DIPLOMATIC HISTORY V 1899. JOHN H. LATANÉ. The Diplomatic Relations of the United States and Spanish America. (Out of print.) 1900. JAMES MORTON CALLAHAN. The Diplomatic History of the Southern Confederacy. 1901. (Out of print.) 1906. JESSE Siddall Reeves. American Diplomacy under Tyler and Polk. 1907. $1.75. 1907. ELBERT JAY BENTON. International Law and Diplomacy of the Spanish-American War 1908. $1.75. 1909. EPHRaim DouglaS ADAMS. British Interests and Activities in Texas, 1838-1846. 1910. $1.75. 1911. CHARLES OSCAR PAULLIN. Diplomatic Negotiations of American Naval Officers, 17781883. 1912. $2.25. 1912. ISAAC J. Cox. The West Florida Controversy. 1798-1813. 1918. $3.00. Mes 1913. WILLIAM R. MANNING. Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Mexi co. 1916. $2.50. 1914. FRANK A. UPDYKE. The Diplomacy of the War of 1812. 1915. $2.75. 1916. PAYSON JACKSON TREAT. The Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, 1853-1865. 1917. $2.75. 1921. PERCY ALVIN MARTIN. Latin America and the War. 1925. $3.50. 1926. SAMUEL FLAGG BEMIS. Pinckney's Treaty. A Study of America's Advantage from Europe's Distress, 1780-1800. 1926. $3.00 THE ALBERT SHAW LECTURES ON DIPLOMATIC HISTORY By the liberality of Albert Shaw, Ph.D., of New York City, the Johns Hopkins University has been enabled to provide an annual course of lectures on Diplomatic History. The courses are included in the regular work of the Department of History and are published under the direction of Professor John H. Latané. |