formed by the American National Red Cross, for the purpose of rendering aid to the Army and Navy in war. Joint resolution No. 15, May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 771). 775c. Same-Return to be provided for, and bond to be required.— The regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War or by the Secretary of the Navy, in pursuance of the authority granted by section one, shall provide for the immediate return of the articles of equipment loaned the American National Red Cross when called for by the authority which issued them; and the said Secretaries shall require a bond in each case, in double the value of the property, for the care and safe-keeping thereof and for the return of the same when required. Sec. 2, Id. 775d. Same-Extended for instruction of persons who may volunteer for training within certain period.-The provisions of section one of the joint resolution approved May eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, authorizing the issue of military and naval equipment to the American National Red Cross be, and they are hereby, so extended as to permit the issue of the same to the American National Red Cross for the instruction of persons who may volunteer to receive training by that association from May first to June first, nineteen hundred and sixteen. Joint resolution of May 18, 1916 (39 Stat. 164). 775e. Sales of medical supplies to civilian employees.-Hereafter civilian employees of the Army stationed at military posts may, under regulations to be made by the Secretary of War, purchase necessary medical supplies when prescribed by a medical officer of the Army. Act of Apr. 23, 1904 (33 Stat. 273). 775f. Proceeds of sales of medical and hospital supplies, disposition of Hereafter all moneys arising from dispositions of serviceable medical and hospital supplies authorized by law and regulation shall constitute one fund on the books of the Treasury Department, which shall be available to replace medical and hospital supplies throughout the fiscal year in which the dispositions were effected and throughout the following fiscal year. Act of June 12, 1906 (34 Stat. 256). 775g. Settlement of accounts between other bureaus of War Department, etc., and Medical Department.-Hereafter in the settlement of accounts between the appropriations of the Medical Department and those of any other branch of the Army service, or any bureau or office of the War Department, or any other executive department or establishment of the Government, payment thereof may be made by the proper disbursing officer of the Medical Department or of the branch of the Army service, office, bureau, department, or establishment concerned. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1080). 776a. Hospital care Canal Zone garrison; rate of commutation of rations and appropriation from which payable.-For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable charges, exclusive of subsistence, as may be approved by the Secretary of War for caring in its hospitals for officers, enlisted men, military prisoners, and civilian employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request of proper military authority: Provided, That the subsistence of the said patients, except commissioned officers and acting dental surgeons, shall be paid to said hospitals out of the appropriation for subsistence of the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation of rations for enlisted patients in general hospitals. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1080). (For similar provision in deficiencies Act, see Act of Mar. 4, 1915, 38 Stat. 114.4). 776b. Same. For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable charges, exclusive of subsistence, as may be approved by the Secretary of War for caring in its hospitals for officers, enlisted men, military prisoners, and civilian employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request of proper military authority: Provided, That the subsistence of the said patients, except commissioned officers and acting dental surgeons, shall be paid to said hospitals out of the appropriation for subsistence of the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation of rations for enlisted patients in general hospitals. Act of Aug. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 640). (For similar provision see act of May 12, 1917, 40 Stat. 61.) 776c. Allowance for keeping and feeding prisoners, provision restricting amount suspended.-That portion of the Act making appropriations for the Diplomatic and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen,' which provides "that no more than 50 cents per day for the keeping and feeding of each prisoner while actually confined shall be allowed or paid for any such keeping and feeding," shall not be operative during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen. Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 346). 776d. Medical care and treatment in private hospitals of officers, enlisted men, civilian employees, and prisoners of war; exceptions.— For medical care and treatment not otherwise provided for, including care and subsistence in private hospitals, of officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Army, of applicants for enlistment, and of prisoners of war and other persons in military custody or confinement, when entitled thereto by law, regulation, or contract: Provided, That this shall not apply to officers and enlisted men who are treated in private hospitals or by civilian physicians while on furlough. Act of May 12, 1917 (40 Stat. 60). 1See 39 Stat. 1058. 783a. Application for trusses.-Application for such truss shall be made by the ruptured soldier to an examining surgeon for pensions, whose duty it shall be to examine the applicant, and when found to have a rupture or hernia to prepare and forward to the Surgeon General an application for such truss without charge to the soldier. Sec. 1117, R. S. 783b. Purchase of trusses.-The Surgeon General is authorized and directed to purchase the trusses required for such soldiers at wholesale prices, and the cost of the same shall be paid upon the requisition of the Suregon General out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 1178, R. S. CHAPTER XX. THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Par. The Corps of Engineers--- 784a-792a | Part of line of Army. Composition of----- Vacancies, appointment to, un 784a Band-Composition of---- Par. 791a 792a Lands for military purposes 802a-802d der existing law; officers of Army or Navy may become candidates for appointment to, without vacating their commissions____ 784a. Composition of.-The Corps of Engineers shall consist of one Chief of Engineers, with the rank of brigadier general;1 twentythree colonels; thirty lieutenant colonels; seventy-two majors; one hundred and fifty-two captains; one hundred and forty-eight first lieutenants; seventy-nine second lieutenants; and the enlisted men hereinafter enumerated. The Engineer troops of the Corps of Engineers shall consist of one band, seven regiments, and two mounted battalions. Sec. 11, Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 173). (For authorization for 1,000 additional sergeants for detail from the Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, Corps of Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps. Medical Department, and Signal Corps of the Regular Army, with corresponding organizations of the National Guard, to assist in the instruction of its personnel and the care of property, and the similar detail of 100 additional sergeants with the disciplinary organizations at the United States disciplinary barracks, see paragraph 1332a.) 786a. Vacancies, appointment to, under existing law; officers of Army or Navy may become candidates for appointment to, without 1 For provision in section 3. act of October 6, 1917, giving the Chief of Engineers the rank, pay, and allowances of major general see paragraph 373a, ante. vacating their commissions.-Appointments to the grade of second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, including those created by this Act, shall continue to be made as now provided by law, but that officers of the Army or Navy of the United States may become candidates for said appointments under the provisions of section five of the Act of Congress approved February twenty-seventh, nineteen. hundred and eleven,' without previously vacating their commissions as officers, and that the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, allow persons to become candidates without previously establishing eligibility for appointment as junior engineer under the Engineer Bureau of the War Department. Sec. 24, Id. 183. (For the provisions of this section preceding this paragraph, see paragraphs 331b, 331c, 331d, 331e, and 331f, and for the provision immediately following, see paragraph 331g.) 790a. Regimental organization.—Each regiment of Engineers shall consist of one colonel; one lieutenant colonel; two majors; eleven captains; twelve first lieutenants; six second lieutenants; two master engineers, senior grade; one regimental sergeant major; two regimental supply sergeants; two color sergeants; one sergeant bugler; one cook; one wagoner for each authorized wagon of the field and combat train, and two battalions. Sec. 11, Id. 172. (For preceding provision of this section see paragraph 784a.) 790b. Battalion and company organizations.-Each battalion of a regiment of Engineers shall consist of one major; one captain; one battalion sergeant major; three master engineers, junior grade; and three companies. Each Engineer company (regimental) shall consist of one captain; two first lieutenants; one second lieutenant; one first sergeant; three sergeants, first class; one mess sergeant; one supply sergeant; one stable sergeant; six sergeants; twelve corporals; one horseshoer; two buglers; one saddler; two cooks; nineteen privates, first class; and fifty-nine privates. Id. See paragraph 785, ante. 'A company commander of Engineers inquired whether he was correct in placing on the rolls as privates the names of reservists recalled to the colors for active duty and assigned to his company, when such reservists had been furloughed as first-class privates, or if he should have carried them as attached privates, first class, and assigned them to the first vacancies in that grade. His doubt was due to the fact that section 11 of the national-defense act of June 3, 1916, specifies as a component part of an Engineer company, first-class privates and privates, whereas the old law (sec. 11 of the act of Feb. 2, 1901) prescribed first-class privates and second-class privates. Held, that it evidently was not the intention of Congress by the change in the designation of the two grades mentioned to abolish the old grades and create new ones, since the pay remains the same, and section 28 of the national-defense act, which declares that "hereafter the monthly pay of men of certain grades of the Army created in this act shall be as follows, namely," does not include the grade of private, first class, Engineer Corps, nor private, Engineer Corps, and that therefore the reservists referred to by the company commander should have been carried on the rolls as privates, first class, Engineer Corps, and paid as such, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 86 of the Regulations for the Regular Army Reserve, 1916. (War Dept. Bull. 26, May 7, 1917.) |