Lapas attēli


with the principal imports and exports for 1908, with their value in thousands of milreis:

[blocks in formation]



482 694


to form an army maintained on a peace footing of about 30,000 men, these in 1910 being divided as follows: Infantry of the line, 20,000; 1908 1909 cavalry, 3000; dragoons, 1800; light infantry, .9,254 9,366 1200; field artillery, 3400; horse artillery, 600. .4,051 4,142 2.992 4,132 Guns to the number of 448, a portion of which .2,223 2,406 are of the improved Schneider type, were in947 1,807 cluded in the armament. The figures for the 1,553 war strength of the Portuguese continued at 905 about 100,000, of which 53,000 were militia, but it was estimated that the ultimate war strength available might amount to 260,000. There is a colonial army of about 10,000 in addition to the regular forces of the republic. There are 4 military districts. Lisbon, Vizeu, Oporto, and Evora, in addition to garrisons at the Azores and Madeira, and the organization of the forces consisted of 4 divisions of the active army; cavalry, artillery and engineers independent of the divisions, the garrisons of the Azores and Madeira, and the reserves.

Of the wine exported, more than half is sent to Brazil and Great Britain. The total (1908) wine exported was divided as follows: Oporto (port), 4,945,417 milreis; vin ordinaire, 3,673,973; madeira, 489,184; liqueurs, 145,275. The latest available figures for the principal countries of origin and destination are for 1907: Great Britain, imports 21,046,000, exports 7,368,000 milreis; Germany, 11,940,000 and 2, 475,000; France, 6,940,000 and 673,000; United States, 6,315,000 imports (exports not given); Spain, 4,306,000 and 4,971,000; Belgium, 2,287,000 and 937,000; Brazil, 1,901,000 and 5, 624,000; Portuguese colonies, 1,988,000 and 4,513,000. Vessels entered (1908), 11,045, of 19,352,976 tons.

Length of railways in operation Dec. 31, 1909, 1758 miles (672 state-owned); of telegraph lines (1907), 5860, and of wires, 13,299; telegraph offices, 516; post-offices (1908), 3682. FINANCE. The unit of value is the milreis, worth $1.08. The revenue and expenditure for four years are given below in thousands of milreis:

[blocks in formation]

NAVY. The effective navy (1910) included one armored coast-defense vessel (3200 tons); 5 protected small cruisers (aggregate, 11,266 tons); 14 gunboats, (6876); one torpedo-boat destroyer (530); 4 torpedo boats (240); besides a schoolship, transports, river gunboats, and obsolete gunboats. The personnel includes (1907) 420 officers and 5687 men.

GOVERNMENT. The king (Manuel II) was deposed and a republic proclaimed Oct. 5, 1910. Order was speedily restored by the provisional government, composed as follows: President, Dr. Theophilo Braga (born 1845; assumed office, Oct. 5, 1910); Minister of Justice, Dr. Affonso Costa; Foreign Affairs, Bernardino Machado; Finance, José Relvas; Public Works, 1908-9 Dr. Antonio Luiz Gomes; War, Col. C. Barreto; 70,169 Interior, Dr. Antonio José de Almeida; Marine, 75,275 Amaro Azevedo Gomes.

The budget for 1909-10 is given below (1000 milreis):

[blocks in formation]

1000 mils.






years past the monarchical parties in Portugal have been weakened by dissensions and unable to form a stable and honest government. The system of rotation in office appeared to be the result of an understanding that the party tem7,969 porarily in power should not be checked in its 5,594 corrupt financial practices. When Premier 3.975 Franco endeavored by illegal means to remove 2,896 these abuses he succeeded only in stirring up 1,415 opposition on all sides to his dictatorial policy and in casting further discredit upon the dynasty. His downfall followed the assassina.70,258 tion of King Carlos and the Crown Prince in 4,347 February, 1909. There had been no improvement .74,605 in general conditions under King Manuel. Rotation in office continued and there were five ministries in the short time that elapsed after his accession. During the recent elections the Republicans had doubled the number of representatives. They were well organized and were ready to seize the first opportunity for decisive action. Plans for a revolution were secretly formed in the early part of 1910, and when the time came for carrying them out the government was unprepared for resistance. The visit of the Brazilian president to the Portuguese Court no doubt called to the mind of the people the overthrow of the Braganza dynasty in Brazil, and the successful setting up of a republic there. Then came the murder of Professor Bombarda, of which the Republican agitators made a very effective use. He was killed by a royalist who had been recently discharged from an insane asylum, and the Royalists denied

The expenditure has for many years greatly exceeded the revenue; this deficit has added to the national debt. Total foreign debt, June 30, 1910, 184,448,640 milreis; internal debt, 534,873,260; floating debt (August 31, 1909), 78,540,632. The Bank of Portugal is capitalized at 13,500,000 milreis. The savings banks (2) had (December 31, 1909) 23,576,000 milreis deposits.

ARMY. The participation of the army of Portugal in the political crisis of the year as described below renders difficult any discussion of its strength and organization. Service in the army is obligatory, but exemption by purchase can be secured for certain classes. The army is recruited from three great conscription districts from which an annual quota of about 17,000 men has been obtained. This serves

that it had any political significance. But in flammatory speeches citing it as a political crime stirred up street riots in Lisbon. These were mainly aimed against the clergy.

THE OUTBREAK. Lisbon was in a state of considerable excitement on Saturday, October 1. On the evening of that day the King entertained the Brazilian president at a State banquet and on the following night the Republican civilian leaders held a conference with the military conspirators. What their decision was is not known, but on the night of Monday, October 3, the 14th Regiment raised the standard of revolt and called upon the civilians to join them in marching to the artillery barracks. On Tuesday morning, October 4, this regiment went to the barracks of the First Regiment of artillery. Bands of sailors and hastily armed citizens joined them, and they seized and intrenched an elevation on one of the boulevards to the north of the town. It was only a small body and there were in the city at the time a considerable force of government troops. Only the municipal guards, however, offered any serious opposition, and it looked at one time as if they might drive the small force of revolutionists from their position, but at this juncture guns of two warships opened fire on the Royalists and saved the day. Meanwhile the King remained at the palace until the guns of the fleet were trained upon it, when he fled in a motor car to Mafra and thence by boat to EriIceira. Lisbon was now in the hands of the revolutionists. A republic was declared on October 5, and on the same day a new provisional government was proclaimed under Dr. Theophilo Braga (a professor of literature and well known writer on political subjects) as President, and Bernardino Machado as Minister of Foreign Affairs. A programme of reforms was immediately announced.

the Braganzas. This declared that the Bra-
ganza family was deposed by the revolution of
October 5 and exiled for all time, and that this
proscription included the ancestors and descend-
ants of ex-King Manuel to the fourth genera-
tion. On October 15 it abolished the Council
of State and the House of Peers. At the end
of October a new press law was promulgated
authorizing free discussion in political and re-
ligious matters, and providing for trial of press
offenses by jury. On October 30 Senhor João
Franco, the former "Dictator," was arrested on
the charge of illegal administration and the
enforcement of dictatorial decrees, but was re-
leased on bail. The expulsion of the Jesuits
was complete by November 4, when a body num-
bering 50 were sent on a steamboat to the
Netherlands. By November the new Portu-
guese government had been recognized by four
foreign Powers, namely, Great Britain, France,
Italy and Spain, and later it was recognized
by Brazil. At the close of the year 1910 it
was still too soon to determine how effective
the new government was likely to be, but from
various accounts it appeared that the Presi-
dent was hardly more than a figurehead, being
a visionary person of scholarly habits, incom-
petent to deal with practical affairs, and that
he had been virtually superseded in the ad-
ministration by his nominal subordinates. The
movement did not seem to be a popular one,
but to proceed from the educated middle-class.
The people at large were illiterate, and apa-
thetic toward political questions.
The percon-
tage of illiteracy in Portugal has been esti-
mated at nearly 80 per cent. The difficulties
before the new government were very serious,
the public debt being enormous and the fi-
nances in a state of great confusion.

PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA, or MoZAMBIQUE. A Portuguese colony on the east THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT. The pro- coast of Africa. Area, about 293,860 square gramme of reforms comprised the following miles; population, about 3,120,000. Capital promises: Amnesty to political and press ex- Lorenzo Marques (also a port), with about iles and to petty offenders; repeal of the law 10,000 inhabitants. Other ports are Mozamof summary arrests of February 13, and of bique (5500), Beira (4500), Inhambane (3400), Franco's Press law; reform of official style and Chinde (3000), and Quilimane. The chief prodtitles, and a new form of the official oath; ex- ucts and exports are rubber (in 1908, from the tension of legal periods to ten days; vigorous state territories 104 tons, from the Mozamenforcement of the laws of Pombal and other bique Company's territories 75 tons), sugar, legislation against the Jesuits and religious or- cocoanuts, beeswax, and minerals (coal and ders; reorganization of the Lisbon police and gold). The Mozambique Company leases from the disbanding of the municipal guards for the government and administers the Manica which Republican guards were to be substituted. and Sofala region; the Nyassa Company, the On October 10th the provisional government region between the Rovuma, Lake Nyassa, and published its declaration concerning the re- the Lurio. The trade is shown below for 1908 ligious communities, declaring in force from in thousands of milreis: that time the laws of 1759, 1767 and 1834, which proscribed Jesuitical establishments. It forbade the meeting of any assembly of three or more Jesuits and it confiscated properties of the Jesuits and other monastic orders. On October 12 the new Minister of Finance declared that the government would respect all existing Vessels entered at ports of state territories contracts, treaties and orders, and the national (1908), 1174, of 2,392,758 tons; at Beira, 381, debt; that it would reduce the deficit in the of 384,499; at the Nyassa Company's ports, budget by revising the taxes and by granting 181, of 166,208. The Delagoa Railway from financial autonomy to the colonies; that it Lorenzo Marques has a length in the colony of would strengthen the army and navy and de- 57 miles, and is continued to Pretoria (290 velop the colonies and that it would main- miles). The Beira line to Umtali, on the bortain the alliance with Great Britain. The der of Rhodesia, has a length of 204 miles in two chief internal reforms were the estab- the colony, and is continued from Umta to lishment of compulsory secular education and Salisbury. The line under construction from the separation of Church and State. Soon Lorenzo Marques to the Swaziland border is afterwards it issued a proclamation proscribing completed for 42 miles. There are over 2200


Moz. Co.
Nyassa Co.

Impts. Expts. Re-eps. Trans.

5,617 3,905 4,836, 20,588
1,611 1,377 3,875 3,021
38 14

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