Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

flora, executing its trust in such a manner that the beauty of our native wild plants may continue in perpetuity.

The danger to our wild flora is so great as to have already been recognized by legislators. A recent Maryland law forbids the removal of plants unless either the written consent of the owner of the premises has been obtained or else under the owner's personal supervision. If such consent is not obtained, the picking of wild flowers is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of from five to twentyfive dollars, by imprisonment from thirty to ninety days or by the infliction of both of these punishments. Of far greater importance than the fear of punishment, however, is the creation of an appreciative sentiment in favor of the plants, because, after all, the ruthless destroyers are really the friends of the flowers, considerate and kindly disposed, but thoughtless in their acts. Usually a mere suggestion is thrice more powerful than a threat. The speaker is reminded of an experience with a college class in botany to whom he had talked on this subject. Some time later while on an excursion into the mountains, a single lady's slipper was encountered as a relic of a formerly abundant flora of this gorgeous wild orchid. Instead of the usual desire to pick and wear, the flower was allowed to remain on the stalk, perhaps to set seed and repopulate the vicinity with this splendid plant. No amount of legislation would have saved it; the appreciation of the class was shown by allowing the flower to remain for others to enjoy. A thousand people can enjoy what a single hand could destroy forever.

The remedy for the situation is to substitute the present wanton, promiscuous, unguided methods of gathering plants with regulated, sane and rational means. It is not at all necessary to forbid the picking of flowers, but sufficient should always be allowed to remain, particularly in the case of annuals, to produce seed and so perpetuate the species. Plants should never be gathered by the roots, as is so frequently the case with hepatica, anemone and bird-foot violet. Plants growing from long, creeping stems, as arbutus and ground


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pine (lycopodium) should never be torn o It is best to cut the flowering stems of arbut either with a sharp knife or a pair of scisso allowing the long, leafy stem to continue work of flower-production. The beauty shrubs should never be violated by teari the branches and in so doing peeling the ba to the base, thereby not only disfiguring t plant but also creating ready access for t entrance of fungi and other enemies whi cause death. In case it is felt necessary remove some of the branches of floweri shrubs, it is best to select such members will mar the beauty least and cut them cl to the base with a sharp knife in such manner that the bark will eventually call over the wound. Phlox, wintergreen other scarce wild plants should never be p chased either from florists or street vendo because by so doing one merely encoura the commercial exploitation of the wild flo Recently the speaker witnessed an exhibit of goods placed upon a background of ma square yards of moss torn from neighbori woods. Such a carpet of moss took nat scores of years to build up and it should: be destroyed in a moment, to be replaced by huge bare spot where formerly all was gre The appreciation of the beauties of nat should be taught in our schools and churc where a mere hint of the situation is all t is necessary to insure hearty cooperati Much can also be done by the establishm of private preserves for wild life, where flora and fauna may exist undisturbed primeval splendor.

It is especially desirable that plants such the wintergreen be allowed to mature fr as food for birds during the harsh win months. Without this source of food, ma birds die of winter starvation. It is desira that the picking of such weedy but attract plants as daisies, buttercups, golden rod a asters be encouraged, since by so doing harm results and the farmer is assisted w his weed problem. In addition, the culti tion of wild plants in our gardens may sa many species for the enjoyment of fut generations.

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We have sufficient precedence from other regions to guide us, as the total extinction of the yellow moccasin flower in Center county, Pennsylvania, and the extirpation of the pitcher plant, fringed gentian, azalea and wild lilies from many localities. We should profit from the experience of others and treat our wild flora as a natural resource which should be neither squandered nor destroyed, but should rather be treated in a sane and thoughtful manner, so that it may be appreciated and enjoyed by those who follow us.



IT is evident to all persons who have
thought about the matter that our federal
and state scientific publications are not as
widely used or as well known as their great
value to the public warrants. There are two
principal reasons for this: first, because it is
difficult to promptly obtain them and, second,
because comparatively few people know of
their existence as the government has found
no effective way of advertising them.

Sportsmen and scientists, for example,
frequently find that the guides of a region of
which an excellent topographic map has been
made by the government are not aware of the
existence of the map although it would be of
great value to them in their work. It is
perhaps conservative to say that most auto-
mobilists do not even know what topographie
maps are, and that, when they do know, they
can not obtain them unless their tour is
planned long in advance. The writer has
never but once seen a topographie map in the
home of a farmer, notwithstanding the fact
that it would be a source of great pleasure
and profit to him. If a publishing house had
issued maps of such excellence it would have
expanded thousands of dollars in advertising
them so that, if possible, every home might
have a map of its own neighborhood. As a
matter of fact the expense of publishing these

maps is so great that no private could make them for sale at a profit. theless, after they have been publi effort is made to let the people wh paid for them learn of them and value.

A few examples from the writer ence which can be duplicated by n sons will illustrate the character accessibility of our federal and state tions. Many times he has wanted graphic maps of a region but was obtain them because he could not v he received them from Washington. National Park, Utah, this past su only were no topographic maps for none could be consulted. At Uval there are some interesting volcan which are mapped and described in States Geological Survey Folio but writer stopped off to study them that no folio was available and, as could learn, no one in the region copy. At Ardmore, Okla., he wish sult the geological literature of the found that the Carnegie Library b the publications of its own state n cellent United States Geological S fessional paper of the region. Ma instances could be cited.

The biological and botanical p are equally inaccessible. The ar publications dealing with the Cliff the prehistoric ruins of New M Arizona, the Mound Builders of elsewhere, might almost as well been published as far as their us the visitor who has not had tim them from Washington is concer

The only justification for thi affairs is that one can obtain the publications in Washington and th lications at the state capitols by them; but it should always be ad has the time to wait for them." The writer proposes two remedi 1. That every first, second, and post-office shall be provided with printed list of the federal and st

tions which deal with the region in which it is situated as well as of historical and other publications of local interest. It is, perhaps, evident that if it became generally known that every first, second, and third class postoffice contained such a list of publications the traveler and resident in search of information would immediately go to the post-office to consult the list.

2. The second suggestion is that every postmaster shall have on sale all of the federal and state publications on the exhibited list. In order to put this suggestion in practical form the writer prepared the following list for his home town:



The Greylock, Bennington, Berlin, and Wilmington topographic maps published by the United States Geological Survey. Show the location of roads, streams, houses, and elevations. On exhibition and for sale here.

Local History

"Origins in Williamstown," by Professor A. L. Perry. An account of the early history of the Northern Berkshires. Can be consulted in the Village and College Libraries.

"A History of Williams College,' by Professor L. W. Spring. A history of the local college from its foundation to 1916. Can be consulted in the Village and College Libraries.

"Boyhood Reminiscences," by Keyes Danforth. Published in 1895. An interesting account of the houses, people, and customs of the time. Can be consulted in the Village and College Libraries.


"Taconic Physiography," by T. Nelson Dale, U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 272. Contains excellent descriptions and explanations of the scenery of the Berkshires. Can be consulted in the Village and College Libraries.

"Geology of the Green Mountains," by Pumpelly, Wolfe, and Dale. United States Geological Survey Monograph XXIII. Contains a technical discussion of the geology of the region. Can be consulted in the Village and College Libraries.

"Final Report of the Geology of Massachusetts, 1841," by Edward Hitchcock. Interesting

chiefly from a historical point of view. Cal consulted in the College Library.


"Birds of New York," by E. H. Eaton. York State Museum Memoir 12. Illustrates, 106 colored plates, the birds of New York New England. Can be consulted in the Col Library.

"Useful Birds and their Protection," Edv H. Forbush. Massachusetts Bureau of Agri ture. An illustrated and interesting book on birds of the state. Contains brief description: the more common birds and accounts of their 1 and habits. Can be consulted in the Village College Libraries.


"Wild Flowers of New York," by H. D. Ho New York State Museum Memoir 15. Illustra with many admirable colored plates. As the N York and New England species are for the m part identical this volume is as valuable for V liamstown as for New York. Can be consulted the College Library.

"Bog Trotting for Orchids,' "Grace Greyl Niles. A popular description of the kinds habits of orchids in this region. Can be consul in the Village and College Libraries.


Lists of publications of great practical use the farmer, stockman, and poultryman are on adjoining bulletin board. The bulletins on th lists are published by the United States Depa ment of Agriculture, the Massachusetts Agric tural Experiment Station at Amherst; the N York State Agricultural Experiment Station Ithaca, and the Connecticut Agricultural Exp ment Station at Storrs.

Collections and Objects of Local Interest The sword and other personal property Ephraim Williams, the founder of Williams lege. In the College Library.

Collections of local rocks and other exhibits. the Geological Museum, Clark Hall.

Mission Monument, Mission Park, Block House Marker, West Main Street, on property of the Kappa Alpha House.

The desirability of such a list in every po office in the land becomes greater as autor bile travel becomes more general. (In



state there is, on an average, one automobile for every six persons.) Farmers, who, a few years ago, seldom went further than their nearest town now go many miles in their automobiles. When they reach a town new to them they want to see whatever is of interest. If all automobilists and other travelers knew a list such as the above could be found in the post-office they would first go there for information.

There is another important reason why such lists should be on exhibition in post-offices. It is very desirable that some person or persons in every community should know what has been written about their region. If those government and state publications pertaining to a region were listed and on sale at the post-offices, the postmasters and their assistants would know about them and through them this knowledge, which at present is confined to comparatively few, would be disseminated.

All this could be accomplished if congress should pass the following laws:

1. A law ordering the exhibition of a list of the publications pertaining to the region in which the post-office is situated, of somewhat the same character as that for Williamstown, Massachusetts.

2. A law ordering the scientific bureaus to send to each first, second, and third class postoffice all of the government publications of local interest, and directing the postmasters to offer them for sale.

3. A law ordering that state publications be offered for sale by the postmasters if the state legislatures so direct.

It is hoped that all scientists and others interested will write to their congressmen urging the enactment of such a law as that outlined above so that our excellent government and state publications may become better known and so that our post-offices may become centers of greater usefulness. HERDMAN F. CLELAND


ON December 23, 1920, the Institute of Hu-
man Paleontology in Paris was formally de-

clared open by Prince Albert of M
founder. The account in Nature s
the institute is situated in the
Saint Marcel. The building, which
ing completion when war broke ou
a large amphitheater for lectures
ings, a spacious library, and a
rooms fitted up as laboratories, for
and photographing the material fu
excavation. Collections of specin
the sites which have already been e
well as reproductions of the pair
drawings found on the walls of t
and Spanish paleolithic caves, are
in the building. An endowment o
lion francs is attached to the
Monaco's foundation, and an addi
has been promised should it be re
essary by any further increase in
living. The institute is under th
of M. Marcelin Boule, assisted by
consisting of MM. Salomon Reina
Verneau and Louis Mayer.


Among those who were present a ing ceremony were the Preside French Republic, M. Prince Roland Bonaparte, M. Hor Minister of Public Instruction, and Italian Ambassadors, the Ar Persian Ministers, M. Lacroix, s the Academy of Sciences, the pres Academy of Medicine, and repres the College of Medicine, the France, the Pasteur Institute, and scientific societies. An inaugural delivered by the Prince of Mona fined the broad aims of human p At the conclusion of the prince's a speeches were made by M. Honno of public instruction, M. Perrier Corbeiller, president of the Mun cil, the last named speaking on city of Paris. Lastly, M. E. Ca veteran archeologist, expressed h creation of the institute, which, been his dearest wish throughou as an archeologist.


THE problems of technical as the adjoining provinces of Cana

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tially the same as those of the northern states of this country. Anyone who has taken the trouble to familiarize himself with the situation can not fail to be impressed with the similarity of aims and ideals in agricultural investigation and education in Canada and the United States. The workers in technical agriculture are responsible for much of the recent progress and prosperity of Canada. This is perhaps most appreciated in this country by those of us who are engaged in similar lines of work in the northern states and who, through correspondence and frequent conferences upon mutual problems with our colleagues in adjacent provinces, are best informed as to the results they have accomplished and the progress that they are making. Therefore the writer feels that a new agricultural journal, the official organ of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists, will be welcomed and will find many readers on this side of the international boundary.

The first issue of Scientific Agriculture and La Revue Agronomique Canadienne bears the date of January 1, 1921. It is published monthly by the Industrial and Educational Publishing Company, Ltd., Gardenvale, P. Q. The title page states that it is: "A magazine devoted to the general advancement of agriculture in Canada. Published in the interests of agricultural science and research." The aims of the journal are set forth in more detail in the following quotation from the inital editorial.

As the official organ of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists, our columns will naturally give publicity to the work which that organization is doing. The articles published will, as far as possible, treat with the educational, scientific and more progressive phases of agricultural effort. Certain pages will perhaps appear to be of primary interest to members of the C. S. T. A., but the general reader will find much information in those pages that is of equal interest to him.

We particularly desire to cooperate with the present existing agricultural press, and to assist them in any way possible. We do not intend to be competitive, nor to trespass severely upon the ground which they are already covering. We feel, however, that there is a place for a magazine which

can represent technical agriculture in this coun try and we feel certain that no existing publica tion will dispute that claim, or hesitate to welcome this venture.

As the name of the publication suggests, articles will be printed both in English and French. WARNER J. MORSE



THE following program of Sunday lectures is being given at the Zoological Museum of the University of Minnesota:


January 2. "The winter bird-life of MinneBy D. Lange, principal of the St. Paul Mechanic Arts High School. January 9. "The geology of the Minnesota iron ores.'' By W. H. Emmons, professor of geology, University of Minnesota. January 16. "The work of the state game and fish commissioner.'' By Carlos Avery, game and fish commissioner of Minnesota. January 23. The story of the wheat rust." By E. C. Stakman, professor of plant pathology, University of Minnesota.

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January 30. "Animal pets and their relation to health." By W. A. Riley, professor of entomology, University of Minnesota. February 6. "Some Minnesota butterflies and moths and the mystery of their double lives."' By Royal N. Chapman, assistant professor of animal biology, University of Minnesota. February 13. "The work of the chief state forester.'' By Wm. T. Cox, chief forester of Minnesota. February 20. "The mysteries of pond life." C. P. Sigerfoos, professor of zoology, University of Minnesota. February 27. "The Indians of Minnesota: past and present." By A. E. Jenks, professor of anthropology, University of Minnesota. March 6. "Itasca state park and its wild life.' By Thos. S. Roberts, director of the zoological museum, University of Minnesota. March 13. animals.'


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"Living lanterns of fireflies and other By E. J. Lund, associate professor of animal biology, University of Minnesota. March 20. "Our spring flowers." By N. L. Huff, assistant professor of botany, University of Minnesota.

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