tion in a war upon it. This is not all, how-surface and were not then apparent to those ever, for the agreement further provides that counsel. the managers are to have power to organize The point not being raised and the decisuch joint freight and passenger agencies as sion of that case having proceeded upon an they may deem desirable, and if established they are to be so arranged as to give proper representation to each company, and no soliciting or contracting passenger or freight the constitutionality of the act it is now [565]agency can be maintained by any of the *companies, except with the approval of the man-straint of trade are not necessarily prejudi agers. They are also charged with the duty It is also said that the agreement in the fic. assumption of the validity of the act under either construction, it can, of course, constitute no authority upon this question. Upon earnestly contended that contracts in re cial to the security or welfare of society, and The natural and direct effect of the two Regarding the two agreements as alike in their main and material features, we are brought to an examination of the question of the constitutionality of the act, construed [566]as it has been in the Trans-Missouri case. It is worthy of remark that this question was never raised or hinted at upon the argument of that case, although, if the respondents' presert contention be sound, it would have furnished a conclusive objection to the enforcement of the act as construed. The fact that not one of the many astute andable counsel for the transportation companies in that case raised an objection of so conclusive a character, if well founded, is strong evidence that the reasons showing the invalidity of the act as construed do not lie on the ness, or of maintaining wages; the formation This makes quite a formidable list. It of the nature above described is now before | Congress, in the exercise of its right to regu- less, we might say that the formation of cor- or combination between competing railroad corporations entered into and formed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining interstate rates and fares for the transportation of freight and passengers on any of the railroads parties to the contract or combination, even though the rates and fares thus established are reasonable. Such an agreement directly affects and of course is intended to affect the cost of transportation of commodities, and commerce consists, among other things, of the transportation of commodities, and if such transportation be between states it is interstate commerce. The agreement affects interstate commerce by destroying competition and by maintaining rates above what competition might produce. We are not aware that it has ever been claimed that a lease or purchase by a farmer, manufacturer, or merchant of an additional farm, manufactory, or shop, or the withdrawal from business of any farmer, merchant, or manufacturer, restrained commerce or trade within any legal definition of If it did not do that, its existence would be [568] that term; *and the sale of a goodwill of a useless, and it would soon be rescinded or business with an accompanying agreement abandoned. Its acknowledged purpose is to not to engage in a similar business was in- maintain rates, and, if executed, it does so. stanced in the Trans-Missouri case as a con- It must be remembered, however, that the act tract not within the meaning of the act; does not prohibit any railroad company from and it was said that such a contract was charging reasonable rates. If in the absence collateral to the main contract of sale, and of any contract or combination among the was entered into for the purpose of enhanc- railroad companies the rates and fares would ing the price at which the vendor sells his be less than they are under such contract or business. The instances cited by counsel combination, that is not by reason of any have in our judgment little or no bearing provision of the act which itself lowers rates, upon the question under consideration. In but only because the railroad companies would, as it is urged, voluntarily and at once inaugurate a war of competition among themselves, and thereby themselves reduce their rates and fares. Has not Congress with regard to interstate commerce and in the course of regulating it, in the case of railroad corporations, the Hopkins v. United States [post, 290], decided As counsel for the Traffic Association has truly said, the ordinary highways on land have generally been established and maintained by the public. When the matter of the building of railroads as highways arose, a question was presented whether the state should itself build them or permit others to agreement entered into for the purpose of have a reasonable construction, or else there uals could not enforce such appropriation without a grant from the state. The building and operation of a railroad thus required a public franchise. The state would have had no power to grant the right of appropriation unless the use to which the by counsel, that the effect of the decision in land was to be put was a public one. Taking to a certain extent a function of government The question really before us is whether This public service, that of transportation of passengers and freight, is a part of trade|tion or in any of the amendments to that in and commerce, and when transported be- Where the grantees of this public franchise strument. Monongahela Nav. Co. v. United Among those limitations and guaranties Although the franchise when granted by the state becomes by the grant the property *As to the former, it is claimed that the [572] of the grantee, yet there are some regulations citizen is deprived of his liberty without due respecting the exercise of such grants which process of law when, by a general statute, he Congress may make under its power to regu- is arbitrarily deprived of the right to make late commerce among the several states. a contract of the nature herein involved. This will be conceded by all, the only quesThe case of Allgeyer v. Louisiana, 165 U. tion being as to the extent of the power. S. 578 [4]: 832], is cited as authority for the We think it extends at least to the prohi- statement concerning the right to contract. bition of contracts relating to interstate com- In speaking of the meaning of the word "libmerce, which would extinguish all competi- erty," as used in the Fourteenth Amendment tion between otherwise competing railroad to the Constitution, it was said in that case corporations, and which would in that way to include, among other things, the liberty restrain interstate trade or commerce. We of the citizen to pursue any livelihood or vodo not think that when the grantees of this public franchise are competing railroads seeking the business of transportation of men and goods from one state to another, that ordinary freedom of contract in the use and management of their property requires the cation, and for that purpose to enter into all We do not impugn the correctness of that [571] right to combine as one consolidatd and cisely how far a legislature can go in declar alleged evil, and in regard to which, so far strains interstate commerce, Congress has power to legislate and to prohibit. unlawful, it is unnecessary here to speak of. The prohibition of such contracts may in the judgment of Congress be one of the reasonable necessities for the proper regulation of commerce, and Congress is the judge of such necessity and propriety, unless, in case of a possible gross perversion of the principle, the courts might be applied to for re-ces and upon certain subjects. Frisbie v. lief. The cases cited by the respondents' counsel in regard to the general constitutional right of the citizen to make contracts relating to his lawful business are not inconsistent with the existence of the power of Congress to prohibit contracts of the nature involved in this case. The power to regulate commerce has no limitation other than those prescribed in the Constitution. The power, however, does not carry with it the right to destroy or impair those limitations and guar Congress may restrain individuals from making contracts under certain circumstanUnited States, 157 U. S. 160 [39:657]. Notwithstanding the general liberty of contract which is possessed by the citizen under the Constitution, we find that there are many kinds of contracts which, while not in themselves immoral or mala in se, may yet be prohibited by the "legislation of [573] the states or, in certain cases, by Congress. The question comes back whether the statute under review is a legitimate exercise of the power of Congress over interstate commerce, and a valid regulation thereof. The ques anties which are also placed in the Constitution is, for us, one of power only, and not of policy. We think the power exists in Con- | the lower courts, led us to the most careful question decided in the Trans-Missouri case, case. It is proper to remark that an application for a reconsideration of a question but lately decided by this court is usually based upon a statement that some of the arguments employed on the original hearing of the question have been overlooked or misunderstood, or that some controlling authority has been either misapplied by the court or passed over without discussion or notice. While this is not strictly an application for a rehearing in the same case, yet in substance it is the same thing. The court is asked to reconsider a question but just decided after a careful investigation of the matter involved. There have heretofore been in effect two arguments of precisely the same questions now before the court, and the same arguments were addressed to us on both those occasions. The report of the Trans-Missouri case shows a dissenting opinion delivered in that case, and that the opinion was concurred in by three other members of the court. That opinion, it will be seen, gives with great force and ability the arguments against the decision which was finally arrived at by the court. It was after a full discussion of the questions involved, and with the knowledge of the views entertained by the minority as expressed in the dissenting opinion, that the majority of the court came to the conclusion it did. Soon after the decision a petition for a rehearing of the case was made, supported by a printed argument in its favor, and pressed with an earnestness and vigor and at a length which were certainly commensurate with the importance of the case. [574] *This court, with care and deliberation, and also with a full appreciation of their importance, again considered the questions involved in its former decision. A majority of the court once more arrived at the conclusion it had first announced, and accordingly it denied the application. And now for the third time the same arguments are employed, and the court is again asked to recant its former opinion, and to decide the same question in direct opposition to the conclusion arrived at in the Trans-Missouri case. The learned counsel while making the application frankly confess that the argument in opposition to the decisionin the case above named has been so fully, so clearly, and so forcibly presented in the dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice White, that it is hardly possible to add to it nor is it necessary to repeat it. The fact that there was so close a division of opinion in this court when the matter was first under advisement, together with the different views taken by some of the judges of 171 U. S. U. S., Book 43. after such an examination that the majority It is not now alleged that the court on the As we have twice already, deliberately and earnestly, considered the same arguments which are now for a third time pressed upon our attention, it could hardly be expected that our opinion should now change from that already expressed. While an erroneous decision might be in some cases properly reconsidered and overruled, yet it is clear that the first necessity is to convince the court that the decision was erroneous. It is scarcely to be assumed that such a result could be "secured by the [575] presentation for a third time of the same arguments which had twice before been unsuccessfully urged upon the attention of the court. We have listened to them now because the eminence of the counsel engaged, their earnestness and zeal, their evident belief in the correctness of their position, and, most important of all, the very grave nature of the questions argued, called upon the court to again give to those arguments strict and respectful attention. It is not matter for surprise that we still are unable to see the error alleged to exist in our former decision or to change our opinion regarding the questions therein involved. Upon the point that the agreement is not in fact one in restraint of trade, even though it did prevent competition, it must be admitted that the former argument has now been much enlarged and amplified, and a general and most masterly review of that question has been presented by counsel for the respondents. That this agreement does in fact prevent competition, and that it must have been so intended, we have already attempted to show. Whether stifling competition tends directly to restrain commerce in the case of naturally competing railroads, is a question upon which counsel have argued with very great ability. They acknowledge that this agreement purports to restrain competition, although, they say, in a very slight degree and on a single point. They admit that if competition and commerce were identical, being but different names for the same thing, then, in assuming to restrain competition even so far, it would be assuming in a corresponding degree to restrain commerce. Counsel then add (and therein we entirely agree with them) that no such identity can be pretended, because it is plain that commerce can and does, take place on a large scale and in numerous forms without competition. The material considerations therefore turn upon the effects of competition upon the business of railroads, whether they are favorable to the commerce in which 19 289 the roads are engaged, or unfavorable and in restraint of that commerce. Upon that question it is contended that agreements be(576]tween railroad companies of the nature of that now before us are promotive instead of in restraint of trade. This conclusion is reached by counsel after an examination of the peculiar nature of railroad property and the alleged baneful effects of competition upon it and also upon the public. It is stated that the only resort open to railroads to save themselves from the effects of a ruinous competition is that of agreements among themselves to check and control it. A ruinous competition is, as they say, apt to be carried on until the weakest of the combatants goes to destruction. After that the survivor, being relieved from competition, proceeds to raise its prices as high as the business will bear. Commerce, it is said, thus finally becomes restrained by the effects of competition, while at the same time otherwise valuable railroad property is thereby destroyed or greatly reduced in value. There can be no doubt that the general tendency of competition among competing railroads is towards lower rates for transportation, and the result of lower rates is generally a greater demand for the articles so transported, and this greater demand can only be gratified by a larger supply, the furnishing of which increases commerce. This is the first and direct result of competition among railroad carriers. In the absence of any agreement restraining competition, this result, it is argued, is neutralized, and the opposite one finally reached by reason of the peculiar nature of railroad property which must be operated and the capital invested in which cannot be withdrawn, and the railroad managers are therefore, as is claimed, compelled to, not only compete among themselves for business, but also to carry on the war of competition until it shall terminate in the utter destruction or the buying up of the weaker roads, after which the survivor will raise the rates as high as is possible. Thus, the indirect but final effect of competition is claimed to be the raising of rates and the consequent restraint of trade, and it is urged that this result is only to be prevented by such an agreement as we have here. In that way alone it is said that competition is overcome, and general uniformity and reasonableness of rates securely established. are competing railroads and are not acting under any agreement or combination with their competitors upon the subject of rates. It appears from the brief of counsel in this case that the agreement in question does not embrace all of the lines or systems engaged in the business of railroad transportation between Chicago and the Atlantic coast. It cannot be said that destructive competition, or, in other words, war to the death, is bound to result unless an agreement or combination to avoid it is entered into between otherwise competing roads. It is not only possible, but probable, that good sense and integrity of purpose would prevail among the managers, and while making no agreement and entering into no combination by which the whole railroad interest as herein represented should act as one combined and consolidated body, the managers of each road might yet make such reasonable, charges for the business done by it as the facts might justify. An agreement of the nature of this one, which directly and effectually stifles competition, must be regarded under the statute as one in restraint of trade, notwithstanding there are possibilities that a restraint of trade may also follow competition that may be indulged in until the weaker roads are completely destroyed and the survivor thereafter raises rates and maintains them. Coming to the conclusion we do, in regard to the various questions herein discussed, we think it unnecessary to further allude to [578] the other reasons which have been advanced for a reconsideration of the decision in the Trans-Missouri case. The judgments of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York and of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit are reversed and the case remanded to the Circuit Court with directions to take such further proceedings therein as may be in conformity with this opinion. Mr. Justice Gray, Mr. Justice Shiras and Mr. Justice White dissented. Mr. Justice McKenna took no part in the decision of the case. HENRY HOPKINS et al., Appts., υ. UNITED STATES. (See S. C. Reporter's ed. 578-604.) Buying and selling live stock by members of a stock exchange is not interstate commerce-by-law as to commissions-stock sent from another state-by-law as to telegrams-agents soliciting consignmentsstock yards partly in one state and partly in another refusal to do business with persons not members when agreement or combination is within the statute. (577) *The natural, direct, and immediate effect of competition is, however, to lower rates, and to thereby increase the demand for commodities, the supplying of which increases commerce, and an agreement whose first and direct effect is to prevent this play of competition restrains instead of promoting trade and commerce. Whether, in the absence of an agreement as to rates, the consequences described by counsel will in fact follow as a result of competition, is matter of very great uncertainty, depending upon many contingencies and in large degree upon the volun tary action of the managers of the several 1. The business of buying and selling live stock roads. Railroad companies may and often do continue in existence and engage in their lawful traffic at some profit, although they at stock yards in a city by members of a stock exchange as commission merchants is not interstate commerce, although most of the purchases and sales are of live stock sent from |