Treasury-Post Office Departments Appropriations for 1958: Post Office Department. Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, First Session

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1957 - 187 lappuses

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62. lappuse - ... is hereby declared to be nonmailable matter and shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any post office or by any letter carrier.
35. lappuse - For expenses necessary for the administration and operation of the postal transportation service, including payments for transportation of domestic and foreign mails by air, land, and water transportation facilities, including current and prior fiscal years...
10. lappuse - In order to have a simplified system for the administrative subdivision of appropriations or funds, each agency shall work toward the objective of financing each operating unit, at the highest practical level, from not more than one administrative subdivision for each appropriation or fund affecting such unit.
35. lappuse - For expenses necessary for the operation of postal facilities, buildings, and postal communication service; uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 USC 2131) ; procurement of stamps and accountable paper, and postal supplies ; and storage of vehicles owned by, or under control of, units of the National Guard and departments and agencies of the Federal Government ; [$221,000,000] $239,822,000.
19. lappuse - Civil Service of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the House of Representatives on September 22, 1981.
178. lappuse - RICHARD J. GRAY (President, Building and Construction Trades Department, American Federation of Labor, Washington, DC) ROWLAND JONES, JR.
99. lappuse - I believe this is the first time since I have been a member of this committee that no appeal has been made by your Agency.
17. lappuse - Paintings from each of the 48 states, District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico...
17. lappuse - ... claims, and violations of Private Express Statutes. As a result of these investigations, recoveries of $1, 526, 884 were effected, and 144 persons were apprehended for embezzlement of funds, Accident Investigations Inspectors completed 10, 212 investigations of motor vehicle accident and personal injury cases, a type of work which is becoming more important because of the constantly increasing amounts involved in such claims. Prompt and thorough investigation is mandatory to insure the greatest...
15. lappuse - With the new salary plan in operation it has been possible for us to accelerate work on an effective placement program. Policy statements and procedures have been issued covering appointments, promotions, utilization, and changes affecting assignments of employees. These instructions emphasize the development and promotion of present employees as opportunities occur.

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