Lapas attēli

712z. Same-Amount of each monthly allotment or allowance dependent upon existing conditions.-The amount of each monthly allotment and allowance shall be determined according to the conditions then existing. Id.

712aa. Military and naval family allowance appropriation, payments from.-There is hereby appropriated from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $141,000,000, to be known as the military and naval family allowance appropriation, for the payment of the family allowances provided by Article II. Payments out of this appropriation shall be made upon and in accordance with awards by the Commissioner of the Division of Military and Naval Insurance. Sec. 2-18, Id., 400.

(For the section immediately preceding this paragraph see paragraphs 1483n1483p, and for the ensuing section see paragraph 1483aaaa, post.)

716a. Military and naval pay deposit fund.-There shall be set aside as a separate fund in the Treasury, to be known as the military and naval pay deposit fund, all sums held out of pay as provided by section two hundred and three of this Act. Sec. 2-21, Id., 400.

(For the section immediately preceding this paragraph see paragraphs 1483vyry, 1487zzz, post.)

716b. Same-Available for payment of principal and interest, appropiation for interest.-Such fund, including all additions, is hereby made available for the payment of the sums so held and deposited, with interest, as provided in section two hundred and three. and the amount necessary to pay interest is hereby appropriated. Id. (For the ensuing section of this act see paragraph 1483q, post.)

716c. Deposit of unallotted pay to credit of enlisted men.-In case one-half of an enlisted man's monthly pay is not allotted, regulations to be made by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively, may require, under such circumstances and conditions as may be prescribed in such regulations, that any proportion of such one-half pay as is not allotted shall be deposited to his credit, to be held during such period of his service as may be prescribed. Sec. 2-203, Id., 403.

(For the section immediately preceding this paragraph see paragraph 712g, ante.)

716d. Interest, payment of principal and interest.-Such deposits shall bear interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, with semiannual rests and, when payable, shall be paid principal and interest to the enlisted man, if living, otherwise to any beneficiary or beneficiaries he may have designated, or if there be no such beneficiary, then to the person or persons who would under the laws of the State of his residence be entitled to his personal property in case of intestacy. Id.

(For the ensuing section of this act see paragraph 712h, ante.)

721a. Transportation of change of station allowance of baggage on discharge for disability of enlisted man having ten years or more of service. Hereafter when an enlisted man having ten or more years' service in the Army is discharged on account of disability incurred in the line of duty, transportation of his authorized change of station allowance of baggage from his last duty station to his home in addition to other travel allowances fixed by law may be authorized by the Secretary of War. Act of Aug. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 633).

727a. Pay and allowances of soldier sentenced to dishonorable discharge during execution of suspended sentence.-Hereafter pay and allowances shall not accrue to a soldier under sentence of dishonorable discharge during such period as the execution of the sentence of discharge may be suspended under authority of the act of Congress approved April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and pay which has heretofore been forfeited under such suspended sentence shall not be held to have accrued to the Soldiers' Home under the operation of section forty-eight hundred and eighteen, Revised Statutes, but shall be covered back into the Treasury of the United States. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1065).

(This provision will also be found under paragraph 1507a.)

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728a. The Medical Department, composition of.-The Medical Department shall consist of one Surgeon General, with the rank of major general during the active service of the present incumbent1 of that office, and thereafter with the rank of brigadier general, who shall be chief of said department, a Medical Corps, a Medical Reserve Corps within the limit of time fixed by this Act, a Dental Corps, a Veterinary Corps, an enlisted force, the Nurse Corps and contract surgeons as now authorized by law, the commissioned officers of which shall be citizens of the United States. Sec. 10, Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 171).

(For the next provision of this section see par. 729a. For the provision of sec. 37 abolishing the Medical Reserve Corps one year after passage of act, see par. 1539.)

1For provision in section 3, act of October 6, 1917, giving the Surgeon General the rank, pay, and allowances of major general, see paragraph 373a, ante.

Medical care and treatment in

private hospitals of officers,
enlisted men, civilian em-

ployees, and prisoners of war;




728b. Not to exceed five officers of, may be detailed with American Red Cross.-Hereafter the President shall be authorized to detail not to exceed five officers of the Medical Department of the Army for duty with the military relief division of the American National Red Cross. Id.

(For other provisions of this section, preceding this paragraph, see paragraphs 729a, 729b, 729c, 731a, and 732a.)


728c. Composition of.-The President is hereby authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint veterinarians and assistant veterinarians in the Army, not to exceed, including veterinarians now in service, two such officers for each regiment of Cavalry, one for every three batteries of Field Artillery, one for each mounted battalion of Engineers, seventeen as inspectors of horses and mules and as veterinarians in the Quartermaster Corps, and seven as inspectors of meats for the Quartermaster Corps; and said veterinarians and assistant veterinarians shall be citizens of the United States and shall constitute the Veterinary Corps and shall be a part of the Medical Department of the Army. Sec. 16, act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 176).

(See paragraphs 544, 1078, and 1079 for existing law relative to veterinarians.)

728d. Appointment of assisiant veterinarian, qualifications and examination for.-Hereafter a candidate for appointment as assistant veterinarian must be a citizen of the United States, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years,2 a graduate of a recognized

1Upon inquiry whether veterinarians of Cavalry, Field Artillery, and the Quartermaster Corps who have been recommended for commissions in the Veterinary Corps established by section 16 of the act of June 3, 1916, are to be considered members of the Veterinary Corps pending the issue of their com missions,

Held, that the language of the section referred to defines the Veterinary Corps as consisting of "said veterinarians and assistant veterinarians," and these words can relate only to the veterinarians and assistant veterinarians whose appointments have been provided for in the preceding clauses. The words, including veterinarians now in the service," are employed in the section only for the purposes (1) of limiting the number of officers who may be appointed veterinarians and assistant veterinarians under the terms of the section, and (2) of indicating that the discharge of veterinarians then in the service was not required; and do not have the effect of including the “veterinarians now in the service" in the Veterinary Corps, which the section plainly constitutes through new appointment. (War Dept. Bull. 15, March 24, 1917.) "The question was presented whether the provision of the act of May 12, 1917 (Army appropriation act), amending section 24 of the national-defense act, so as to provide new age limits for appointments to the grade of second lieutenant, affected the eligibility for appointment as assistant veterinarians under section 16 of the national-defense act.

Held, that, since the provision of section 16 of the national-defense act gov erning the eligibility of persons for appointment as assistant veterinarians is not dependent upon or affected by the provisions governing the elegibility for appointment as second lieutenant found in section 24 of that act, the amendment of section 24 by the act of May 12, 1917, does not affect the provision relative to appointment as assistant veterinarians found in section 16 of the national-defense act. (War Dept. Bull. 49, August 22, 1917.)

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