Lapas attēli

for infantry organizations of like strength: Provided, That at least one of said guards shall have the rank, pay, and allowances of a battalion sergeant major. Par. 4, sec. 2, id.

(For authorization for the detail of 100 sergeants for duty with the disciplinary organizations at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, who shall be additional to the sergeants authorized for the corps, companies, troops, batteries, and detachments from which they may be detailed, see par. 1332a.)

481a. Same-Duties of the commandant.-The commandant of the United States Disciplinary Barracks shall have command thereof and charge and custody of all offenders sent thereto for confinement and detention therein; shall govern such offenders and cause them to be employed at such labor and in such trades and to perform such duties as may be deemed best for their health and reformation and with a view to their honorable restoration to duty or their reenlistment as hereinafter authorized; shall cause note to be taken and a record to be made of the conduct of such offenders; and may shorten the daily time of hard labor of those who by their obedience, honesty, industry, and general good conduct earn such favors-all under such regulations as the Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe. Par. 5, sec. 2, id.

481b. Same-Organization of disciplinary companies and higher units, etc.-The Secretary of War shall provide for placing under military training those offenders sent to the United States Disciplinary Barracks for confinement and detention therein whose record and conduct are such as to warrant the belief that upon the completion of a course of military training they may be worthy of an honorable restoration to duty or of being permitted to reenlist; may provide for the organization of offenders so placed under military training into disciplinary companies and higher units, organized as infantry, with noncommissioned officers, except color sergeants, selected or appointed from the enlisted men assigned to duty for that purpose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph four hereof; and may provide for uniforming, arming, and equipping such organizations. Par. 6, sec. 2, id.

488a. Same-Clemency and restoration to colors of persons not discharged and reenlistment of discharged persons. Whenever he shall deem such action merited the Secretary of War may remit the unexecuted portions of the sentences of offenders sent to the United States Disciplinary Barracks for confinement and detention therein and in addition to such remission may grant those who have not been discharged from the Army an honorable restoration to duty, and may authorize the reenlistment of those who have been discharged or upon their written application to that end order their restoration to the Army to complete their respective terms of enlistment, and such application and order of restoration shall be effective to revive

the enlistment contract for a period equal to the one not served under said contract. Par. 7, sec. 2, id.

488b. Parole of general prisoners in disciplinary barracks, and restoration to duty of those serving confinement in places other than disciplinary barracks.-The authority now vested in the Secretary of War to give an honorable restoration to duty, in case the same is merited, to general prisoners confined in the United States disciplinary barracks and its branches shall be extended so that such restoration may be given to general prisoners confined elsewhere, and the Secretary of War shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish a system of parole for prisoners confined in said barracks and its branches, the terms and conditions of such parole to be such as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1074).

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Navy, and Commerce to prescribe regulations governing duties of Lighthouse Service in time of war___ Shipping Board to have constructed or purchase, lease, or charter vessels suitable for use as Army transports or for other military purposes, etc. 534e Vessels of War Department, not



needed for military purposes in time of peace, may be transferred to the board permanently or for limited periods Cost of ships turned over to Army excepted from appropriation for ships, which is to be reimbursed cost of same___ Coast and Geodetic Survey 534h-534p Transfer of vessels, equipment, stations, and personnel of, to War Department, etc., in time of national emergency--‒‒‒‒‒ Same Return of, when emergency ceases_. Same Personnel subject to articles of war, etc., while under jurisdiction of War Department. Pay and allowances not to be reduced by transfer, pension for disabilities incurred while under jurisdiction of War Department, etc_----Same Examinations for appointment and promotion____ Field officers of; designation, appointment, and pay-------- 534m Relative rank while serving with Army, etc‒‒‒‒‒‒ Rate of pay for nonmilitary duty not affected___.


Hospital buildings, limit of cost for erection of, unless authorized by Congress_Barracks and quarters, land for cantonments, camp sites, etc__ 547c Annual estimates for establishment and maintenance of rifle ranges. Same-Established ranges to be

open for use of any branch of military or naval service, and for civilians Same-Detail of officers and noncommissioned officers of Regular Army as instructors at, and issue of arms and ammunition for use of------Annual trophy, medals, and prizes, regulations for, to be prescribed by Secretary of War___.








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Secretaries of War, Navy, and Commerce to prescribe regulations governing duties of, in time of war..

cles of, may be sold to officers of Navy and Marine Corps___ 588a Sale of subsistence stores to officers and enlisted men of


Navy and Marine Corps_____ 5SSb

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