APPARATUS. DISTRICT LIBRARIES. SCHOOL-HOUSE FUND-RECEIPTS. For school-houses and sites For libraries and apparatus On bonds and interest ..... Paid for other purposes.... Total expenditures... On hand Total ....... ... ..... EXPENDITURES. 11,387 787 227 43 12,444 1885. 1886. 57,095 46,527 1885. 1886. $ 292,814.57 $ 287,890.36 551,677.92 649,073.76 372,093.65 310,947.89 $ 1,216,586.14 $ 1,247,912.01 1885. 1886. 467,328.35 $ 465,717.70 22,892.46 262,188.13 172,547.63 8,679.73 320,370.94% 166,771.65 924,956.57 $ 961,540.02% 291,629.57 286,371.98% 1,216,586.14 $ 1,247,912.01 5,232,700.71 $ 5,476,751.72 Females. Total..... RECAPITULATION. School-house fund.... Contingent fund. ....... Total receipts......... RECEIPTS. 1885. 1886. $ 1,216,586.14 $ 1,247,912.01 1,696,054.66 1,846,700.84 5,232,700.71 5,476,754.92 $ 8,145,341.51/8 8,571,367.77 8,439 8,450 11,341 11,644 2,710 2,820 22,896 23,404 2,892 4,298 25,788 27,702 7 6 23 23 3,796 4,161 3,501 25 3,855 44 Males. Females. GRADUSTUDENTS. ATES SINCE 1875. Iowa State University Iowa State Agricultural College. Iowa State College for the Blind. Iowa State Institute for the Deaf and Iowa City STATE INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING. 1886. TITLE OF SCHOOL. LOCATION. COUNTY. PRESIDENT Established. dowment fund, Permanent enincluding endowed chairs. Value of build ings and grounds. Value of apparatus. Volumes in library. Males. Dumb.... Council Bluffs. Pottawattamie G. L. Wyckoff Eldora.. Iowa State Industrial School.... Iowa State Industrial School for Girls. Mitchellville.. Polk. .. Iowa State Soldiers' Orphans' Home Davenport Iowa State Normal School ......... Cedar Falls Black Hawk.. H. H. Seerley Mills... F. M. Powell Iowa State Asylum for Feeble Minded. Glenwood |