Lapas attēli

saddler, one mechanic, three buglers, two cooks, five privates (first class), fifteen privates, one band leader, one assistant band leader, one sergeant bugler, two band sergeants, four band corporals, two musicians (first class), four musicians (second class), and thirteen musicians (third class). Id.

1091d. Same-Regiment of three battalions.-When a regiment consists of three battalions there shall be added to the headquarters company one battalion sergeant major, one sergeant, three corporals, one bugler, one private (first class), and five privates. When no enlisted men of the Quartermaster Corps are attached for such positions, there shall be added to each mountain artillery headquarters company one packmaster (sergeant, first class), one assistant packmaster (sergeant), and one cargador (corporal). Id.

1091e. Composition of supply company in regiment of two battalions. Each supply company of a regiment of two battalions shall consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, two regimental supply sergeants, one first sergeant, one mess sergeant, one corporal, one cook, one horseshoer, one saddler, two privates, and one wagoner for each authorized wagon of the field train. Id. 180.

1091f. Same-Regiment of three battalions.-When a regiment consists of three battalions there shall be added to the supply company one second lieutenant, one regimental supply sergeant, one private, and one wagoner for each additional authorized wagon of the field train. Id.

1091g. Composition of gun or howitzer battalions.-Each gun or howizer battalion shall consist of one major, one captain, and batteries as follows: Mountain artillery battalions and light artillery gun or howitzer battalions serving with the field artillery of Infantry divisions shall contain three batteries; horse artillery battalions and heavy field artillery gun or howitzer battalions shall contain two batteries. Id.

1Held, that service of a commissioned officer in command of such a headquarters company or troop constitutes service "with a troop, battery, or company." within the purview of the detached-service act of 1912. (War Dept. Bull. 39, Oct. 6, 1916.)

The question was presented whether a regimental adjustant of Field Artillery is to be deemed present for duty with a troop, battery, or company, within the meaning of the detached-service act of August 24, 1912.

Held, as follows: As to a regiment of infantry, it has been held that the adjutant thereof is on duty “with a troop. battery, or company" within the purview of the detached-service law, because he is in command of the headquarters company. (Bull. 39, W. D., 1916, p. 12.) While the national-defense act provides that a regimental adjutant of Infantry or Cavalry shall command the headquarters company or headquarters troop, as the case may be, this is not so as to the adjutant of a Field Artillery regiment. He does not command the headquarters company, the supply company, nor any battery in the regiment, other captains having been provided as component parts of those organizations for that purpose. (Sec. 19, national-defense act.) A regimental adjutant of Field Artillery is, therefore, an additional officer, and he is not, so long as he occupies his normal status as adjutant, on duty with a troop, battery, or company, within the meaning of the detached-service act of 1912. (War Dept. Bull. 3, Jan. 19. 1917.)

Footnote to preceding paragraph also applies to this.

1091h. Increase of noncommissioned officers and privates for headquarters and supply companies of regiments of two and three battalions. The President may, in his discretion, increase the headquarters company of a regiment of two battalions by two sergeants, five corporals, one horseshoer, one mechanic, one private (first class), and six privates; the headquarters company of a regiment of three battalions by one sergeant, seven corporals, one horseshoer, one mechanic, two cooks, two privates (first class), and seven privates; the supply company of a regiment of two battalions by one corporal, one cook, one horseshoer, and on saddler; the supply company for a regiment of three battalions by one corporal, one cook, one horseshoer, and one saddler; a gun or howitzer battery by three sergeants, seven corporals, one horseshoer, two mechanics, one bugler, thirteen privates (first class), and thirty-seven privates. Id.


1095a. Composition and organization of regiment.-Each regiment of Infantry shall consist of one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, three majors, fifteen captains, sixteen first lieutenants, fifteen second lieutenants, one headquarters company, one machine-gun company, one supply company, and twelve Infantry companies organized into three battalions of four companies each. Sec. 17, act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 177).

(See paragraph 9291, ante, for increase of 17 colonels of Cavalry and 4 colonels of Infantry to equalize inequalities in past promotions of officers of the line of the Army. See also paragraph 935a, ante, for authorization for transfer and promotion or transfer without promotion from one arm of the service to another, in order to lessen inequalities in promotion due to increase in number of officers of line of the Army.)

1095b. Composition of battalion and company. Each battalion shall consist of one major, one first lieutenant, mounted (battalion adjutant), and four companies. Each Infantry company in battalion shall consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant, one mess sergeant, one supply sergeant, six sergeants, eleven corporals, two cooks, two buglers, one mechanic, nineteen privates (first class), and fifty-six privates. Id. 178. .

(For authorization for 1,000 additional sergeants for detail from the Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, Corps of Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps, Medical Department, and Signal Corps of the Regular Army, with corresponding organizations of the National Guard, to assist in the instruction of its personnel and the care of property; and the similar detail of 100 additional sergeants with the disciplinary organizations at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, see paragraph 1332a.)

1097a. Composition of headquarters company. Each Infantry headquarters company shall consist of one captain, mounted (regimental adjutant); one regimental sergeant major, mounted; three battalion sergeants major, mounted; one first sergeant (drum ma

1 For authorization for the provisional organization of cavalry into field artillery or infantry during the present emergency, see paragraphs 1071b and 1071c, ante.

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jor); two color sergeants; one mess sergeant; one supply sergeant; one stable sergeant; one sergeant; two cooks; one horseshoer; one band leader; one assistant band leader; one sergeant bugler; two band sergeants; four band corporals; two musicians, first class; four musicians, second class; thirteen musicians, third class; four privates, first class, mounted; and twelve privates, mounted.1 Id.

1097b. Composition of machine-gun company.-Each Infantry machine-gun company shall consist of one captain, mounted; one first lieutenant, mounted; two second lieutenants, mounted; one first sergeant, mounted; one mess sergeant; one supply sergeant, mounted; one stable sergeant, mounted; one horseshoer; five sergeants; six corporals; two cooks; two buglers; one mechanic; eight privates, first class; and twenty-four privates. Id.

1097c. Composition of supply company. Each Infantry supply company shall consist of one captain, mounted; one second lieutenant, mounted; three regimental supply sergeants, mounted; one first sergeant, mounted; one mess sergeant; one stable sergeant; one corporal, mounted; one cook; one saddler; one horseshoer; and one wagoner for each authorized wagon of the field and combat train. Id.

(For the ensuing provision of this section see paragraph 1098a.)

1097d. Commissioned officers for company organizations to be assigned from officers authorized.-The commissioned officers required for the Infantry headquarters, supply, and machine-gun companies. and for the companies organized into battalions shall be assigned from those hereinbefore authorized. Id.

(For the provision of this section immediately preceding this paragraph see paragraph 1098a.)

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1098a. Increase in noncommissioned officers and privates in companies of. The President may in his discretion increase a company of Infantry by two sergeants, six corporals, one cook, one mechanic, nine privates (first class), and thirty-one privates; an Infantry machine-gun company by two sergeants, two corporals, one mechanic, four privates (first class), and twelve privates. Id.

(For the provision of this section immediately preceding this paragraph see paragraph 1097c, and for ensuing provision see paragraph 1097d.)

1099a. Infantry band organization at recruiting depots.-Hereafter one of the companies at each recruiting depot shall have the organization of an Infantry band, to which recruits showing an aptitude for music may be attached for examination and instruction ⚫ before assignment to organizations in the Army. Act of Mar. 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 745).

'Held, that service of a commissioned officer in command of such a headquarters company or troop constitutes service "with a troop, battery, or company," within the purview of the detached-service act of 1912. (War Dept. Bull. 39, Oct. 6, 1916.)

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Officer of Army holding position of professor, with certain service, to have rank, pay, etc., of colonel__ Assignment of assistant professor to department of law. 1116a Pay and allowances of associate professor of mathematics; detail of from officers of Army Rank, pay, and allowances of professor who has served not less than 33 years in the Army, one-third of which has been at the Military Academy__ Custodian of gymnasium to act as trainer of athletic team___ 1131a Master of the sword, relative


rank, pay, and allowances___ 1132a Detail of commissary sergeant_ 1136a Retirement of present manager

of cadet store, pay of________ 1136b Corps of Cadets------ 1139a-1143a Number and appointment, including appointments from honor graduates of colleges__ 1139a Same-Appointment of 180 from enlisted men of Regular Army and the National Guard______ 1139b Same-Appointments authorized to be divided into four annual increments_‒‒‒‒ Appointment of board of officers to report upon needs as to buildings to accommodate increased Corps of Cadets_____ 1139d Admission of successor after three years' course.. Same-Repealed, but appointment of each member of present Corps validated------.







Supplies, technical and scientific, for departments of instruction, purchase of, by contract or otherwise in discretion of Secretary of War____ 1158a Deficient cadets_----- 1162a-1162e

Second examination where deficient in one subject----‒‒‒ Same Applicable to former cadets who failed in not more than two subjects during current year-‒‒‒‒

Same-Not to be given more



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