Committee Prints |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 15.
68. lappuse
... choice , or any other information , or any witness or other authentication , may be required or requested , without approval of the court . ( i ) Return of Choice Form . At the option of the person completing the choice form , the choice ...
... choice , or any other information , or any witness or other authentication , may be required or requested , without approval of the court . ( i ) Return of Choice Form . At the option of the person completing the choice form , the choice ...
90. lappuse
... form to the parent ( or other adult person acting as parent , if known to the defendants ) of each student , together with a return envelope addressed to the Superintendent . Should ... Choice Forms Binding . When a choice 90 Witnesses.
... form to the parent ( or other adult person acting as parent , if known to the defendants ) of each student , together with a return envelope addressed to the Superintendent . Should ... Choice Forms Binding . When a choice 90 Witnesses.
95. lappuse
... choice of schools . If a child is entering the ninth or higher grade , or if the child is fifteen years old or older , he may make the choice himself . Otherwise a parent or other adult serving as parent must sign the choice form . A ...
... choice of schools . If a child is entering the ninth or higher grade , or if the child is fifteen years old or older , he may make the choice himself . Otherwise a parent or other adult serving as parent must sign the choice form . A ...
Conflicts of Interest_ | 8 |
Corporate Mergers | 14 |
Mobilization Program | 20 |
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A. P. Tureaud acquisition action administrative Antitrust Appeals assets assignment attend Attorney Atty Avis Board of Education Brown Chairman choice form choice plan circuit City Civil Rights Act Commission Committee companies concentration conglomerate conglomerate mergers Congress constitutional corporations Counsel County decision decree desegregation desegregation plan discrimination District Court District of Columbia dual effect election Emanuel Celler employment enforcement faculty Federal Fourteenth Amendment freedom of choice Geneen Hearings integration ITT's John John Doar JOHN DOWDY judge judicial Judiciary jurisdiction ment mergers Negro children Negro school North Carolina Office Ohio operations opinion Pennsylvania percent person problems public schools race or color racial imbalance racial segregation require S.Ct school authorities School Board school desegregation School District school system Senate staff Stat statute Subcommittee Supp Supreme Court teachers tion United States Code United States courts Virginia Voting Rights Act white schools William York