THE MILITARY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES 1915 SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING THE LAWS OF THE 64TH CONGRESS AND THE (This Supplement supersedes the Supplement in the Military Laws of 1915 VIII. The Department of the Navy-The Marine Corps.. X. The Military Establishment-General provisions of organization.. XI. General officers and aids...... XII. Rank and command-Tactical and territorial organizations... XIII. The General Staff Corps.. XIV. The staff departments-General provisions-Disbursing officers... XV. The Adjutant General's Department... XVI. The Inspector General's Department.... XVII. The Judge Advocate General's Department-Military prisons........... 79 81 87 93 95 97 99 107 XXVII. The troops of the line-Troops, batteries, companies.... XXVIII. The United States Military Academy-The Army War College— |