TRUSTEES' REPORT. To the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of Iowa: The undersigned, Trustees of the Iowa College for the Blind, respectfully submit the following report for the biennial period ending June 30, 1887: The term covered by this report has been one of marked prosperity. The attendance has been larger than ever before in the history of the College. The school has been well organized with a full corps of competent officers and teachers. The pupils in the different departments have made commendable progress during the past two years. The buildings and grounds have received proper care, and are now in good condition, with the exception of the slate roof on the College building. The special appropriations made by the Twenty-first General Assembly have been expended in making improvements as follows: The old wooden stairs in the main building and south wing have been replaced with good substantial iron stairs, at a cost of $2,515.00. The appropriation of $775.00 for new floors has all been expended for that purpose. One large cistern, capacity 950 barrels, has been constructed at a cost of $418.60. Painting and Portland cement work is now in progress. The Board, after fully considering the necessities of the College, purchased and had put in place a new boiler, and paid for the same out of the contingent fund. To meet the requirements of the College for the next biennial period, we respectfully ask for the following appropriations: For contingent and general repairs, $3,000.00. For bedding, furniture and carpets, $2,000.00. For addition to library and school apparatus, $1,000.00. For washing machine, $500.00. For new slate roof, gal 1 vanized iron cornice, gutters, etc, $9,834.80. For new front porch, stone steps, and foundation for same, $852.00. For painting, $1,100. The official reports of the officers are herewith submitted, to which your attention is invited, as showing in detail the educational and financial condition of the College. C. O. HARRINGTON, President. : REPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL. To his Excellency, WILLIAM LARRABEE, Governor of Iowa: SIR-I have the honor to submit a report of the progress and condition of this Institution during the biennial period commencing July 1, 1885, and ending June 30, 1887. DUAL GOVERNMENT. Two persons, the Principal, $1,200 per annum, and the Secretary of the Board, $1,200 per annum, direct the administration. Each one receives his authority from the Trustees, and is responsible to them alone. To the Principal is intrusted five powers: 1. Entire control and care of the pupils. 2. Control of library, musical and industrial departments. 5. Control of matron, or housekeeper, teachers, instructors, and all To the Secretary is intrusted the care of buildings, grounds, stock, and improvements belonging to the College; charge of outside employes; purchase of all material and supplies ordered by the Board; the disposal of all material and stock which the Institution may have to sell; in general, of all matters not included in the powers of the Principal. The Principal's force consists of 1 Assistant, $45 per month for ten months. 1 1st lady teacher, $35 per month for ten months. 1 5th and 6th grade teacher, $30 per month for ten months. 1 3d and 4th grade teacher, $30 per month for ten months. 1 1st and 2d grade teacher, $35 per month for ten months. 1 mathematic teacher, $70 per month for ten months. (Lives out of College.) 1 musical director, $1,200 per annum. (Lives out of College.) 1 2d music teacher, $25 per month for ten months. 1 3d music teacher, $15 per month for ten months. 1 broom instructor, $350 per annum. 1 general work instructor, $200 per annum. 1 sewing instructor, $20 per month for ten months. 1 housekeeper, $300 per annum. 1 boys' nurse, $20 per month for ten months. 1 girls' nurse, $20 per month for ten months. 1 cook, $20 per month for ten months. 1 2d cook, $18 per month for ten months. 1 3d cook, $12 per month for ten months. 1 1st laundry girl, $18 per month for ten months. 1 2d laundry girl, $15 per month for ten months. 1 3d laundry girl, $15 per month for ten months. 1 chambermaid, north wing, $12 per month for ten months. 1 chambermaid, south wing, $12 per month for ten months. 1 chambermaid, main building, $12 per month for ten months. 1 1st dining room girl, $12 per month for ten months. 1 2d dining room girl, $12 per month for ten months. 1 3d dining room girl, $12 per month for ten months. 1 general help, $12 per month for ten months. 1 visitors' attendant, $12 per month for ten months. 1 kitchen work, $5 per month for twelve months. The Secretary's force consists of 1 assistant steward, $45 per month for twelve months (meals). 1 engineer, $70 per month for twelve months (meals). 1 night watch, $40 per month for twelve months (lives out of College). 1 porter, $20 per month for twelve months. This system was adopted by the Board June 16, 1882. It has the approval-I believe of all persons interested. It is eminently satis-factory to the Secretary and myself. Public institutions, sgenerally, are controlled by superintendents who administer the affairs of their respective establishments through heads of different departments. The chief merit of such a plan is strong centralization. It is attended, however, with the dangers that accompany strong centralization of power everywhere. In some institutions the superintendent and steward have co-ordin-ate rights in the household, and are responsible to the same authority. This system is wholly bad. A father cannot govern his family prudently unless his power reaches every member. The relation of superintendent to institution is, first of all, parental. |