annual income of eligible tenants___.
Net annual income of ineligible tenants in process of eviction_--- Edwards, Ray O., president, National Association of Housing Officials, letter from__.
Distribution of single-family homes insured under section 603, by current costs, and of single-family homes insured under section 203, by valuation_.
Number of private nonfarm dwellings started and dwelling units started under FHA inspection, 1946 to date_ Trend of wholesale prices of building materials_.
Housing and Home Finance Agency:
Jones, Harry Willmer, professor of law, Columbia University, New York, N. Y., memorandum___.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., housing projects---- Facing Additional housing projects financed by savings banks- Facing Weinfeld, Edward, minority report of--
National Association of Home Builders:
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