Compiled Statutes. 1881, March 7. City water supply... 1159 P.201, §§ 30, 31. Claims against Dis- Practice Act. ments Code of Civil Procedure. $537. Attachments and garnishments 639 trict of Columbia. 125 359, § 2. Statute of limitations... 1149 Georgia. 639,640 1861, Dec. 16. Guardians and adminis- §§ 114, 974, 978. Jurisdiction of jus- P. 296, § 405. Civil actions; filing of complaint 296, § 406. Civil actions; issue of summons trators 209 209 P. 32. Guardians and administrators 209 Laws, 1865-66. P. 85. Act for relief of administrators, etc 209 Chap. 114, § 126. Rates of railroad transportation.. Revised Statutes, 1874. Chap. 79, §§ 13, 62. Jurisdiction of justices of the peace...... Starr & Curtis's Statutes, 1896. Chap. 79, §§ 16, 115. Jurisdiction of 889 1810, Jan. 27 (Sess. Laws 1810, p. 100). 830 1812, Jan. 30. Trial by jury........ 883 justices of the peace...... 889 1836, Feb. 12. Rate of taxation on banks 1856, Feb. 14. State power over cor porations .1040 680, 841, 843-845, 847-849, 1040 1872, Feb. 9 (Acts 1871-72, vol. 1, p. 314). Bridge across Ohio river. 824 1879, March 31 (Acts 1879, chap. 121, act.. act.. ings bank 1086 1086, 1087 889 1884, May 12. Incorporation of sav- 840 937-940 Vol. 20, chap. 22. Organization of cor porations 21, chap. 54. Organization of cor porations Code. § 2127. Assignee's powers and duties Tit. 14, chap. 7. Assignments for bene fit of creditors.. Code, 1851. 631 631 257 257 § 676. Liability of corporations..... 631 Code, 1873. 68). Revenue act .680-683 1886, May 17 (Gen. Stat. 1888, chap. 681 p. 221). City bonds...... 680 1888, April 9 (Acts 1887-88, vol. 2, p. 937). Reincorporation of city of Henderson......827,833 1892, June 4. Additional funds for 681 1892, July 6. Additional funds for state expenses. state expenses 1892, Nov. 11. Taxation of banking and other corporations.... 681 ..841, 842, 1031-1034 §1061. Liability of corporations.... 631 1894, March 19 (Acts 1894, chap. 100, 654. 47 7000. Jurisdiction of justices of the peace......... 889 on insolvent estates....... 654 317 317 Minnesota. Acts. 1883, March 6. Railroad corporations 317 Vol. 2, p. 2156, § 8824. Claimants up Laws, 1878. Chap. 53. Railroad corporations.... Revised Statutes, 1871. Chap. 51. Railroad corporations... Maryland. Statutes. 880 Art. 2, § 6. Test oath of jurors...... 381 960 ....971, 977, 981, 986, 994, 1000 1791, chap. 68 (2 Kilty's Laws). Civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace...879, 883,884 of 1791 1793, Dec. 28. Supplementary to act 1798, chap. 71 (2 Kilty's Laws). Civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace. 992 884 1809, chap. 76, §§ 1, 6 (3) Kilty's Laws). Exclusive original jurisdiction of justice of the peace extended to causes not exceeding fifty dollars...883, 884 1852, chap. 239. Jurisdiction of justices extended to one hundred dollars. 1876, April 3, chap. 198. Rights of landholders on either side 883 the boundary line......... 956 Massachusetts. Acts. 1838, April 23. Claimants upon insolvent estates Provincial Laws. Laws, 1895. P. 284. Handwriting as evidence..... 205 Revised Statutes, 1889. 1 Chap. 26, § 944. Liability of common 1 carriers 1095 §§ 6122, 654 .. Vol. 1, pp. 283, 370. Jury trial...... 879 1848, Apríl 12. Corporation act...... 1163 1891, chap. 348, p. 404. College appro priation bill Code. ... 258 §§ 834,884. Jurisdiction of justices of ufacture and sale of oleo the peace Vol. 2, chap. 1, § 2190. Commercial fertilizers; inspection of, etc 194 768 889 ..192, 196, 197 2, chap. 1, § 2191. Commercial fertilizers, stamp, label, etc. 192 2, chap. 1, § 2192. Proceedings to condemn 2, chap. 1, § 2193. Liability of manufacturer and vendor for disobeying law regarding fertilizers 193 885 1808, chap. 204, § 9. Justice's court; jurors, etc. 885 193 1813, chap. 53, § 9. Justice's court; .. jurors 885 2, chap. 1, § 2196. Agricultural 1818, chap. 94, § 22. Jurisdiction of experiment and fertilizer control station 193 justice of the peace extend ed 885 889 2, chap. 1, § 2205. Tax on fertili Revised Statutes. 2, chap. 1, § 2206. Moneys aris 2255. Violation of usury laws.... 258 2256. Usury 258 2, chap. 1, ing from tax on fertilizers. § 2208. Moneys aris 194 Revised Statutes, 1875. ing from tax on fertilizers 193 1830, Dec. 18. City improvements. 469 §§ 1539, 1639. Jurisdiction of justices of the peace. Revised Statutes, 1895. 889 1865, Dec. 18. 1866, Sept. 21. Sale of Columbia canal 526 §§ 1568, 1670. Jurisdiction of justices Establishment of peni of the peace. 889 tentiary. 526 1866, Dec. 19. Sale of Columbia canal 526 1868, Sept. 21. Sale of Columbia canal 1878, March 12. Disposal of Columbia canal 1882, Feb. 8. Utah. 526 Compiled Laws, 1876. Pp. 585, 586, §§ 1919, 1920. Penalty for crime of murder.... 450 ...... Virginia. Acts erty 526 1887, Dec. 24. Act providing for trans- ..524-527 1781, Jan. 2. 1892, Dec. 24. Contract for use of water power .524-526 (10 Hening's Stat. 564). Cession of lands northwest of Ohio river... 829 |