Lapas attēli

scheme for ameliorating the financial troubles of the times, but has in each case been incidental to the statement of the facts. If others, upon the basis of the same facts, should arrive at different conclusions, it should not render this compilation of facts any the less valuable as a book of reference, which it was the author's aim to make.

CHICAGO, Dec. 6, 1876.

Various effects of on value of currency,

Inconvertible paper money — three causes affecting its value,
Its increase in value by reason of scarcity of any other

medium of exchange,


Its stimulating effects on industry and trade,

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Estimated stock of gold and silver in Great Britain,


The method adopted by the author of this book for approxi-
mating the amount of gold and silver in each country,

Table of approximate amount of coin in each country in


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[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
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