PARLE '94: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe : 6th International PARLE Conference, Athens, Greece, July 4-8, 1994 : ProceedingsCostas Halatsis Springer-Verlag, 1994 - 836 lappuses "This volume presents the proceedings of the 5th International Conference Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE '94), held in Athens, Greece in July 1994. PARLE is the main Europe-based event on parallel processing. Parallel processing is now well established within the high-performance computing technology and of stategic importance not only to the computer industry, but also for a wide range of applications affecting the whole economy. The 60 full papers and 24 poster presentations accepted for this proceedings were selected from some 200 submissions by the international program committee; they cover the whole field and give a timely state-of-the-art report on research and advanced applications in parallel computing."--PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE. |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 51.
342. lappuse
... queue k when queue m is serviced , that is , when queue m has maximum priority . Assuming that queue ( m - 1 ) follows queue m and queue ( No + 1 ) follows queue 1 in the ordering of queues , the value of Wam is obtained from the ...
... queue k when queue m is serviced , that is , when queue m has maximum priority . Assuming that queue ( m - 1 ) follows queue m and queue ( No + 1 ) follows queue 1 in the ordering of queues , the value of Wam is obtained from the ...
690. lappuse
... queue using heap as its basic data structure . Our main focus is to consider load balanced implementations of a priority queue . That is , for a p - processor distributed memory machine and for a priority queue of n data items , n > p ...
... queue using heap as its basic data structure . Our main focus is to consider load balanced implementations of a priority queue . That is , for a p - processor distributed memory machine and for a priority queue of n data items , n > p ...
699. lappuse
... queue ( say HQ ) allows deletion and insertion of ( p ) items in time TH ( p ) = O ( Tc + Tpplogn ) ( we only consider the time between two operations since completion of an operation is done by other pro- cessors in a pipelined fashion ) ...
... queue ( say HQ ) allows deletion and insertion of ( p ) items in time TH ( p ) = O ( Tc + Tpplogn ) ( we only consider the time between two operations since completion of an operation is done by other pro- cessors in a pipelined fashion ) ...
Improved Probabilistic Routing on Generalized Hypercubes | 1 |
Efficient Communication in the Folded Petersen Interconnection Networks | 25 |
A Compilation Technique for Varying Communication Cost NUMA | 49 |
Autortiesības | |
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PARLE '94 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 6th International ... Costas Halatsis Ierobežota priekšskatīšana - 1994 |
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Abstract and-goal application architecture array assignment block broadcasting cache cell compiler Computer Science concurrent data tiles defined delay denote dependence Distributed Computing distributed memory distributed shared memory dynamic edge efficient elements evaluation example execution Figure function garbage collector graph rewriting heuristic hypercube hypergrid IEEE implementation interconnection network iterations language latency Lemma load balancing loop lower bound machine mapping matrix mesh MIMD/SIMD multiple multiprocessor node number of processors operation optimal output overhead packets parallel algorithms Parallel and Distributed parallel computer parallel program partitioning performance Petersen graph Petri net phase polynomial priority priority queue problem Proc protocol queue reduce reference rewrite rules routing scheduling scheme Section sequence sequential shared memory SIMD simulation single node speedup step strategy structure synchronization task graph technique Theorem threads topology tree updated variables vector vertical virtual channels visualization