Lapas attēli

On woman suffrage to consist of five members.
Also joint committees on the following subjects:
On public buildings to consist of five members.

On charitable institutions to consist of five members.
On penal institutions to consist of five members.

On educational institutions to consist of seven members.
On state library to consist of five members.

On joint rules to consist of seven members.

36. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the members elected to the senate.

37. No person shall be admitted within the bar of the Senate except the executive, members and officers of the House, state officers, judges of the supreme court and district courts, members of congress, those who have been members of congress, and the legislative assembly, members of the constitutional convention, and all federal offiIcials of the state, except by a vote of the Senate.

38. Members of the Senate introducing bills in the nature of amendments to laws now existing shall designate in the title of such amendatory act the title of the act and shall have printed at length in the bill the section or sections to be amended.

39. All nominations from the executive shall be opened and read immediately in executive session and then be referred to their appropriate committee. unless otherwise ordered by a majority of those present.

40. All bills reported from committees with amendments shall be engrossed before being read the third time and placed upon final passage.

41. All reports of committees and motions to discharge a committee from the consideration of a subject, and all subjects from which a committee shall be discharged, shall lie over one day for consideration unless, by unanimous consent, the Senate shall otherwise direct.

42. No member or officer of the Senate, unless he from illness or other cause, shall be unable to attend, shall absent himself from the session of the Senate during an entire day without first having obtained leave of absence, and no one shall be entitled to draw pay while absent more than one day without leave.

43. The sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, under the direction of the presiding officer, shall be the executive officer of the body for the enforcement of all rules made by the committee on rules, for the regulation of the senate wing of the capitol. The senate floor shall be at all times under his immediate supervision, and he shall see that the various subordinate officers perform the duties to which they are especially assigned.


Judiciary-Messrs. Little, chairman; Sharpe, Talcott, Cox, Cashel, LaMoure, Lavayea, Simpson, Hale, Voss, Robinson, Bacon, Fox, Crane, Geer.

Education-Messrs. Lavayea, chairman; Hale, Talcott, Cashel, Sharpe, Jacobson, Garnett, Geer, Main.


Elections-Messrs. Hale, chairman; Regan, Swenson, Cashel, Gulack, Robinson, LaMoure, Macdonald, Appropriations-Messrs. LaMoure, chairman; Robinson, Cox, Taylor, Crane, Sharpe, Little, Jacobson, Hale, Williams, McLean, Garnett, Cashel, Lewis Fox.

Railroads-Messrs. Lewis, chairman; Sharpe, Swenson, Clarke, Devlin, Carroll, Regan, Benson, Gulack, Williams, Cox, Taylor, Wipperman.

State Affairs-Messrs. Cox, chairman; Lofthus, Fox, Herbrandson, Brown, Lewis, Main, Swenson, Crane.

Public Lands-Messrs. Simpson, chairman; Williams, Johnson, Kirkeide, Hagen, Gulack, McArthur, Talcott, Macdonald.

Ways and Means-Messrs. Sharpe, chairman; Bacon, Brown, Crane, Talcott, Lavayea, Robinson, Simpson, Voss. Agriculture Messrs. Swenson. chairman; Talcott, McArthur, Main, McLean, Wipperman, Pierce.

Warehousing, Grain and Grain Grading-Messrs. Talcott, chairman; Kirkeide, Regan, Brown, Geer, Hagen, Johnson, Gulack, Main, Cox, Crane,

Counties-Messrs. Jacobson, chairman; Pierce, Geer, Carroll, Cashel, Fox, Johnson, Crane, Simpson.

Engrossed and Enrolled Bills-Messrs. Lavayea, chairman; Hale, McLean, Little.

Banks and Banking-Messrs. Pierce, chairman; Robinson, Devlin, Little, Bacon, Lewis, Voss, Gulack, Kirkeide. City and Municipal Corporations-Messrs. Bacon, chairman; Simpson, Lofthus, Benson, Fox, Williams, Macdonald, Indian Affairs-Messrs. Gulack, chairman; Macdonald, Johnson, Hagen, Hale.

Statistics-Messrs. Clarke, chairman; Garnett, Kirkeide,

Herbrandson, Main.

Federal Relations-Messrs. Robinson, chairman; Taylor, McArthur, Plain, McLean, Clarke, Pierce.

Insurance-Messrs. Regan, chairman; Crane, Pierce, Fox, Carroll, McDonald, Little.

Public Health-Messrs. Taylor, chairman; Lofthus, Devlin, Clarke, Jacobson.

Public Printing-Messrs. Devlin, chairman; Brown, Geer, Garnett, Wipperman.

Temperance-Messrs. LaMoure, chairman; Devlin, Williams, Robinson, Pierce, Talcott, Hale.

Mines and Minerals-Messrs. Voss, chairman; Simpson, McDonald, Williams, Jacobson, Garnett, Plain.

Rules Messrs. LaMoure, chairman; Little, Cashel, Cox, Sharpe, Talcott, Lavayea.

Immigration-Messrs. Garnett, chairman; Carroll, Benson, Lewis, Plain.

Highways, Bridges and Ferries-Messrs. Macdonald, chairman; Main, McLean, Wipperman, Herbrandson, Clarke, LaMoure.

Irrigation-Messrs. Bacon, chairman; Carroll, Plain, Sharpe, Cox, Robinson, Swenson.

Apportionment-Messrs. Brown, chairman; Little, Garnett, Herbrandson, Kirkeide, Plain, Wipperman, Taylor, Swenson, Main, Macdonald.

Corporations Other Than Municipal-Messrs. Crane, chairman; Cashel, Benson, Bacon, Carroll, Johnson, Kirkeide.

Military Affairs-Messrs. Fox, chairman; Hale, Lavayea, Plain, McArthur, Clarke, Main.

Woman Suffrage-Messrs. McLean, chairman; Taylor, Wipperman, Jacobson, Bacon.


Public Buildings-Messrs. Simpson, chairman; Lewis, Clarke, Cashel, Wipperman.

Charitable Institutions-Messrs. Cox, chairman; Jacobson, Bacon, Williams, Carroll.

Penal Institutions-Messrs.

Pierce, McLean, Kirkeide.

Little, chairman; Devlin,

Educational Institutions-Messrs. Hale, chairman; Talcott, Geer, Lavayea, Ryan, Main, Fox.

State Library-Messrs. Sharpe, chairman; Hale, Brown, Gulack, Plain.

Joint Rules Messrs. LaMoure, chairman; Little, Cashel, Sharpe, Talcott, Cox, Lavayea.


1. The speaker shall take the chair at the time to which the House stands adjourned, and the House shall then be called to order, and the roll of the members called and the names of the absentees entered upon the journal of the House.

2. Upon the appearance of a quorum the journal of the preceeding day shall be referred to the committee on revision and correction. Any mistake therein shall be cor


rected by the committee and reported to the House for action.

3. Twenty-one members of the House may order a call of the House and cause absent members to be sent for, but a call must not be made while a vote is being taken. The call being moved, the speaker shall require those desiring the call to rise, and if twenty-one or more members shall rise the call shall be ordered. The call being ordered the sergeant-at-arms shall close the door and allow no member to leave the room. The clerk shall then call the roll and furnish the sergeant-at-arms with a list of those members absent without leave, and that officer must proceed forthwith to find and bring in such absentees. While the House is under call no business can be transacted except to receive and act upon the report of the sergeant-atarms and no motion is in order except a motion to suspend further proceedings under the call, and said motion shall not be adopted unless a majority of all members-elect vote in favor thereof. Upon a report of the sergeant-at-arms showing that all members who were absent without leave, naming them, are present, the call shall be at an end, and the doors shall be opened, and the business pending at the time the call was made be proceeded with.

4. The speaker shall preserve order and decorum and decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the House.

5. The speaker shall vote on all questions taken by ayes and nays (except on appeals from his own decisions) and in all elections or decisions called for by any member.

6. When the House adjourns the members shall keep their seats until the speaker announces the adjournment.

7. Every member previous to his speaking, shall rise from his seat and respectfully address "Mr. Speaker," and remain standing in his place before proceeding to speak until he is recognized by the chair.

8. When two or more members rise at the same time to speak the speaker must designate the member who is to speak, but in all cases the member who shall first rise and address the chair may speak first.

9. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject without leave of the House, nor more than once until every member choosing to speak on the subject pending shall have spoken, nor shall any member occupy more than ten minutes at the first time, nor more than five minutes at the second time, without unanimous consent of the House.

10. No motion shall be debated or put unless the same be seconded. It must then be stated by the speaker be

fore the debate and any such motion must be reduced to writing if the speaker or any member desires it.

11. After the motion shall be stated by the speaker, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the House, but may be withdrawn at any time before amendment or decision, but all motions, resolutions or amendments must be entered on the journal, whether rejected or adopted.

12. When a question is under debate no motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely-which several motions shall have precedence in the order which they shall stand arranged.

13. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except when a member is addressing the chair. or a vote is being taken; that, and the motion to lay upon the table, shall be I decided without debate.


14. The previous question shall be in this form: the main question be now put?" It shall be admitted only when demanded by a majority of the members present, and its effect shall be to put to an end to all debate and bring the House to a direct vote upon the amendments reported by a committee, if any, upon the pending amendments and then upon the main question. On a motion for the previous question, and prior to the seconding of the same, a call of the House shall be in order, but after a majority shall have seconded such motion, no call shall be in order prior to decision of the main question.

15. When the previous question is decided in the negative it shall leave the main question under debate for the remainder of the sitting unless sconer disposed of in some other manner.

16. All incidental questions of order arising after motion is made for the previous question, during the pendency of such motion, or after the house shall have determined that the main question shall be now put shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise without debate.

17. Petitions, memorials and other papers addressed to the House shall be presented by the speaker or by a member in his place.

18. Every meniber who is present, before the vote is declared from the chair, must vote for or against the question before the House, unless the House excuses him or unless he is immediately interested in the question, in which case he must not vote.

19. When the speaker is putting the question, no member shall walk out of, or across the house, nor when a member is speaking, shall any person entertain any private discourse, or pass between the person speaking and the chair.

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