Report of the Civil Service Commission of the State of New York, 39. sējums,1921. daļaThe Commission, 1922 |
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adding thereto Adopted July Adopted June Albany amended by adding amended by striking appointing officer approval Assistant physician Attorney-General cashier certification chief clerk Civil Service Commission Civil Service Law Civil Service Rule classification of positions Commission Resolved competitive class competitive examination competitive or non-competitive county clerk County Resolved determined that competitive director district attorney division employees engineer Erie county ex rel exempt class Fireman Governor hereby is amended hereby is denied hospital income tax bureau industrial commission inspector January June 18 Junior clerk Kings county lieu thereof ment Monroe county Nassau county Niagara county non-competitive class non-competitive examination Number nurse Oneida County persons practicable preference probationary term Public Service Commission Queens county regulation XI reinstatement Rule XVI salary section 22 special deputy statute stenographer subdivision substituting in lieu Superintendent surrogates suspended list Tax Commission Teacher thereto the words Thiells tion Transit Commission vacancy veteran Westchester county York county
Populāri fragmenti
132. lappuse - States citizenship who served in the military or naval forces of the United States at any time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, both dates inclusive, .and have been separated from such forces under honorable conditions.
146. lappuse - Appointments and promotions in the civil service of the State, and of all the civil divisions thereof, including cities and villages, shall be made according to merit and fitness to be ascertained, so far as practicable, by examination which, so far as practicable, shall be competitive...
132. lappuse - No copartnership, unless one or more of the members of such copartnership, owning at least one-half interest in the business thereof, shall be a resident of this state and a citizen of the United States.
130. lappuse - ... to lay out lines of investigation, to prescribe the requirements for admission and the course of study and with such other power and authority as may be necessary and proper for the due administration of such college of agriculture.
147. lappuse - In pursuance thereof; and the persons thus preferred shall not be disqualified from holding any position in the civil service on account of his age or by reason of any physical disability provided such age or disability does not render him Incompetent to perform the duties of the position applied for.
151. lappuse - Nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal, modify or amend the provisions of the joint resolution " declaring that certain Acts of Congress, joint resolutions and proclamations shall be construed as if the war had ended and the present or existing emergency expired...
75. lappuse - Any person who has held a position by appointment under the civil service rules, and who has been separated from the service through no delinquency or misconduct on his part, may be reinstated without re-examination in a vacant position in the same office and in the same group, subdivision and grade, within one year from the date of such separation, provided...
152. lappuse - President containing provisions contingent upon the duration or the date of the termination of such war or of such present or existing emergency, the date when this resolution becomes effective shall be construed and treated as the date of the termination of the war or of the present or existing emergency...
73. lappuse - Except in the case of veterans of the civil war, honorably discharged from the military or naval service of the United States, every original appointment to or employment in any position in the competitive class shall be for a probationary term of three months, and an appointing or nominating officer in notifying a person certified to him for appointment or employment...
147. lappuse - ... that honorably discharged soldiers and sailors from the army and navy of the United States in the late Civil War, who are citizens and residents of this State, shall be entitled to preference in appointment and promotion, without regard to their standing on any list from which such appointment or promotion may be made. Laws shall be made to provide for the enforcement of this section.