OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS: 35 WEST 32D STREET, NEW YORK, U.S.A. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS BRAZIL-UNITED STATES. Treaty for advancement of peace, July 24, 1914..... CENTRAL AMERICAN COURT OF JUSTICE. Note regarding protest of Nicaragua against decision involving treaty with United States granting canal rights, .. List of Papers - Continued Detention of British mails in Sweden. Steamships Hellig Olaf and Stockholm. Reasons of the Swedish Government for their protest against search of par- cels mail in certain Danish and Swed- ish vessels, and seizure of parcels Reply to Swedish arguments against search of parcel mail and seizure of Swedish Government's reply to No. 8. Memorandum to Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs stating that His Majesty's Government cannot sub- mit the question to arbitration during the war. Decision of prize court can always be renewed or reversed by court of arbitration after the war.... Swedish Government hope an arrange- Acknowledges No. 11. Explains final Note verbale to Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs interpreting precise meaning of No. 12.. No satisfaction received in regard to de- tention of parcels from Great Britain in transit to Russia. Demands imme- diate release.. 48 An act to provide a temporary government for the West Indian Islands acquired by the United States from Denmark. March 3, 1917 ...... |