A. A. Bennett, Chemistry Herbert Osborn, Zoology and Entomology J. C. Hainer, Physics and Astronomy Mrs. Ida M. Riley, Library and Elocution. .... ..... ....... A. C. Barrows, English Literature, Latin and History Eliza Owens, Domestic Economy Herman Knapp, Treasurer and Recorder .. .... ....... ........ ..... We find an insufficent number of dwellings for the use of the faculty, and those who are not provided for have been allowed $200 each in lieu thereof, which is shown above. The appropriations of the Twenty-first General Assembly to the Agricultural College were as follows: For engine for electric light system and improvement thereof.....$ 2,300.00 500.00 .... 2,500.00 The expenditures under the different items of the appropriation are fully set forth in the biennial report of the Board of Trustees. They are as follows: Paid for Buckeye automatic 35-horse engine, in position ..........$ 850.00 Paid for No. 4 Edison dynamo, with capacity of 160 10-candle power lamps, placing same in position, removing old dynamo, and making all necessary connections Paid for smokestack..... Paid for electric light fixtures .. ....... ... ..... Paid for putting on new roof and ceiling, repairing floor and walls 1,150.00 58.05 21.38 Services and expenses of D. G. Edmonson in selling bonds.. Expenses and per diem of committee examining security for farm Repair and improvement of mechanical buildings Repair and improvement of chemical and physical laboratory..... Repair and improvement of north hall... : Repair and improvement of house occupied by professor of botany.$ 91.87 Repair and improvement of house occupied by professor of chem Out house and coal house, of brick, for office building. Respectfully submitted this Feb. 7th, 1888. B. R. VALE, On part of the Senate. D. NICOLL, L. D. HOTCHKISS, On part of the House. |