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crose in the presence of dextrose,and of dextrose in the presence of sucrose, and finally of dextrose in the presence of levulose were measured. The results of this investigation have shown the maximum concentration which invert sugar may have without depositing crystals of dextrose, and similarly the maximum concentration which a mixture of sucrose and invert sugar may have without depositing either sucrose or dextrose. The syrup which contains 29 per cent. of sucrose and 52 per cent. of invert sugar, or a content with respect to total sugar of 81 per cent., has this maximum concentration. In general, it is practicable to increase this concentration even to a slight supersaturation without danger. Such a solution is sufficiently dense for a good syrup and resists the growth of microorganisms. A number of methods of inverting sugar have been devised. We add the suggestion that the partial inversion can be accomplished by the aid of an extremely dilute hydrochloric acid and subsequent neutralization with sodium carbonate. The net result is the addition of a minute quantity of common salt. Data are provided for controlling the method. During the investigation, the densities of invert sugar solutions, the contraction of volume accompanying inversion, and the change of viscosity were determined.

Some characteristics of imported cane sugars: C. A. BROWNE. The general trend in the manufacture of raw cane sugar during the past decade ie shown to be towards the production of 96 test sugar, which during the past 5 years has made up about 75 per cent. of the total importations. This percentage could be increased considerably if care were taken to manufacture a drier sugar that would not deteriorate. Some of the chemical, physical, mycological and entomological characteristics of the different grades of imported raw cane sugars are discussed. During the past year, considerable plantation white sugar, testing between 98 and 100, has been imported for direct consumption. Some of this sugar is of very good quality and if care were taken always to make a clean white sugar of uniform character plantation white sugar might find a considerable demand even among the more discriminating class of users.

American progress in bacteriological sugars: EDMOND H. EITEL. The history of the rare sugars virtually commences with 1883. The sugars had become essential in bacteriology when in 1914 the German supply was cut off. The U. S. government found its work critically handicapped. Ap

peals of a patriotic natur sugar production in Americ tory stage to the commerc greater achievement than is lowing sugars are now m cially: l-arabinose, dulcitol, glycogen, inositol, inulin, i d-levulose from invert sug inulin, levulose, syrupy, d-mannose, melezitose, raffinos sucrose, trehaiose and d-kylose ment than this list, however, the old standards of Kahlbau ing of another German sup polariscope with variable sen American invention, and the g how accurately bacteria can d ties has stimulated the new st the rare sugars in America i physic-chemistry, chemical a venous injection, plant patho even to experimental explosive vances in bacteriology. A spe importance of the sugars to epidemiology is the differen their means of the paratyphoid, hog cholera bacilli and the knowledge of the source of an lution of the problem of the s the chemist and bacteriologist in the answer light will be t ism and bacteria, configurati asymmetric carbon atom, theor tion.

Results of sugar cane experi LONGFIELD SMITH.

Use of kieselguhr in the c juice: H. S. PAINE and C. F. sults are reported of a compar ous types of kieselguhr, or for the purpose of correlating and clarifying efficiency as a determining relative market v gation of clarifying efficiency 1 tative study of the colloids 1 juice by different methods of experiments included a micro of the various kieselguhrs, te rate of filtration, sedimentatio ing, solubility in dilute acids: quantitative determination by loids present in the juice befor

blished a rare >m the laboraresents a far ent. The folured commerose, d-glucose, ugar, lactose, evulose from d-mannitol, nose, sorbitol, eater achieveurpassing of the discreditheory. The a device of nowledge of îute impuriThe use of extended to diet, intraedicine and as to adaple of the

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cation. The results so far obtained indicate that, provided a sufficient amount of kieselguhr is used to afford the minimum adsorbing surface required for the colloids present, there is little, if any, difference in clarifying efficiency when equal weights are used, even though the various kieselguhrs may differ considerably in physical properties. The dialysis experiments further proved, as has been indicated by the work of previous investigators, that heating and filtration with kieselguhr remove all colloids of such a degree of dispersion as to give a turbidity visible to the eye. Using active decolorizing carbon after preliminary treatment of the juice with kieselguhr, it was found that colloids of such dimensions as to be invisible to the eye were thereby removed.

Determination of the density of molasses: W. B. NEWKIRK. The picnometer suggested permits a greater accuracy in the determination of the density of molasses than has been possible heretofore. It is essential for commercial reasons that an accurate method of determining the density be used. The interfering obstacles in the determination of densities of molasses are due to the high viscosity, included gases and dissolved gases. The picnometer suggested is adaptable in the presence of these difficulties. It consists of a bottle fitted with an enlargement at the top ground optically flat and closed off by another optical flat. An expansion chamber is ground on to the bottle to permit the expansion of the included gas to permit of its easy removal and is fitted with a vacuum connection and stop cock in order to put the contents of the bottle under greatly reduced pressure and maintaining the same for a considerable length of time, without the loss of moisture. The evaporation is negligible. The change in temperature of the picnometer after closing is reduced by very thick walls over the neck of the flask. This reducing temperature changes on handling. Two methods of deaerating were studied the application of heat to reduce its viscosity and the application of air to expand the entrained gas. The heating causes considerable decomposition and has a deleterious effect in the determination of the density. The vacuum method removes entrained gas and does not have the bad features of heating or dilution. The accidental errors are shown to be very small and the total error in any one direction is shown to be within .1 of 1° Brix, and the majority of determinations can be made within a few hundredths of 1° Brix. Densities with this apparatus

can be determined with reasonable facili with considerably more accuracy than the of molasses can be obtained.



THE annual meeting of the Association of ican Geographers was held with the depart geography of the University of Chicago Convocation Week. Five sessions were 1 which forty-one papers were read, nine by

Especial interest centered in the joint 1 with the Ecological Society of America a session devoted to invited papers on in geography. The papers given at the join ing were as follows:

Experimental animal climatology: V. E. SH Geography in zoological museums: A. G. Ru The relation of plants to new habitats: D. DOUGALL.

Ecology and geographic boundaries: H. C. C

Owing to the necessary absence of P Gregory, because of an emergency telegra presidential address on "Geographic basis political problems of the Pacific" was The following papers on Industrial Ged were given during the afternoon session same day.

The significance of vegetable oils in the e

development of the tropics: V. C. FINCH Geographical influences in marketing; illı by the meat industry: GUY C. SMITH. Geographic factors in dairy farming in s New England: RICHARD E. DODGE.

The papers presented at the remaining were as follows: Rainfall maps of Latin America: EUGEN CLEEF.

The trade winds and anti-trades of Port OLIVER L. FASSIG.

Progress in organization of the Climat

Service of the West Indies: OLIVER L. FA Rise in temperature on mountain summits than on valley floors: H. J. Cox. Cold surf with off shore winds: CHAR BROOKS.

Vertical gradients of evaporation and so ture in desert and coastal mountains: 1 SHREVE. Stream and ocean terraces in relation to earth movements: R. S. HOLWAY.

The status of the general magnetic survey of the earth: L. A. BAUER.

A significant contrast between the Atlantic and Pacific regions: W. H. HOBBS.

Intermont basins: W. M. DAVIS. (By title.) The importance and permanence of the physical factors in determining the utilization of land for agricultural and forest production: O. E. BAKER. Problems of land classification: CARL O. SAUER. Distribution of sunlight and moonlight over the earth: ZONIA BABER.

Chili: a land where immigrants need not apply: MARK JEFFERSON.

Some aspects of the geography of South Dakota: S. S. VISHER. (By title.)

Finland as an independent republic: J. J. SEDERHOLM. (By title.)

The Armenian frontier: LAWRENCE MARTIN. (By title.)

The geography of part of southeastern Idaho: G. R. MANSFIELD. (By title.)

Geographical regions of the fisheries of Asiatic Russia: S. J. NOVAKOVSKY.

The grain trade of ancient Athens: ELLEN CHURCHILL SEMPLE.

Geography and man in Cuba: R. H. WHITBECK. Geography and man at Panama: R. H. WHITBECK. (By title.)

Physiography and man in Porto Rica: A. K. Lo


Notes on the geography of Honduras: N. A. BENGSTON.

A geographic study of the Saginaw Valley as an area of gentle relief: F. W. FROSTIC. (By title.) Population changes in Nebraska since 1880: ESTHER S. ANDERSON.

Nashville and the central basin of Tennessee: K. C. MCMURRY.

The world's markets: a map based on natural regions: EUGENE VAN CLEEF. Significant geographic problems of the outwash plains of southern Michigan: D. H. DAVIS. Census maps of the United States with some suggestions for improvement from the standpoint of geography: R. M. BROWN. (By title.) Development of productive scholarship among American geographers: W. W. ATWOOD. (By title.)

Bering's two expeditions to determine the relation of America to Asia: W. L. G. JOERG. Geography as regional economics: CARL O. SAUER. The enjoyable and stimulating sessions were supplemented by an evening dinner tendered to

the association by the Geog cago and by an informal lu partment of geography of t cago. Both these events ga social greeting and discussio preciated, for in the rush and a meeting, and group of m little chance for social getare deliberately planned for.

During the sessions the C upon a number of important was appointed representative the Division of Geology and tional Research Council. He

a period of three years.

It was voted to hold the ne the city of Washington dur 1921; and to recommend to that the meeting for 1922 be that for 1923 in the mid-west

A canvass of the ballots s officers elected for the year Churchill Semple; Vice-presi and Curtis F. Marbut; Sec Dodge; Treasurer, George F cillors, Eliot Blackwelder, Nevin M. Fenneman,

The spring joint meeting Geographical Society will be ! building in New York City ( 1921. Program will be publis pleted so that all who are inte to be given may attend. glad to receive the names of t to be informed of meetings o that they may receive program:





A Weekly Journal devoted to Science, publishing the offici ceedings of the American the Advancement c Published every F




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N. Y.




First Avenue and Twenty-eighth Street


For Information Address




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The Fourth Year Course

Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and or German. Six and seven years' nation courses are offered.

are spent in mastering by lab methods the sciences fundamer elinical medicine.

is systematic and clinical and is dev the study of the natural history of to diagnosis and to therapeutics. year the systematic courses in M Burgery and Obstetrics are complete

is clinical. Students spend the enti noon throughout the year as clinica in hospitals under careful supervision clinical clerk takes the history, ma physical examination and the lab examinations, arrives at a diagnosi he must defend, outlines the tre under his instructor and observ records the result. In case of oper of autopsy he follows the specim identifies its pathological nature. T eral hospitals, one of which is own contralled by the University, one hospital and the municipal hospita laboratories are open to our student afternoons are spent in the College sary and in alinical work in medi surgical specialties and in conferenc

Summer School-a summer course in pathology o a period of six weeks during June and July will be g case there is a sufficient number of applicants.

Address the Secretary of the College 307 Orange Street


Johns Hopkins University Tulane University

Medical School

The Medical School is an Integral Part of the University and is in close Affiliation with the Johns Hopkins Hospital


Candidates for admission must be graduates of approved colleges or scientific schools with at least two year's instruction, including laboratory work, in Chemistry, and one year each in physics and biology, together with evidence of a reading knowledge of French and German.

Each class is limited to 90 students, men and women being admitted on the same terms. Except in unusual circumstances, applications for admission will not be considered after July 1st. If vacancies occur, students from other institutions desiring advanced standing may be admitted to the second or third year provided they fulfill all of our requirements and present exceptional qualifications.

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The charge for tuition is $250 per annum, payable in three instalments. There are no extra fees except for rental of microscope, certain expensive supplies, and laboratory breakage.

The annual announcement and application blanks may be obtained by addressing the

Dean of the Johns Hopkins Medica School Washington and Monument Sts. BALTIMORE, M. D


Beginning Tuesday, June 6th, and ending Thursday, July 16th, a course in medical diagnosis, including laboratory exercises in clinical pathology and demonstrations in pathological anatomy, will be offered. The course will be limited to twenty students, fee $100. Applications should be made to the Dean's Office.



(Established in 1834)

ADMISSION: All students entering the Fres Class will be required to present credits fo years of college work, which must in Chemistry (General and Organic), Physic Biology, with their laboratories, and at one year in English and one year in a mo foreign language.

COMBINED COURSES: Premedical course o years is offered in the College of Arts Sciences, which provides for systematic leading to the B.S. degree at the end o second year in the medical course.

School of Pharmacy, School of Dentistry Graduate School of Medicine also.

Women admitted to all Schools of College of Medicine

For bulletins and all other information, addr

Tulane College of Medicin

P. O. Box 770
New Orleans, La.

Marine Biological Laboratory

Woods Hole, Mass.


Entire Year


June 29 to August 9 1921

SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Open the Entire Year

Facilities for research in Zoology, Embryology, Physiology, and Botany. Eighty-four private laboratories, $100 each for not over three months. Thirty tables are available for beginners in research who desire to work under the direction of members of the staff. The fee for such a table is $50.00.

Courses of laboratory instruction
with lectures are offered in Inverte-
brate Zoology, Protozoology, Em-
bryology, Physiology and Morph-
ology and Taxonomy of the Algae.
Each course requires the full time
of the student. Fee, $75. A lecture
course on the Philosophical Aspects
of Biology and Allied Sciences is
also offered.

Animals and plants, preserved, liv
ing, and in embryonic stages. Pre-
served material of all types of
animals and of Algae, Fungi, Liver-
worts and Mosses furnished for
classwork, or for the museum.
ing material furnished in season as
ordered. Microscopic slides in
Zoology, Botany, Histology, Bac-
teriology. Price lists of Zoological
and Botanical material and Micro-
scopic Slides sent on application.
State which is desired. For price
lists and all information regarding
material, address

GEO. M. GRAY, Curator, Woods Hole, Mass

The annual announcement will be sent on application to The Director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.

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The Polynesian Wanderings. 134. Churchill, William. Tracks of the Migration deduced from an Examination of the Proto-Samoan Content of Efate and other Languages of $3.50 Melanesia. Octavo, viii +516 pages, 2 plates. Beach-la-mar: The Jargon or 154. Churchill, William. Trade Speech of the Western Pacific. Octavo, 58 pages, $0.50 174. Churchill, William. Easter Island, Rapanui Speech, and the Peopling of Southeast Polynesia. Octavo, vi+340 pages

$2 75 244. Churchill, William. Sissano: Movements of Migration Octavo, vi+181 pages, 17 within and through Melanesia. $2.00 charts. The Subanu:

184. Finley, J. P.. and William Churchill. Studies of a Sub-Visayan Mountain Folk of Mindanao. Octavo, iv +236 pp., 2 pls..


253. Ivens, Walter G. Dictionary and Grammar of the

Language of Sa'a and Ulawa, Solomon Islands. With appendices. Octavo, vii +249 pp., 12 plates, 1 fig.

Recently Issued


300. Ivens, Walter G. A Grammar and Dictionary of the Lau Language. Octavo, 64 pages, 3 plates. . . . . . . $1.00

All communications should be addressed to CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C.

Yale Un


Affiliated with the New
and New Haven

109th Se Reorganized on a f Entrance Requirem of two years (or its eq including general biolo and organic chemistry or laboratory physics, or German.


As the number admitt
limited, applications mu
June 15.

Dean, Yale Univ


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Philippine Journa

Bureau of Science

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