Lapas attēli

Graduate Student Enrollment

and Support in American Universities

and Colleges


NSF⚫ 57-17


[blocks in formation]

This report presents the results of a nationwide survey of graduate student enrollment and support conducted by the National Science Founda tion in the spring of 1954, together with some additional information that serves to put the findings in a broader educational context.

The survey is one in a series of studies of the money and manpower invested in scientific research by Government, industry, and nonprofit institutions. Their broad aim is to provide the public, private agencies, and the Government with knowledge needed for an intelligent appraisal of the Nation's research effort and the formulation of sound policies with respect to scientific research and education.

Naturally, the Foundation's interest in graduate education is focused upon fields in which its major activities lie--the natural sciences, engineering, and certain fields of psychology and the social sciences. However, the pattern of student enrollment and stipends in these fields can best be understood in relation to that prevailing in other fields. Therefore the present survey was designed to embrace, in addition to the sciences and engineering, teacher education, humanities and arts, and many professional fields. In preparatory discussions, representatives of the American Council on Education, the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Research Council, the Social Science Research Council, and the United States Office of Education agreed with such a broad approach and expressed considerable interest in the results. Numerous inquiries already received from industry, foundations, educational institutions, scholarly organizations, and Government agencies for preliminary findings confirm the usefulness of this information to persons concerned with graduate education and student aid.

Because of these requests, a preliminary release on this survey was issued by the Foundation in July 29, 1955 as Scientific Manpower Bulletin No. 5. The present monograph represents the final report. In the few minor instances in which figures cited on the two publications may differ, those appearing here should be taken as more definitive..

The survey was made possible only by the cooperation of presidents, deans, liaison representatives, and department heads in educational institutions in every State, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii. Mr. Donald Bullard and Mr. Arthur Feraru of the Institute of International Education kindly made available previously unpublished information from their surveys of foreign student enrollment in the United States and provided much additional information that has been utilized in Chapter XII and Appendix D. This survey wa's initiated and supervised by Dr. Richard Axt, then in charge of the Institutions Studies unit, which was formerly in the Program Analysis Office, Dr. Raymond Ewell, Head, and subsequently in the Office of Special Studies, Dr. J. E. Morton, Head. Mrs. Esther Backelin, Miss Penny Darling, Mrs. Alice King, and Mr. Richard Petersen participated in the coding and processing of the questionnaires. Dr. Harold Orlans was responsible for preparing the present report, with the assistance of Miss Timmy Levison. Miss Mary Boyden, Miss Fay Ellenbogen, Miss Alice Spees, and Mrs. Marie Whalen also rendered assistance. Many persons in the Founda

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