AMERICAN SLAVERY AND FINANCES. BY THE HON. ROBERT J. WALKER, M.A. COUNSELLOR AT LAW IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, LONDON: PREFACE. THE present volume contains the various pamphlets published by me here during the last six months. The subject discussed relates to the present rebellion in America, and embraces Jefferson Davis and Repudiation-Recognition-Slavery-Finances and Resources of the United States. London, March 1, 1864. R. J. WALKER. JEFFERSON DAVIS. REPUDIATION, RECOGNITION AND SLAVERY. LETTER OF HON. ROBERT J. WALKER, M.A. COUNSELLOR AT LAW IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, THIRD EDITION, WITH APPENDIX. LONDON: WILLIAM RIDGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY. W. |