operation. There are two segments to the bill, the first one, which extends credit for the purposes of operating the farm, and the other segment of the bill provides credit for the purchase, enlargement or improvement of a farm. That is under the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as amended. I think those are the two main portions of the bill which authorize the functions of the Farmers Home Administration. Mr. TALLE. In how many States has this agency carried on its work? Mr. BRANNAN. In all States. Mr. TALLE. In all States? Mr. BRANNAN. Yes, sir. Mr. TALLE. Who is the local officer who does the supervising and the guiding? Mr. BRANNAN. At the county level, sir? Mr. TALLE. Yes. Mr. BRANNAN. There is what is called the county supervisor, who operates with the aid of a committee of farmers in the county, who consider and pass upon all of the loans, review all of the loans at stated intervals, and advise about collections and operation of this program. Mr. TALLE. Who is the immediate superior officer above the county supervisor? Mr. BRANNAN. There is a State official called the State director. Mr. TALLE. And he is immediately responsible to the Farmers Home Administration here in Washington; is that correct? Mr. BRANNAN. That is correct, Mr. Talle. Mr. TALLE. I wonder if you could tell me how extensive those operations have been so far? It was set up in 1946, was it not? Mr. BRANNON. Yes, sir. Mr. TALLE. Perhaps you would rather put that in the record. You probably do not carry those figures in your head. Mr. BRANNAN. That would be much more convenient, and I think much more informative for the committee, to put the figure with respect to its loan experience, the amount of money loaned, the amount of repayment, the number of farmers aided-is that what you are interested in? Mr. TALLE. Yes, sir. Mr. BRANNAN. We will supply that, sir. Mr. TALLE. That would be under two functions, would it not, one, operating loans, and the other, purchase of farms? Mr. BRANNAN. Yes; operating loans and capital or farm purchase, enlargement and improvement loans. (The information refered to is as follows:) TABLE 1.—Farm tenancy: Loan applications, number of loans, and average, 1946, 1947, and 1948 fiscal years, and cumulative from inception of program through Dec. 31, 1947 Source: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration. 1 Loan obligations, title I, Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, including supplemental loans to prior-year borrowers. Also includes repair costs and recoverable loan costs. 19,300 9, 100 55, 623 7,442 0 1,250, 954 50, 021 276, 175 7,010 0 81, 727 3, 565, 704 |