Lapas attēli

shall be eligible to a further detail in the General Staff Corps until he shall have served two years with the branch of the Army in which commissioned, except in time of actual or threatened hostilities. Id. 366e. Same-Filling vacancies made by details.-Section twentyseven of the Act of Congress approved February second, nineteen hundred and one, shall apply to each position vacated by officers below the grade of general officer detailed in the General Staff Corps. Id. 167.


366f. Same-Composition of during existing war.-The General Staff Corps shall consist of one Chief of Staff, who shall be a general officer of the line and who shall take rank and precedence over all other officers of the Army; two assistants to the Chief of Staff, who shall be general officers of the line, one of whom shall be the president of the Army War College; ten colonels; twelve lieutenant colonels; thirty-two majors; and thirty-four captains, to be detailed from corresponding grades in the Army as in this section hereinafter provided. All officers detailed in the General Staff Corps shall be detailed therein for a period of four years, unless sooner relieved. While serving in the General Staff Corps, officers may be tem porarily assigned to duty with any branch of the Army. Upon being relieved from duty in the General Staff Corps, officers shall return to the branch of the Army in which they hold permanent commissions, and no officer shall be eligible to a further detail in the General Staff Corps until he shall have served two years with the branch of the Army in which commissioned, except in time of actual or threatened hostilities. Section twenty-seven of the Act of Congress approved February second, nineteen hundred and one, shall apply to each position vacated by officers below the grade of general officer detailed in the General Staff Corps. Act of May 12, 1917 (40 Stat. 46), amending Sec. 5, Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 169). (See paragraphs 366a-306e, Ante.)

369a. Same-Assignment to duty in the District of Columbia.Not more than one-half of all of the oflicers detailed in said corps. shall at any time be stationed, or assigned to or employed upon any duty, in or near the District of Columbia. Sec. 5, act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 167).


See paragraph 383, ante, or 31 Stat. 755.

For provision in section 3, act of October 6, 1917, giving the Chief of Staff the rank of general during the existing emergency, and fixing his pay and allowances, see paragraphs 350d and 350e, ante.

Held, that as the law requires assignment of the officers, upon the approval of the Act, to some other station than one in or near the District of Columbia they could not retain station in Washington for any purpose; and that if not assigned to some other station than the one to which they are temporarily assigned for duty their right to receive commutation of quarters, heat, and light

369a1. Same-Suspension of operation of inhibition during existing emergency. The following language of section five of the Act of June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes," to wit: "Not more than one-half of all of the officers detailed in said corps shall at any time be stationed, or assigned to or employed upon any duty, in or near the District of Columbia," be amended so as to authorize the President to suspend the operation of the same during the existing emergency. Act of May 12, 1917 (40 Stat. 73), amending Sec. 5, Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 167).

369b. Employment restricted to study of military problems, etc.— All officers detailed in said corps shall be exclusively employed in the study of military problems, the preparation of plans for the national defense and the utilization of the military forces in time of war, in investigating and reporting upon the efficiency and state of preparedness of such forces for service in peace or war, or an appropriate General Staff duties in connection with troops, including the National Guard, or as military attachés in foreign countries, or on other duties, not of an administrative nature, on which they can be lawfully and properly employed. Sec. 5, act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 167).

(See paragraphs 366a-366e for the provisions of section 5 preceeding this paragraph.)

369c. Same-Supervision over War College; details and assignments to duty in.-The War College shall remain fully subject to the supervising, coordinating, and informing powers conferred by law upon members of the General Staff Corps, and officers for duty as instructors or students in or as attachés of said collage may be selected and detailed freely from among members of said corps, but any officer so selected and detailed other than one director shall thereupon cease to be a member of said corps and shall not be eligible for redetail therein so long as he shall remain on said duty; and no officer on the active list of the Army shall, for more than thirty days in any calendar year, be attached to or assigned to duty in the War College in any capacity other than that of president, director, instructor, or student, or, unless a member of the General Staff Corps, be attached to or employed in the office of the Chief of Staff. Id. 168. (See paragraph 365a for provision of section 5 preceding this paragraph.) 370a. Chief of Coast Artillery to be additional member of; certain organizations in office of Chief of Staff abolished and their duties must depend on such temporary assignment. (War Dept. Bull. 18, July 8, 1916.)

Held, that general officers detailed to the General Staff Corps must be regarded as part of the one-half of the officers of the corps permitted to be assigned to or employed on duty in or near the District of Columbia. (War Dept. Bull. 28, Aug. 18, 1916.)

transferred to other bureaus.-The organizations heretofore existing in or in connection with the office of the Chief of Staff under the designations of the mobile army division and the Coast Artillery division be, and they are hereby, abolished and shall not be reestablished. The business heretofore transacted in said division, except such as comes clearly within the general powers specified in and conferred upon members of the General Staff Corps by the organic Act of Congress approved February fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, is hereby transferred as follows, to wit, to the office of the Chief of Coast Artillery, all business apportioned to that office by law or Army regulations at the time of the creation of the Coast Artillery divison of the office of the Chief of Staff; to the office of The Adjutant General or other bureau or bureaus concerned, all other business; and, subject to the exercise of the supervising, coordinating, and informing powers conferred upon members of the General Staff Corps by the Act of Congress last hereinbefore cited, the business transferred by this proviso to certain bureaus or offices shall hereafter be transacted exclusively by or under the direction of the respective heads thereof; and the Chief of Coast Artillery shall be an additional member of the General Staff Corps and shall also be advisor to and informant of the Chief of Staff in respect to the business under his charge. Id.

(See paragraph 369b for provision of section 5 preceding this paragraph.)

370b. Duties limited to those specified in organic Act and in this section. Hereafter members of the General Staff Corps shall be confined strictly to the discharge of the duties of the general nature of those specified for them in this section and in the organic Act of Congress last hereinbefore cited, and they shall not be permitted to assume or engage in work of an administrative nature that pertains to established bureaus or offices of the War Department, or that, being assumed or engaged in by members of the General Staff Corps, would involve impairment of the responsibility or initiative of such bureaus or offices, or would cause injurious or unnecessary duplication of or delay in the work thereof. Id.

370c. Penalty imposed upon superior for permitting subordinate to. violate provisions of this section.-All pay and allowances shall be forfeited by any superior for any period during which, by his order or his permission, or by reason of his neglect, any subordinate shall violate any of the foregoing provisions of this section. Id. 169.

'See paragraph 368 ante, or 32 Stat. 831.

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373a. Rank, pay, and allowances of chiefs of staff corps, departments, or bureaus.-Hereafter, the chief of any existing staff corps, department, or bureau, except as is otherwise provided for the Chief of Staff, shall have the rank, pay, and allowances of major general. Sec. 3, Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 411).

(For the preceding provisions of this section see paragraphs 250d, 250e, and 352a, ante.)

387a. Bonds may be waived in cases of officers of Quartermaster Corps who are not accountable for public funds or property.-Hereafter the provisions of section eleven hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be waived in the cases of officers of the Quartermaster Corps who are not accountable for public funds or public property. Act of Aug. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 626).

407a. Advance payments to contractors for supplies by Secretaries of War and Navy.-The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy are authorized, during the period of the existing emergency, from appropriations available therefor to advance payments to contractors for supplies for their respective departments in amounts. not exceeding thirty per centum of the contract price of such supplies. Sec. 5, Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 383).

407b. Same-Security from contractors.-Such advances shall be made upon such terms as the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively, shall prescribe and they shall require adequate

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